

This was published 4 years ago


Why universities shouldn't write our spy agencies' official histories - not even for $2m

It's never a good idea for universities to take money from intelligence agencies to write their official histories because the agencies never really lift the veil of secrecy. Take the current shemozzle in Canberra where, on August 21, the Australian Signals Directorate terminated its contract with the Australian National University, which had stood to reap more than $2 million to produce a two-volume official history of the nation's electronic eavesdropping agency. Neither side will say why.

The Australian Signals Directorate.

The Australian Signals Directorate.Credit: Richard Briggs

When asked why John Blaxland was removed as the lead historian, ASD told me the contract had been "terminated by mutual convenience", but didn't say why. An ANU spokesman said: "While ultimately the decision was made by ASD, it's one the ANU respects and understands." Respects and understands? Hardly a ringing endorsement of the ANU academics writing the official history.

The backdrop is that in July 2019, ASD agreed to pay the ANU $2.167 million to produce the official history. It says it remains committed to delivering a high-quality account of its history. ASIO earlier paid the ANU $1.7 million for a three-volume official history. Blaxland wrote the second volume and was joint author of the third. A typical publishers' advance for an Australian book contract is under $10,000.

Blaxland was a controversial choice to head the ASD official history. After the third volume of the ASIO history was published, he gave an interview to The Canberra Times in November 2016 in which he said intense battles took place in the national capital between Russian spies and ASIO during the 1970s and 80s. He said it was "on for young and old" in shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars in Manuka, Kingston, Deakin, Yarralumla and Red Hill. Blaxland claimed Russian spies were waiting for a "pre-arranged contact to drop something off".

When I asked Blaxland to confirm these claims, he referred me to the ASIO official history he had authored. However, that history said nothing about Russian spies meeting their Australian contacts in any of these locations – or anywhere else. Instead, it disclosed that ASIO had never detected a decorated KGB official called Pavlovich Lazovik meeting an agent during the six years he spent in Canberra in the 1970s. Nevertheless, the ANU made Blaxland a professor.

With the help of the US National Security Agency's vast number of collection sites around the world, ASD has access to staggering amounts of information collected by intercepting signals sent over optical fibre cables and satellites, including emails, pictures, voice calls, password pairs, Zoom sessions and so on. Much more should be known about how ASD uses the immense power this access confers.


But an official history suffers from how readers can't assess the quality of what the historians write because their source documents often are not declassified. Worse, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is currently in a protracted dispute with a highly regarded historian Craig Stockings over cuts to his draft official history of Australia's peacemaking force in East Timor in 1999.

Government funding of officially sanctioned histories should be scrapped. Instead, the National Archives should use its legal right to force departments and agencies to hand over documents, then declassify them with few exceptions. A wide range of researchers and writers could then interpret what happened. These studies should not presume that signals intelligence is always helpful. Malcolm Fraser wrote in 2014 that no signals intelligence he saw as prime minister contributed significantly to government decision making.


NSA/ASD bases in Australia intercept signals from hundreds of commercial satellites and other sources. NSA then shares much of this information with more than 30 other intelligence partners, some of whom use it to help conduct illegal wars or to target people for assassination using drones.

In recent years, ASD has begun to conduct "offensive" cyber operations to destroy computer systems and infrastructure overseas. Much of this relies on "malware" developed by the NSA, which recklessly let its cyber weapons end up with criminals who can now cause as much damage as an attack by jet fighters.

If Australia allows offensive cyber, the rules of engagement should be publicly released now, not decades later in an official history or declassified archives.

Brian Toohey is author of Secret: the Making of Australia's Security State.

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