

This was published 2 years ago

‘Totally shafted’: Veteran Liberal says MPs misled Morrison on religious laws

By David Crowe and Lisa Visentin

The federal government is engulfed in a new dispute over religious freedom after Liberal backbencher Warren Entsch claimed some of his colleagues misled Prime Minister Scott Morrison when they crossed the floor in Parliament this week to prevent schools expelling transgender students.

The incendiary claim backed earlier comments from Defence Minister Peter Dutton in a new row over months of negotiations on the divisive changes including claims of a broken promise from Mr Morrison in private talks last December.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison met with moderate Liberal MPs at 10pm on Wednesday night ahead of a vote on religious discrimination laws.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison met with moderate Liberal MPs at 10pm on Wednesday night ahead of a vote on religious discrimination laws.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The dispute led Mr Morrison to confirm on Friday the religious discrimination package “will not be pursued further in this Parliament” in a clear sign it will be an election contest with Labor leader Anthony Albanese, to be decided by whoever wins power.

Liberals pointed to a letter from Mr Morrison to Mr Albanese on December 1 to argue the Prime Minister offered to protect transgender students in the draft laws but dropped this provision over the past 10 days, forcing five rebel Liberal MPs to cross the floor on the issue.

The row centres on a meeting held at 10pm on Wednesday night when Mr Morrison met Liberals including Dave Sharma, Fiona Martin and Mr Entsch to discuss their position on the treatment of transgender students and whether they would cross the floor.


Mr Entsch said the Prime Minister was “absolutely” misled in the meeting because he was not told what MPs would do and this determined the government decision to put the package to a vote after an extraordinary all-night sitting of the House of Representatives.

“I know he was misled for a fact. I was in the room. The PM asked what their intentions were. He was totally shafted,” Mr Entsch said.

“He was given assurances and I was a witness to those assurances.”


The crucial vote came shortly after 4am on Thursday morning when five Liberals – Katie Allen, Bridget Archer, Trent Zimmerman, Dr Martin and Mr Sharma – voted with the crossbench and Labor to amend the government bill so that protections for gay and lesbian students were extended to transgender students.

Ms Archer and Mr Zimmerman were positioned to vote against the government when Ms Martin joined them, followed by Mr Sharma and then Dr Allen. The government lost by 65 to 59 votes.

Most of the five rebel Liberals declined to comment on Friday when asked about the meeting and whether they had told the Prime Minister one thing and done another when the vote came.

Asked if he had misled the Prime Minister, Mr Sharma said: “My conscience is clear.”

The furore over the vote began on Friday morning when Mr Dutton, who shares responsibility for tactics as Leader of the House, said undertakings were given to Mr Morrison and not honoured.

“He was frankly, I think, misled,” Mr Dutton said.

Mr Entsch did not identify individuals but said Mr Morrison set out a range of options to the group including an alternative approach if MPs crossed the floor, without any pressure and without any instruction to MPs on what they had to do.

“He was not the villain on this one,” Mr Entsch said.

“He was courteous, he was not threatening. Take it from me, he was absolutely ambushed. I was gobsmacked, I was absolutely furious.

“He just needed an honest response on what people were thinking. I really, really feel for him on this one.”

Others rejected that account because the negotiations over the bill extended past midnight on Wednesday night with Liberals discussing their position in one-on-one talks with Mr Morrison, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Finance Minister Simon Birmingham.


They said Ms Martin did not speak and Mr Sharma did not make any assurance about his vote during the 10pm meeting with the Prime Minister. The meeting ended because other MPs, such as Ms Allen, could not attend.

The deep concerns about the bills among moderate Liberals were widely known after months of media coverage.

Mr Zimmerman had told the Coalition party room on Tuesday that he reserved his right to cross the floor and told Parliament “I could not live with myself” if he did not protect transgender students. Ms Archer had indicated in public she did not support the government bill. Mr Sharma had spoken in Parliament about his concerns with the impact on transgender children as well as teachers.

The government shelved the package before it went to the Senate after another Liberal with concerns, NSW Senator Andrew Bragg, told the government on Thursday morning that he was prepared to cross the floor to side with the five MPs in the lower house.

Mr Entsch, who represents Leichhardt in northern Queensland and was a key advocate for marriage equality in a vote in Parliament in 2017, said Ms Archer and Mr Zimmerman were “entirely honourable” because they had indicated publicly they would cross the floor. He decided that a review of the treatment of the Sex Discrimination Act over the next six months would lead to a better outcome than a vote this week.

Dr Martin, a psychologist before representing the seat of Reid in Sydney’s inner-west, has worked with vulnerable children and told colleagues she believed transgender students needed to be protected. Dr Allen, a paediatrician who now represents the inner Melbourne seat of Higgins, had expressed concerns for months about the impact on LGBTIQ students, as had Mr Sharma, a former diplomat who represents Wentworth in eastern Sydney.

“I was proud to affirm no one should be discriminated against for faith, sexuality or gender identity,” Dr Martin said on Thursday. “As a psychologist, I’ve treated kids for depression and suicidal ideation. The consequences of discrimination are real, no young person should face that because of who they are.”

With MPs at odds over how the vote played out, some noted that Mr Entsch had said last year he would defend the LGBTIQ community and side with the “youngsters” in the party room on the issue, but his objections “evaporated” after Mr Morrison announced a $10 billion reinsurance scheme for cyclone and flood damage, a key issue in northern Queensland.

The argument over the events of the past week revived a dispute over an assurance from the government last December to include transgender children in the protections for gay and lesbian children in its changes to the Sex Discrimination Act.

The deal to prevent LGBTQI students, including transgender students, was reported on December 1 when four MPs – Angie Bell, Dr Allen, Dr Martin and Mr Sharma – released a public statement saying they could support the package because the government would support the students.

Mr Morrison wrote a letter on the same day to Mr Albanese telling him of a similar undertaking.

“There is no place in our education system for any form of discrimination against a student on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity,” he wrote. The last phrase in that sentence – “or gender identity” – suggested the government would include transgender students.

As recently as last week, Mr Morrison indicated it remained the government’s plan to address discrimination against both gay and transgender students when he responded to media coverage of Brisbane’s Citipointe Christian College and its contracts requiring students to agree to identify as the gender that corresponded to their biological sex and denounce homosexuality or face expulsion.


In an interview on Brisbane radio on February 3 where he opposed the school’s decision, Mr Morrison said: “we will have an amendment which will deal with that to ensure that the kids cannot be discriminated against on that basis.”

Supporters of Mr Morrison argued that the position proposed last year was never final because the government position had to be cleared with the full Coalition party room in the debate that took place this week.

The Prime Minister’s office said he had sought a bipartisan approach on the bills with amendments endorsed by both parliamentary committees and both sides of politics.

“A number of options were discussed in good faith with MPs and stakeholders, including protections for faith groups alongside protection for students on the basis of sexuality or gender identity,” said a spokesman for the Prime Minister.

“The changes that Labor have forced through the Parliament are not acceptable to the government and the many religious communities we had consulted and will not be pursued further in this Parliament.”

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