

This was published 1 year ago

Time to talk about the risks of the Adonis complex

By The Herald's View

One of the surprising elements of Taryn Brumfitt’s appointment as Australian of the Year was the body image campaigner’s immediate identification of boys and men as a prime focus of her message.

Brumfitt was quick to point out it’s a conversation that’s been focused on women for a long time.

Young men are at risk of addiction from anabolic steroids, say Australian doctors.

Young men are at risk of addiction from anabolic steroids, say Australian doctors.Credit: Danielle Smith

But males are just as susceptible to the pressures of impossible body standards presented in movies, magazines and social media.

In fact, a heady mix of testosterone, social media and the easy availability of body enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids has led to a phenomenon of hard-to-miss young Adonises posing for the camera and searching for increasingly ripped bodies.

While there have been health warnings over the risks associated with steroids, the area of recreational misuse appears to have been surprisingly under-researched.

Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt gave up bodybuilding and began preaching body positivity.

Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt gave up bodybuilding and began preaching body positivity.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Little data has been available to back meaningful programs to help those affected by the risks posed by the illegal body-building stimulants. A lack of data should not be interpreted as meaning there is no problem.

When prescribed by doctors, anabolic steroids – an injectable testosterone derivative – are used to treat medical conditions such as hormonal imbalance or weight loss following illness or injury.

However, they are illegally used by people seeking to increase muscle mass with a significant market among fitness-focused men despite jail terms for unauthorised importation, possession and use.


There is a growing body of thought that there is a very real risk that men’s body ideals have changed and warped our idea of normal.

Somewhere along the way to trying to be more healthy and living better, the temptation of cutting corners for quicker and more extreme results has created a market for a heavily restricted and dangerous medication.

Indeed, the number of men experiencing body image dissatisfaction has tripled from 15 to 45 per cent in the past 25 years. And Australia’s health programs appear ill-equipped for this growing trend.

Into this apparent void of research has ventured a trio of Australian doctors seeking to address the addictive nature of steroids and help sufferers break the cycle and get help.

It’s a worthwhile area of research and discussion.

The doctors have identified that for some users, steroid use can become an addiction that is hard to come off. Users are accustomed to a level of testosterone in their system that when removed makes them tired, lethargic, depressed.

Some will take six months to recover.

The team found that steroid users required comprehensive psychological support, noting withdrawals could include symptoms similar to stopping use of other illicit drugs and body dysmorphia.

In that context, the absence of healthcare for users becomes troubling.

Some may not agree in the absence of significant research that it should be treated like addiction and the lack of research makes quick public policy movement on the issue difficult.

But there is a national conversation to be had: acknowledging the problems of the Adonis complex and that we don’t have enough in place to help those who are struggling to wean off steroids.


Given the mental health component to body image, it makes sense to say we need more support programs in place.

Brumfitt’s appointment as Australian of the Year means body image will be a part of the national conversation for the next 12 months.

It’s right that we take advantage of this opportunity to ensure we have effective education of young men about the dangers of steroids and take a better look at our support systems to give these men the best possible chance of stopping.

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