

This was published 1 year ago

A centre never built and a hospital that missed out: the Coalition’s ‘unusual’ $20b research fund

The Medical Research Future Fund is supposed to back cutting-edge research. Insiders claim its ‘unusual’ structure allows the health minister to hold too much sway.

By Liam Mannix

Questions are being raised about the Medical Research Future Fund.

Questions are being raised about the Medical Research Future Fund.Credit: Illustration: Richard Giliberto

Greg Hunt was in full attack mode on the Saturday before last year’s federal election. While he wasn’t personally contesting the poll, Hunt was the nation’s health minister for one more week, and ready to critique the Strengthening Medicare Fund recently announced by his Labor opponents.

It was, he fumed at a campaign press conference, “a billion-dollar slush fund for undisclosed purposes, to undisclosed parties, via an undisclosed ministerial discretion in undisclosed amounts”.

Greg Hunt labelled Labor’s medical research investment pledge a ‘slush fund.’

Greg Hunt labelled Labor’s medical research investment pledge a ‘slush fund.’Credit: Nine News

Behind the scenes, Hunt’s attention was directed elsewhere – a federal grant program that had concluded a month earlier, run through the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

One unsuccessful candidate in that process was a small private hospital in Queensland known as the Morayfield Minor Accident and Illness Centre. It was looking for funding after a withdrawal of state government money meant it had to close.

Its closure was a hot-button issue in the marginal federal seat of Longman ahead of the election. Unfortunately for the Morayfield hospital, the federal health department had also found its bid was unfundable and recommended the minister send the money elsewhere.

That setback did nothing to diminish the hospital’s importance in the electoral contest. The day before Hunt’s press conference, The Courier Mail ran a story on federal Labor’s pledge to spend $3.75 million on the hospital if it won government. The pledge was made despite the government having rejected funding requests from the hospital on multiple occasions.


Now, with the election days away and the government in caretaker mode, Hunt’s office wanted an “urgent” brief on what had happened with the grant. “With apologies for the weekend work, this is bring [sic] requested for today,” said an email to the department, released under freedom of information laws.

Weeks earlier, the department had knocked back the proposal. This came as a surprise to two senior sources at Morayfield, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential commercial information, who said they felt confident their bid would succeed due partly to similarities between their pitch to the minister and the eventual grant request.

Asked about the process, Hunt’s spokesman told this masthead that the hospital, as a private operator up against universities, would never have been a strong candidate for MRFF money.

The minister was not aware of who applied for the grant and then accepted all of the department’s funding recommendations, the spokesman said.

The Morayfield example is just one uncovered in an investigation into the government’s $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund that explores concerns about the fund’s rules and scientific rigour in distributing $2.2 billion in grants in the past six years.

The investigation was built on interviews over two months with nearly 50 people inside and outside the fund, and the review of hundreds of pages of reports and documents released under freedom of information laws.


An ad hoc approach

Announced in 2014 by the Abbott government, the MRFF was heralded as a huge boost to the Australian science sector, which was being pushed ever-closer to crisis as government research funding fell. It added about 50 per cent to federal spending on science and was meant to back research into government-nominated health priorities.

Critics and experts, though, point to substantial amounts of ad hoc and non-competitive funding for projects without competitive tenders, sometimes following lobbying of government ministers. This funding, while all approved within the relevant rules and guidelines, raises questions about whether the MRFF offers optimum value for taxpayers. In all, more than $500 million has been distributed through these routes since 2017.

These processes have vested substantial power in the health minister to back projects that fit the fund’s broad priorities. A number of eminent medical scientists have said this system needs to change and the Labor government already has the fund under review.

Professor Warwick Anderson, chief executive of the National Health and Medical Research Council between 2005 and 2016, said the fund was seen as a lobbyists’ picnic, which had been “scientifically corrupting to the sector”.


He said the health minister’s significant influence made the fund unique. This, like other projects requiring government funding, encouraged stakeholder lobbying. While other government research funds use peer review to pick the best science, with the MRFF peer review is commonly used but - crucially - not always required.

Professor Warwick Anderson, former chief executive of the  National Health and Medical Research Council.

Professor Warwick Anderson, former chief executive of the National Health and Medical Research Council.Credit: Simon Schluter

“In the US, UK, Europe or Canada, no politician has control over a research fund like this. It’s a very unusual way of funding,” says Anderson. “And the fact it is unusual tells you something.”

A former senior staff member at the MRFF, speaking anonymously to discuss confidential information, said the fund’s structure and guidelines meant “checks and balances were often ineffective”.

