

This was published 7 months ago


As Morrison leaves parliament, we should honour his legacy

This week, Scott Morrison will take his seat in the House of Representatives for the last time. There has been so much criticism of his prime ministership, recently revisited on the ABC’s Nemesis, that his achievements have been obscured in the avalanche of negatives.

There is no denying the serious errors of judgment. I will never understand the secret ministries, for instance. Yet, we should never forget that every prime ministership is a balance sheet of achievements and mistakes.

Illustration by Simon Letch

Illustration by Simon LetchCredit:

In the long perspective of history, the legacies matter most, while the ephemera fade from memory. For Morrison, as for other former PMs, those legacies ultimately will define him.

AUKUS, our most important strategic initiative since ANZUS, was both conceived and delivered by Morrison; it simply would not have happened without him. He succeeded, where other Liberal leaders had failed, in navigating the tricky politics of the coalition to commit Australia to net-zero emissions by 2050. He steered Australia through COVID, the greatest civil emergency in our history; although there were missteps along the way, on his watch Australia achieved virtually the best public health outcomes in the world.

I did not serve in Morrison’s cabinet, but I was in London at the time of two of his signature achievements: AUKUS and the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement. I witnessed his decisive role in both.

I well remember the evening Scott and I spent with Boris Johnson in July 2021. The FTA negotiations were deadlocked over agricultural access to the UK market. We went to a working dinner at 10 Downing Street to salvage the deal. Aside from notetakers, there were only four of us in the room: Scott, me, Johnson and his chief trade advisor. Morrison comprehensively out-negotiated – one might say bulldozed – an under-prepared Johnson. We walked away with a deal so much more favourable than the greatest ambitions of our professional trade negotiators that, when the following morning I briefed them, they were literally open-mouthed at the outcome.

Scott Morrison comprehensively out-negotiated – one might say bulldozed – an under-prepared Boris Johnson over the free-trade agreement.

Scott Morrison comprehensively out-negotiated – one might say bulldozed – an under-prepared Boris Johnson over the free-trade agreement.Credit: AP

In landing the FTA, Morrison reversed the half-century of Australian exclusion from Europe’s largest market after Britain abandoned us to join the EEC in the 1970s. Australia’s graziers and canegrowers should be raising a glass to him this week.

There are currently seven living former PMs. Naturally, they remain important national figures. There are no conventions governing the role – it is pretty much what each of them choose to make it.


Just as no newly-elected prime minister looks better than on the day they win office, no ex-PM looks worse than on the day they lose. Reputations change over time with the lengthening historical perspective. As a general rule, the greater the time since leaving office, the more fondly our former leaders are regarded. Their reputation is also shaped by their conduct in subsequent years.

John Howard has mainly devoted himself to writing, with an autobiography, an excellent history of the post-war era and a recent book of essays. Always ready to lend a hand to Liberal campaigns, he has settled comfortably into the elder statesman role.

Kevin Rudd relocated to the United States after his defeat, where he carved out a significant role as president of the Asia Society, establishing himself as an authoritative interpreter of Chinese foreign policy, before returning to public service as ambassador.

Former prime ministers Top: John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard. Bottom: Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison.

Former prime ministers Top: John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard. Bottom: Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison.Credit: Wolter Peeters, Alex Ellinghausen, Steven Siewert and Getty

As was apparent from Nemesis, Malcolm Turnbull still has a lot to get off his liver about both his predecessor and his successor; I doubt that bad blood will ever subside. Otherwise, his interventions – such as on AUKUS and The Voice – have been infrequent. Tony Abbott, on the other hand, has continued to be a warrior for conservative causes, and has developed a keen international following. He is an A-list guest at global right-wing gatherings, such as the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference in London last November. When he accompanied me to the Conservative Party conference in the UK in 2019, he received a rock star reception.

My prize for the classiest post-prime ministerial performance goes to Julia Gillard. Hopeless in office, famous for a single speech which is only impressive if one ignores the context in which it was given (defending the cynical appointment of the disgraceful misogynist Peter Slipper as Speaker), Gillard, as a former PM, has been exemplary. She has maintained a dignified refusal to be drawn into commentary on Australian politics, and serves as a highly regarded Chair of the Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s largest health charities, among other public roles.


By contrast, Paul Keating, almost 30 years after losing office, has still not gotten over it. His savage rants – the abuse of journalists, the contemptuous disdain for Penny Wong’s diplomacy, the unhinged attack on the “poison” of NATO, the poorly informed critique of AUKUS – have left him an increasingly pitiful figure in the eyes of all but that shrinking claque of acolytes in whose eyes he can do no wrong. Nevertheless, Keating’s legacy, as a reforming treasurer and the architect of Australia’s superannuation system, will outlast even his own efforts to diminish his reputation by invective-laden interventions in the national conversation.

Unlike Marc Antony’s prediction about the slain Julius Caesar (“the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones”), fallen Australian leaders are, in the long run, remembered for the good, not the bad; for the legacies they leave more than the mistakes they make.

That will be the case with Scott Morrison too.

George Brandis is a former high commissioner to the UK, and a former Liberal senator and federal attorney-general. He is now a professor in the practice of national security at the ANU’s National Security College.

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