

This was published 6 years ago

It's a trap: Why the long-con on company tax cuts?

By Richard Denniss

Why do we need a $65 billion corporate tax cut right now? What's the rush? While much has been written about the case for and against the cuts, the bigger economic and political question relates to why the Senate needs to rush through big tax cuts that won't kick in for more than four years just five weeks before we see the budget papers?

Despite the fact that the cost of the bill is 10 times as much as we've spent on the entire Murray-Darling Basin Plan, the government is determined to rush through the legislation in the next Senate sitting, despite it having zero effect on this year's budget.

As Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars would say, 'it's a trap'.

As Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars would say, 'it's a trap'.

One of the major roles of the Commonwealth government is to coordinate taxing and spending decisions yet, for reasons not made clear to the Senate or the public, the Turnbull government's approach is to legislate for big company tax cuts that kick in five years from now without spelling out how it thinks we should make the $65 billion worth of spending cuts and personal income tax increases that will inevitably be required to fund it.

Malcolm Turnbull is clearly following John Howard and Peter Costello's playbook. Step 1: introduce big tax cuts that kick in years into the future. Step 2: use the impending budget deficits caused by the big tax cuts to justify big cuts to health education and welfare spending. Step 3: blame future governments for failing to make 'the hard decisions' and 'failing to fix the deficit'. I call it the right wing ratchet: use big tax cuts for your friends to justify big spending cuts on your enemies.

John Howard and Peter Costello's permanent cuts to personal income tax, company tax, superannuation tax, fuel excise indexation and their decision to let people swap tax credits for cash still cost the Commonwealth Budget tens of billions of dollars each year. While it is more than a decade since Mr Howard left parliament, his populist decisions are the main reason the budget is in deficit today. A deficit the Abbott and Turnbull Governments promised, and failed, to fix.

The failure of Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull to fix the 'budget emergency' they once claimed we had isn't hard to understand. Like the rest of us humans, conservative politicians have no actual ability to predict the future and, in turn, no actual ability to say with any certainty what the economy, or the budget, will or won't do in five or ten years' time.

One response to this uncertainty is to be humble in your predictions and adaptable in your behaviour. Indeed, Malcolm Turnbull himself once said that as a nation we needed to be nimble. But rather than try to be humble and nimble, the Prime Minister is now asking the Senate to bet on his instinct that if we legislate enormous future tax cuts now, everything will turn out rosy in the future. What could go wrong? While such cynicism worked politically for Howard and Costello, it hardly worked for the Australian people or the budget.

Time flies in Australian politics, and so do our leaders. But while their tenure might be short their legacies sometimes endure. Sometimes. Way back in 2013 Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd took turns at being Australia's Prime Minister, Campbell Newman was running Queensland and Ted Baillieu was replaced as Victorian Premier by Denis Napthine. Does anybody remember Denis? Julia Gillard gave us the Royal Commission into child abuse, Uber had only just arrived down under and, of course, Australia had a carbon tax.

Speaking of the carbon tax, there could be no greater example of the hypocrisy of businesses demanding 'certainty' or the pointlessness of governments promising to give business 'certainty' than the carbon tax. Despite the business community and the Coalition both claiming to accept the science of climate change, both groups worked to ensure that the carbon tax was repealed the minute the Abbott Government took control of the Senate. For a Coalition government that prides itself on ripping up the carbon tax to pretend that the passage of corporate tax cuts today will give business 'certainty' is almost as incomprehensible as the business community's willingness to pretend that such a claim is true.


Malcolm Turnbull can't predict what the Australian economy will need in five years' time or what the Commonwealth budget will be able to afford in five years' time. Indeed, both Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull have been spectacularly unsuccessful in meeting their own one-year forecasts. Back in the 2014 budget Mr Abbott told us that we would be in surplus by 2019-2020. And in Mr Turnbull's first budget he predicted we would be in surplus by 2020-21. Whoops.

So if governments have no ability to see the future, the big company tax cuts don't kick in for years, and no legislation can give business the certainty they pretend to need - what's going on? Why, in the lead up to a budget that spells out the government's plans (or hopes) for the next four years, has it dedicated the last few weeks to demanding the Senate urgently pass its next-decade corporate tax plan?

The answer has nothing to do with economics, nothing to do with long-run budgeting and everything to do with politics. On the one hand Mr Turnbull is coming up to his 30th unsuccessful Newspoll in a row and he is desperate to shift attention away from his failures and towards what he thinks will be seen as a big success. And on the other hand he wants to put maximum pressure on the new Senators who have taken office after Lambie and Kakoschke-Moore weren't able to sit in the Senate for citizenship reasons.

In his first week on the job Senator Tim Storer was asked whether he wanted to spend $65 billion of taxpayers money on the Prime Minister's gut feeling that such an enormous gift to corporate Australia would deliver 'jobs and growth'. Of course there are any number of business people and a few economists who argue it's a good idea. But there are also a lot of economists, myself included, who would argue that there are a lot more effective ways to create jobs than to give a big tax cut to foreign companies. There are virtually no economists who argue that passing tax cuts that kick in in 2022 must be legislated before we see the 2018 budget forecasts and compare them to the 2017 budget forecasts.

Luckily for the new senators, and the Australian public, time is on their side and there is no imperative for them to pass it this sitting. You'd think that would be a reasonable request for a $65 billion dollar decision. It would allow both the government more time to make its case to a public the polls say are unpersuaded, and give the new Senators more time to seek answers to some simple questions such as:

  • How will the tax cuts be funded?
  • Does Mr Turnbull think that future Governments should cut spending on services, collect more tax from workers, or doesn't he care?
  • How will the business community's promise to boost wages, if they get a tax cut, be policed? Will their bonuses be linked to wage growth?
  • Will they boost wages before 2022? Should the tax cuts be scrapped if wages don't grow?
  • What is the track record of those making the predictions and forecasts used to support the corporate tax cuts?
  • Do those making such claims have conflicts of interest?
  • Given that so many of Australia's biggest companies haven't paid any tax in years, how would tax cuts help them to invest more and boost wages?
  • If there was $65 billion available to create jobs what other options exist?

Whether it is big banks selling dodgy insurance policies or gyms signing people up on twelve month contracts, high pressure salespeople always want people to sign up in a hurry. That is why we introduced cooling off periods to give people time to carefully consider.

If Mr Turnbull and the big businesses that want an enormously expensive tax cut are confident in their arguments and evidence they have nothing to fear from a delayed vote, which won't even delay implementation. Of course if they aren't confident about the quality of what they are selling they would keep the pressure on.

While it's not clear what will happen when the Senate next sits, the one thing we know for certain is that any tax cuts for big business won't kick in for years. So what's the rush?

Richard Denniss is the Chief Economist for The Australia Institute @RDNS_TAI

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