Last month, senior health department official Phillip Gould admitted the fund had been seen by some as a “ministerial slush fund”, but said he felt that view was unfair given its record of using open, competitive grants.

“Whether or not I agree with it, there is a perception. And there has been a perception in the past,” he said in a presentation posted on the department’s website.


Through his spokesman, Hunt defended his administration of the fund, saying 91 per cent of project grants were peer-reviewed and awarded after a competitive process. All departmental funding recommendations were followed, he said.

The Morayfield Minor Accident Centre

In the months leading up to the May 2022 federal election, the Coalition was locked in a battle with Labor for the marginal seat of Longman in Queensland.

In October 2021, the Morayfield centre, which treats minor injuries to ease pressure on hospital emergency departments, closed after running out of funding. Thousands signed a petition calling for it to be reopened.

Morayfield Minor Accident and Illness Centre.

Morayfield Minor Accident and Illness Centre.

In December 2021, documents show Hunt’s office asked hospital representatives to submit a funding proposal to his department.

A source who worked on that proposal, speaking anonymously to discuss confidential processes, said they expected the government would then open a tender process. “We wrote a letter to the minister, a full page, saying ‘this is what we need’,” they said.


The government did not open a tender. Instead, documents released under freedom of information show Hunt’s office asked department bureaucrats to draw up a $24 million MRFF grant for research on ways to cut pressure on hospital emergency departments. The process was consistent with guidelines and rules for MRFF grants.

The resulting outline from the department, also obtained under freedom of information, noted clinics structured in a similar way offered “some of the most promising interventions”.

The outline noted the minister wanted the grant opportunity to be publicly offered in late January and ready for announcement in April.

When the grant was released publicly in February, the hospital was surprised at the process, but positive about its chances.

“I thought a tender would have been appropriate. The MRFF was not the typical route ... to receive funding to pay for care,” the source said.

“No responsible government would put out a $24 million taxpayer-funded opportunity to effectively submit in four weeks without a level of certainty about the specific projects they were keen to see funded.

“We took that to mean that our submission to the government was taken seriously, and we stood a good chance of receiving the funding.”

Adding to Morayfield’s confidence was the fact that sections of the grant selection criteria, obtained by this masthead, mirrored almost word-for-word the submission it had sent to Hunt’s office in December.

Hunt’s office also moved at speed, freedom of information documents show. They waived usual procedures around grant approval for all applicants. Bureaucrats used a “minimum viable timeline” – cutting the usual months to just weeks in a way it had also done for projects on bushfires and COVID-19.

Because all the year’s MRFF funding had already been spent, the grant was funded using money diverted from a clinical trial for women with genetic conditions. (The MRFF funded that trial the following year.)

Finally, the minister’s office directed the department to strip out a standard clause requiring applicants to have support from their local health department.

This was good news for Morayfield, because earlier that month Queensland’s Labor health minister wrote to another Liberal politician explaining she had cut Morayfield’s funding following a review of its performance and value for money.

After a tightening of MRRF rules in 2019, the health minister had the power to draw up medical research grants – including writing grants that only a single organisation could apply for – but the department of health would then vet and rank the applicants. The minister could then decide how far down the ladder they wanted to fund.

This meant that while the minister could propose the grants and, therefore, had significant influence, the outcome was still subject to some departmental input.

The project source also said the process and the eventual refusal made him sick to his stomach.

“Politics should be nowhere near this. And that might be naive. But ultimately, that was our entire motivation for doing this – to see care delivered, and to know we were doing some good,” the source said.

Having secured the money it needed from Labor, the hospital reopened in April.

Hunt’s spokesman said the health department had found 10 other projects met the program guidelines and its recommendations were accepted in full.

“The ALP decision to directly fund the private provider occurred after, and despite, the fact that the Department of Health had found that the Morayfield project was not ranked of sufficient merit to fund,” he said.

He said the federal government had on three occasions declined to fund the hospital.

The centre for excellence that never was

Others highlight the awarding of various ad hoc and non-competitive grants, where millions of dollars were handed out in accordance with the fund’s rules, as another weakness in its governance.

In the run-up to the 2019 election, analysts tipped the battle for the marginal seat of Braddon in northern Tasmania – with its margin of 1.7 per cent and a history of swinging – to play a key role in the Coalition’s bid for another term in government.

In 2018, Hunt and then-prime minister Malcolm Turnbull flew to Burnie, in Braddon, to announce a new Centre for Excellence in Rural and Regional Health.

