

This was published 2 years ago


Why the government is rushing to regulate digital money

Almost a third of young Gen Z Australians own cryptocurrency. One in five coffees in Starbucks in the United States is bought without cash or even a card transaction. Facebook is moving closer to releasing its private digital currency DIEM. Tesla is talking about selling cars for bitcoin.

What we currently call “money” will soon be augmented by new digital currencies that will change our lives in ways we are only starting to grapple with. That is why the government this week rushed to introduce a raft of new proposals to regulate digital money.

So what is digital money? How will it change our lives? And why are governments so scared of it?

Ever-increasing numbers of people are turning to their mobile phones to make retail purchases.

Ever-increasing numbers of people are turning to their mobile phones to make retail purchases.Credit: Simon Bosch

When most people think of digital money, they think of bitcoin. But digital money is actually much broader than cryptocurrencies. While crypto is reaching cult status among a certain demographic of young people, and gets a huge amount of media attention, it won’t be the main game in digital money. That’s because crypto is not very useful in transactions.

When we go to pay for something, we want money that has a stable value and is easy to exchange. Bitcoin isn’t either of these things, which is why you don’t (and won’t) use it to buy your groceries. Cryptocurrencies will have a role in the financial system as a speculative asset and a hedge against inflation. You can think of them as the digital equivalent of gold, which investors hold for the same reasons.


Stablecoins are another type of digital money that have more potential to dominate everyday transactions. One advantage of stablecoins, the most famous of which is Facebook’s DIEM, is that they are tied to sovereign currencies. If cryptocurrency is the digital equivalent of gold, stablecoins will become the digital equivalent of cash, useful in day-to-day transactions because of their stable value and ready acceptance.

Soon the world will be awash with stablecoins issued by all manner of companies. In the Facebook ecosystem, you will use DIEM. In the Amazon ecosystem, you’ll use an Amazon coin. Companies will make it very attractive for you to use their coins inside their ecosystem by offering discounts and fabulously smooth functionality.

The third type of digital money is central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which will have an official legal tender status. These are the attempt by governments – now including Australia, after this week’s announcements – to keep up with the growing demand for the functionality of digital money.


Within a few years, we will have all of these types of digital money floating around in our digital wallets. For those old enough to remember, it will be like arriving back in Australia with a wallet stuffed with leftover pounds, lira, francs and deutschmarks after backpacking in Europe. But this time, you’ll be holding crypto, dozens of private stablecoins and some CBDCs, which you’ll use in different ways.


But why does all this matter and why does the government care so much? The reason is that money is central not only to our economy but to our national sovereignty. It’s hard to overstate how much of a change this will be to our everyday lives and Australia’s economic and security system.

For starters, digital money will be smart in ways that old money was not. Digital money will be cheaper and easier and to transact with, especially across borders. You’ll be able to issue money to your kids that can only be spent on certain things. You won’t need to ask for the money back because you’ll be able to set it to automatically expire.

Digital money could also see our banks lose some of their role at the centre of Australia’s $650 billion-a-day payments system. In China, where digital wallets and the development of a CBDC (the digital yuan) are very advanced, almost 30 per cent of adults do not hold a bank account. This is mainly because they don’t need one. More than 90 per cent of transactions are conducted on fintech apps such as WeChat Pay and Alipay. The joke in China is that manufacturers have stopped putting pockets on jeans because young people don’t carry physical wallets anymore. Interestingly though, cryptocurrencies are banned in China.

Digital money also presents enormous competition and regulatory challenges.

In a frighteningly short amount of time, digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay have become central to almost half of all debit and credit card transactions in Australia. They are almost entirely foreign-owned, outside our payments regulation and can become near monopolies. For instance, iPhone users must use the company’s digital wallet. So Apple has won about 80 per cent market share in digital wallets in Australia and gained extraordinary pricing power and control over an important part of our national payments system.


More concerning is the potential for Australian regulators to lose control and oversight over the payments system. Already almost a million Australians use WeChat. Once their money is uploaded into the WeChat platform, Australian regulators lose visibility over what the money is used for or even what country it is in. The possibility for money-laundering and other illegal activity is frightening.

We are on the precipice of a fundamental change in what we mean by money. Many of the changes will be good for consumers but, if we aren’t careful, we’ll wake up to find that much of our financial system is under the control of foreign digital players. That’s why the government is moving and why we should all be paying attention as these significant changes sweep through.

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