


What is nuclear fusion – and will it solve the energy crisis?

Scientists have ignited a fusion reaction that – for the first time in a laboratory – generated more energy than it consumed. What does that mean for us?

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US scientists have announced they have successfully achieved “net energy gain” at a fusion reactor for the first time – a major milestone for a field pursuing a dream of clean, limitless energy.

The breakthrough occurred at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory near San Francisco. Researchers there hit a small pellet with lasers, igniting a fusion reaction that – for the first time in a laboratory – generated more energy than it consumed.

The experiment itself was conducted on December 5 but announced only on Wednesday morning, although rumours the milestone had been passed had been circulating for days.

Nuclear fusion has long tantalised scientists as they can see it with their own eyes, day and night. The sun and all the stars of the sky are gigantic fusion reactors. We wake to rays of fusion-powered sunlight. Fusion is so close, yet so far. The designer of the first fusion reactor predicted it would be running in 15 years – and that was in the ’50s.

At Lawrence Livermore, scientists encased a small chunk of hydrogen – the same fuel the sun burns – in a pellet before hitting it with 192 giant lasers. The lasers poured 2.05 megajoules of energy into the pellet, and when the hydrogen fused it released 3 megajoules of energy.

“It’s a scientific milestone,” Dr Nathan Garland, a fusion researcher at Griffith University, said on Wednesday morning. “That still does not mean in the next couple of years we’ll be using this for energy production. But we’re getting there. What today really represents is a proof of concept – to demonstrate this is possible.

“We haven’t really got close to this before – the previous best mark was getting 70 per cent out of what they put in. It’s pretty incredible just to achieve that. It does need to be celebrated – but tempered at the same time.”


So, what is fusion? How do scientists make it happen? And how can we use it for good?

The inside of the Livermore’s National Ignition Facility’s preamplifier support structure for its laser technology.

The inside of the Livermore’s National Ignition Facility’s preamplifier support structure for its laser technology. Credit: Damien Jemison/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Images is digitally coloured

What is fusion?

We’ll start with a simple explanation first and then move on to a more complex one.

The simple answer: nuclear fusion squeezes together two atoms until they fuse into one. That releases enormous amounts of energy – more than was used to fuse the two atoms – which you could then use to generate electricity. It’s like creating free energy out of nothing.

And by enormous, we mean enormous. Pound for pound, fusing a kilogram of hydrogen could generate nearly 4 million times the energy as burning a kilogram of coal. And, bonus, the reaction produces less long-lived radioactive waste.

Now, let’s move on to the more complex answer.


Albert Einstein discovered that mass (m) is the same thing as energy (e), which he famously wrote as E = mc2.

Fusion combines two atomic nucleuses (the hard centre of atoms) into one. But the new nucleus weighs less than the two combined nucleuses. That lost mass is released as energy.

Go back to Einstein’s equation: energy (e) = mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c2). The speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second; multiply that by itself and you have a very, very large number. That’s why converting even a tiny amount of mass into energy releases a huge amount of power. It’s why a small nuclear bomb can level a city, and why – hopefully – fusion could provide enormous amounts of clean power.

Albert Einstein said E = mc2.

Albert Einstein said E = mc2.Credit: Getty Images

Now, atomic nucleuses really don’t want to fuse. This is because they contain protons, particles with a positive electric charge. Positively charged particles repel each other. To get them to fuse, you have to jam them together extremely tightly.

The sun uses its enormous gravity to jam them together, igniting its fusion furnace. Without the sun’s enormous gravity, we need to get hydrogen atoms much hotter than the sun – well past 100 million degrees – while holding them in an extremely tiny space to force them to fuse.

Lawrence Livermore’s milestone is “important for science,” says Professor Matthew Hole, one of Australia’s leading fusion experts at the Australian National University and ANSTO. “But it’s not, in some sense, new. We’ve been able to create pulsed fusion experiments for a long time. It’s called a bomb.”


Hole is referring to the hydrogen bomb, which essentially uses the explosion from a standard nuclear bomb to cause a fusion reaction. These bombs, also known as thermonuclear weapons, are several hundred times more powerful than the bombs dropped on Japan in WWII. They have shown us the awesome power of fusion – if we can capture and harness it.

How would a fusion reactor work?

Today’s nuclear power plants use nuclear fission – splitting apart atoms, which releases energy. A fusion power plant is, essentially, bottling a star. Unsurprisingly, this is very difficult. You need to generate and deal with the enormous temperatures and energies required to start the fusion reaction. At those temperatures, atoms turn into clouds of swirling super-hot plasma, which needs to be contained.

There are two leading approaches to this problem: magnetic confinement and inertial confinement.

In the former approach, magnetic fields are used to squeeze particles together. Electricity or microwaves can then heat the particles to 75 million degrees to kickstart fusion.

The lab’s fusion experiments use a small plastic capsule the size of a pea filled with 150 micrograms of deuterium and tritium, two types of hydrogen.

Inertial confinement works by constructing a small capsule of hydrogen and then squishing it with lasers. This is the form of fusion being developed at Lawrence Livermore.


Remember how hydrogen bombs are our only form of energy-positive fusion? They use a conventional nuclear bomb to compress and super-heat hydrogen, producing fusion and unleashing enormously destructive energy.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is funded by the US Government to work on nuclear weapons – hence their interest in inertial confinement fusion, which is essentially the underlying technology of a hydrogen bomb.

The lab’s fusion experiments use a small plastic capsule the size of a pea filled with 150 micrograms of deuterium and tritium, two types of hydrogen.

A 500-trillion-watt laser the size of a building blasts the capsule, compressing it to something 100 times denser than lead and more than 100 million degrees and causing the fusion reaction to ignite.

The Lawrence Livermore team has said they have managed to optimise this process to produce slightly more power than it consumed. Here’s how they did it:

But there’s still a long way to go before we can start building commercial reactors. “It’s not a main contender in terms of fusion concepts,” says Nathan Garland.


The key problem is inertial confinement is poorly suited, as a fusion technology, for fuelling a reactor. It squishes fuel with a laser to release energy. “You’d have to be able to reproduce this 10 times a second,” to generate usable electricity, Hole says. Lawrence Livermore averages about 10 shots a week – and it isn’t truly net positive, as the lasers draw 300 megajoules of energy from the grid.

Magnetic confinement holds the fusion material in a steady state, which is much easier to draw power to make electricity from, Hole says. That’s why ITER, the largest fusion project in development, uses magnetic confinement.

As for safety, fusion power plants do not come with the meltdown risk of standard nuclear plants, says the International Atomic Energy Agency. The reaction needs to be tightly controlled to continue running; any malfunction and the process breaks down. However, there are inherent safety concerns about a power plant dealing with plasma hotter than the core of the sun.


But – and this is a big but – we need to be realistic about our future energy needs.

Australia expects to have largely decarbonised its energy supply within 12 years, says Professor Bruce Mountain, director of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre. We’re supposed to reach net zero, globally, by 2050. This does not leave much time for commercial fusion reactors to be perfected and installed.

“It is hard to see that it will be useful in the decarbonisation of electricity supply,” says Mountain.

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