University of Tasmania medical students with Malcolm Turnbull, Greg Hunt and Liberal candidate for Braddon Brett Whiteley (obscured) in Burnie  in June 2018.

University of Tasmania medical students with Malcolm Turnbull, Greg Hunt and Liberal candidate for Braddon Brett Whiteley (obscured) in Burnie in June 2018.Credit: Facebook

“It’s going to be based here,” Turnbull told the media. Funds for the centre would start to flow within weeks; it would allow the University of Tasmania to become “a global leader right here in Burnie, in rural and regional health”, Hunt added.

The centre would be funded with $2.4 million through a closed, non-competitive research grant from the Medical Research Future Fund. Three years later it would show up in election advertising from the local Liberal MP as another commitment “delivered as promised”.

But Burnie’s Centre for Excellence never opened, and does not exist.

The university had never applied for such a centre in Burnie, and did not want one. In fact, it already had a Centre for Rural Health based in Launceston and Hobart.

“Our view was, in many ways, we already had centres that covered the territory,” said the university’s Professor James Vickers. “It probably did not make a lot of sense spending a lot of money on developing a new centre.”

The university later asked the government to reallocate the money. It went instead to two other research projects: an obesity project based in Launceston, and a statewide dementia research project run by Vickers and based in Hobart.

A spokeswoman for the university said the two projects were consistent with the requirements of the grant.

A federal health department spokesman said the funding was consistent with Turnbull’s announcement of supporting “cutting-edge research, aimed at preventing health issues in regional and remote Australia”.

They said the department “provided the minister with advice on implementation and areas of focus for the proposed grant to the University of Tasmania” before the funding was announced.

The Microbiome Research Centre

In 2015, the St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation was casting around for their “Big Aim”: a major research project.

It initially looked at developing a Centre for Next-Generation Healthcare, but was knocked back for government funding.

In 2016, renowned gastroenterologist and microbiome expert Professor Emad El-Omar was appointed chair of medicine at the local St George Hospital.

The foundation, working with El-Omar, hit on a new idea - a research centre devoted to the microbiome, the colony of gut bacteria that was becoming a hot research topic. Money poured in.

Between 2017 and 2018 the Coalition committed $6 million, some of it in closed non-competitive grants, to establish the foundation’s Microbiome Research Centre.

“You know how foundations seek support from politicians?” said El-Omar. “There was a commitment to that particular region to support a research project of some kind.”

Professor Emad El-Omar, director of the Microbiome Research Centre.

Professor Emad El-Omar, director of the Microbiome Research Centre.Credit: Peter Braig

Before it had opened, the government handed the centre another $2 million in MRFF funding for microbiome research – allocated as a “one-off/ad hoc” grant straight to the St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation.

Prior to 2016, the foundation had no track record of microbiome research. By comparison, researchers at the University of Queensland had published hundreds of papers on the subject.

“I remember when [the funding] emerged, and being very surprised,” said one microbiome researcher, granted anonymity to speak freely.

If the microbiome funding had been offered as a competitive grant, “they certainly wouldn’t have been the strongest competitors”, said another microbiome researcher.

Then prime minister Scott Morrison visited the foundation twice in 2018, including to announce the MRFF funding. “We’re doubling down,” he told media.

The similarly-named Centre for Microbiome Research, established at Queensland University of Technology in 2020, has not been so lucky – it has not received any direct government or MRFF funding.


Sydney’s Microbiome Research Centre is on the edge of the electorate of Barton, held by Labor since 2016.

When Hunt announced $4.4 million to establish the centre in 2017, he did it standing next to David Coleman, Liberal MP for the neighbouring marginal seat of Banks, which has a boundary very close to the hospital.

“And our money, which David has fought for through a powerful campaign, will go to creating this centre, to turning it into a world-leading microbiota or Microbiome Research Centre,” Hunt said.

Coleman was also with the then prime minister when he announced the extra MRFF funding. He even got to officially open the centre.

El-Omar said he could not say if the fine electoral margin in Banks played a role in the centre winning funding.


“It could be. I’m not an idiot,” said El-Omar. “It was an unmet need, and something that has been very successful since then. So I’m not going to complain about their motives.”

A spokesman for Coleman said he advocated for many organisations, including the St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation.

The health department said all grants followed the necessary assessments and recommendations from assessors.

The foundation declined to comment.

Hunt did not answer detailed questions about the Tasmanian centre or the microbiome project.

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