By Aidan McLindon
After taking aim at his own party this week, LNP first-term member Aidan McLindon gives his take on where Queensland's going wrong... and what he'd do to fix it.
Queensland. The greatest state in the greatest country on earth - home to state governments who have been doing whatever the hell they like since 1922.
LNP member Aidan McLindon
Something has to change. What? The government? Why? Aren't they all the same?
They get in, they sin, they spin, end up in the bin... next.
A new era in state politics has to emerge to break this cycle.
Dear state politicians - wake up and smell the roses - this Government is screwing our state over.
The best state is on the brink of collapse - on many fronts!
Why has this government strangled us with more than 70,000 pages of bureaucracy? Almost double than any other state!
Government has created its own worst enemy. Less is best. Why do we continue to govern to a lowest common denominator?
Why were we forced, against majority will, to market ourselves as a 'smart state' rather than just being smart at what we do and lead by action?
The latest Local Government Act has completely undermined the operations of local governments, which will continue to see rates rise at a Constant Price Increase instead of a Consumer Price Index.
Time to get out the butchers paper. Let's outline the roles and responsibilities of local, state and federal issues and stick to the script - amend all "overlappings".
Dear state politicians - wake up and smell the roses - this Government is screwing our state over.
Abolish the culture of public service secrecy and adopt a "tell the government and let's change it" attitude.
People who speak up to improve systems within the public service should be promoted not sacked.
Introduce KPIs for ministers and scrutinise their ability or otherwise on an annual basis; shape up or ship out - there's too much talent in the queue.
Reinstate section 57 of the Criminal Code Act to make it a criminal act to lie in parliament, which was composed by Sir Samuel Griffith in the early 1900s and conveniently extracted in 2006 - because telling the truth in the chamber is considered 'out of date' and too 'old fashioned'.
Message to the unions: cut your ties.
Keep your money in the bank and save it for the people who gave it to you in good faith.
Win over the minds of all sides of politics and everybody wins - pretty simple really.
Take note: two of your 'very own' have not only deserted Queenslanders, they have deserted the people who put them there.
Dear Greens members, and I apologise for generalising, but step out of your concrete walls in the CBD and check out the damage you guys have endorsed by prostituting your preferences to a government that has seen a 50 per cent reduction of koalas in south-east Queensland over the past decade.
Let's look at a 100-year decentralisation plan and raise the telescope above the 30 minute radius of Brisbane.
Anna, your $3000 incentive won't do - you see that might pay for the removal truck but no point really if there's no hospitals, public transport or water. Good headline though.
Ever realised where your veggies and steak came from on your plate? Probably overseas because you've thrown an axe in the heart of the farming industry.
Wasn't it your party that said sorry to the Stolen Generation and left them high and dry when the media coverage died down?
Don't forget to let Queensland know what you intend to do with the housing program you had in place for Indigenous Queenslanders.
You gotta feel sorry for the 6300 kids on 'radar watch' in the Department of Child Safety whose monthly 60 minute check-up will drop to just 30 minutes every two months as from February 1 - wow, cost cutting from the most vulnerable, that's honourable.
Isn't enough revenue coming in from the half dozen cameras you guys are putting in that tunnel?
Anyway - Queenslanders want a bit of good old fashioned straight talk for a change.
My advice is simple. It's time to get this great state of ours back on track. It's not too late. It's just time for the only party without stagnant factions who have come a long way in the last 18 months to ensure they don't drop the baton.
The Liberal National Party can do it if they have the will to do it.
I know the 34 LNP MPs pretty well and my opinion is we have the potential to finally leave Labor behind.
After all - reformative politics will become the new "in" - for Queensland's sake!