

This was published 9 years ago

Shaun McNeil murder trial: trio of teen drug dealers give conflicting accounts of melee

By Louise Hall

A court has heard conflicting accounts of the encounter between Shaun McNeil and a trio of teenage drug dealers in the moments leading up to the death of Daniel Christie.

A youth said he and his two friends were walking through Kings Cross on New Year's Eve 2013 hoping to sell ecstasy and cocaine.

Daniel Christie died in Kings Cross on New Year's Eve, 2013.

Daniel Christie died in Kings Cross on New Year's Eve, 2013.Credit: Facebook

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons because he was a minor at the time, said he approached Mr McNeil and said, "Hey bro, do you want to buy any MDMA or coke caps."

On Thursday he told a NSW Supreme Court jury Mr McNeil initially declined but then "just lost it".

Daniel's father Michael Christie arrives at Darlinghurst court for Shaun McNeil's murder trial.

Daniel's father Michael Christie arrives at Darlinghurst court for Shaun McNeil's murder trial.Credit: Ben Rushton

"He was saying, 'give me the MDMA now, I'm a MMA fighter, I want your MDMA now'," the youth said.

Earlier in the trial the jury of eight men and four women heard "MMA fighter" is a term used to describe mixed martial arts and a combination of fighting.

The youth said McNeil started throwing punches at him and his friends, however the trio, who gave evidence in succession, differed in their accounts as to how the melee unfolded.

The first youth said he was punched and fell to the ground, causing him to be "out cold for 30 seconds".


A short time later, he heard a young man passing by say to Mr McNeil, "Why are you hitting kids for?"

The Crown says this man is Daniel Christie. Mr McNeil has pleaded not guilty to his murder.

The youth said Mr McNeil punched the young man, whose head hit the road with a "smack".

A second youth described it as "a straight punch to the chin" and said as the victim fell, his "eyes rolled back" and his head "bounced" on the road surface.

The three youths denied making comments about the appearance of Mr McNeil's girlfriend Sonya Walker.

The trial before Justice Robert Allen Hulme continues.

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