This was published 3 years ago
Why MPs are unwilling to do more for Australians trapped by COVID travel bans
Professor Kim Rubenstein
ContributorIf Australian citizenship doesn’t guarantee a person the right to live in Australia, what, then, is the point of it? Thousands of Australians stranded outside their country for more than a year, while their elected representatives are unwilling or unable to help them, are asking this question. Despairing relatives, friends and loved ones are also wondering, as are another category of Australians, again thousands of them, trapped in Australia by the permit system that restricts their freedom to leave. Even if granted a permit, they fear their ability to return home on their Australian passports.
Those passports place a high standard on other countries, requesting they “allow the bearer, an Australian Citizen, to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford him or her every assistance and protection of which he or she may stand in need”. But what the Australian government asks of others it fails to deliver when it comes to the treatment of its own citizens.
Jason George, shown here with his wife Deborah, is stranded overseas and has taken his case to the UN.
The government may not have intended this heartless outcome, but it has been ruthless in its failure to prevent it. By resisting alternatives to the caps system it has devised with the states, the government has forced airlines to limit the number of people flying into the country, thus restricting Australians returning home. This has led to inflated ticket prices making it economically impossible for Australians still adrift to return. These citizens watch in disbelief as they are bumped from flights by non-citizens with permits who can afford the exorbitant travel and quarantine costs.
This led two Australians, Jason George and Alex Marshall, to apply to the United Nations Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights for a remedy. They claim Australia has breached their right to return to their own country, a right set out in section 12(4) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Last Thursday, the committee issued an interim order requesting Australia facilitate and ensure their prompt return to Australia while the case is pending. No decision has been reached on the substance of the matter, but the interim order speaks to how seriously the committee takes alleged breaches of section 12(4).
Here in Australia, the Attorney-General’s Department website says public servants working on legislation, policy or programs that deliberately or indirectly affect these rights must ask whether that is justified and, most importantly: “Is it necessary and proportionate to protect the purpose for which it is imposed?” They must also consider if it is “the least intrusive means of achieving the desired result”?
These are the questions national cabinet should have also been asking itself more than a year ago when placing caps on the number of people arriving back in Australia.
More could have been done if those stranded Australians could have taken their plight to an Australian court. But this avenue was effectively closed to them. Alone among Western democracies, Australia does not have a Bill or Charter of Rights. Nor does it have any explicit citizenship rights protection.
Australians restricted from leaving Australia do have an avenue open to them here to challenge these restrictions. They could do so in the Federal Court under the BioSecurity Act 2015. The act says that any biosecurity official making a decision to exercise a power under certain provisions of the Act must first consider whether – “the power is … appropriate and adapted for its purpose, and is no more restrictive or intrusive than is required”.
But many of those able to challenge their right to leave fear their ability to return, which is why the UN matter is important.
Nearly half of all Australians are either born overseas or have at least one parent who was born overseas. More than a quarter of the population are first generation Australians (born overseas).
All those Australian families have been adversely affected by the disproportionate impact of the travel bans imposed to contain the pandemic. Everyone wants to protect Australia from COVID-19 but there are less restrictive ways of doing so. Many of those 49 per cent of Australians are dual citizens. Yet section 44 of the constitution precludes them from nominating to be a member of Parliament unless they relinquish their other citizenship or, in some cases, citizenships. This can be expensive, administratively burdensome, and emotionally wrenching.
It discourages dual citizens from being active citizens in the fullest sense of the term. As a result, Australia’s democratic needs and rights are being undermined. With dual citizens in Parliament, it is easy to imagine more pressure being placed on government to look for ways to balance the health of the community with the needs of Australian citizens here and abroad who need to travel out and return to Australia.
This is just one of the many examples (gender is, of course, another) of how our Parliament is not able to represent the needs of the community because the needs of the community are not properly represented among those elected to it. It is time to let our parliamentarians know this is not good enough.
Kim Rubenstein is a professor of law and co-director of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation at the University of Canberra. She wrote a memorandum of advice submitted as part of the application to the UN Human Rights Committee by Australians stranded overseas.