

This was published 2 years ago

‘We don’t discriminate’: Perth bar closes to avoid WA’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate

By Lauren Pilat

A Perth hospitality owner has closed his Port Coogee tavern’s doors permanently rather than follow the West Australian government’s COVID-19 vaccination status mandate.

From Monday the state government’s proof of vaccination requirements expanded to become the strictest in the country, with the unjabbed banned from hospitality venues, indoor entertainment venues, gyms, major events and bottleshops.

The Australian Brewhouse. has closed indefinitely over WA’s vaccine mandate.

The Australian Brewhouse. has closed indefinitely over WA’s vaccine mandate.Credit: Facebook

Venues who don’t follow the rules face a fine of $250,000 and individuals $50,000.

As a result, The Australian Brewhouse co-owner Aaron Soos said his venue didn’t stand for discrimination and he and his business partner Tanya Cobban had decided to shut indefinitely, only 18 months into the venture.

It comes after the venue was embroiled in a social media storm over an anti-mandate party planned at the sports bar on Monday, which was also the day the vaccination status mandate was to be enforced.

The post was shared widely and quickly gained hundreds of reactions, with many criticising the business as being anti-vaxx.

Mr Soos soon pulled down the post after he was made aware the mandate would be in effect.

“When we posted that we thought the mandates weren’t coming in until [Tuesday] February 1 … we had this idea that we were going to have to shut our doors due to these mandates being put in place and us being in the position we have been put in,” he said.

“We weren’t segregating people that are vaccinated or non vaccinated, we were just saying ‘let’s have bit of a party to empty our kegs’ because we have a bunch of kegs that we need to get rid of before we shut the doors.


“A lot of people thought we were anti-vax, which we are completely not – we do not discriminate, we do not segregate at The Australian Brewhouse.”

Had the brewhouse held the party on Sunday it would have been completely legal but if it had gone ahead on Monday, the business could have been fined about half a million dollars, given almost half the team wasn’t vaccinated, according to Mr Soos.

From Monday 31 January, proof of vaccination for people aged 16 years and over will be required state-wide for:

  • All hospitality venues, food and licensed venues including restaurants, dine-in fast food, cafés, bars, pubs, clubs, taverns, licensed commercial boats:
  • excluding food and non-alcoholic beverage takeaway; food courts; roadhouses, and petrol stations.
  • Night clubs
    • Bottle shops (including drive through bottle shops)
    • Indoor entertainment venues (including play centres, gaming and gambling, theatres, concert halls, cinemas, live music venues, including Perth Convention Centre) and the following specified cultural venues:
      • Art Gallery of WA
      • Goldfields Arts Centre
      • Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts
      • WA Museum Boola Bardip
      • WA Maritime Museum
      • Shipwrecks Museum (Fremantle)
      • Museum of the Great Southern
      • Museum of the Goldfields
      • Museum of Geraldton
      • Gwoonwardu Mia (Carnarvon)
    • Crown Perth Complex
    • Major stadiums
    • Music festivals and indoor large events with more than 500 people, unless exempt.
    • Gyms, fitness studios and centres
    • Zoos and amusement parks
    • Visitors to residential aged care and hospitals

    “We’re not going to tell someone, force them, that you have to leave now because you’re not vaccinated because that’s discrimination against them,” he said.

    “Hence us having to close our doors – we don’t have the staff numbers to stay open at this very moment, operating the way we are.”

    Mr Soos said while the mandates had been tough, staff shortages and people’s unwillingness to work in hospitality had impacted their business since the day they opened.

    “We were working so much ourselves, especially [Ms Cobban] that we just said ‘it’s not worth our health, it’s not worth pushing all our vaccinated staff that hard – giving them too many hours or making them feel overworked’,” he said.

    “Our establishment has been very diverse – we have a lot of different people here and nobody cares whether somebody has been vaccinated or not vaccinated – we all get along.”

    As part of the government enforced mandates, each venue had to have someone allocated to checking vaccination status passports, which was something Mr Soos didn’t agree with either.

    “The fact that we have to have someone at our front door checking people’s personal medical status goes against every ounce of our beliefs,” he said.

    “If [Premier Mark] McGowan wants to have somebody standing at the door, he can have somebody standing out on the street – not on our property – and he can pay for them to do it. And he can fine them, if he needs to, but he’s not going to do it on our establishment.

    “I’m certainly not going to pay for someone to do it for him and that’s what they’re expecting out of all these businesses.”

    Mr Soos said he wasn’t prepared to put his staff through the flack and abuse from patrons who didn’t want to have the vaccine.

    We encourage all Western Australians to head to their local and raise their glass, not their voice, to the people serving them.

    AHA WA chief executive Bradley Woods

    While the Australian Hotels Association’s WA branch has opposed having hospitality staff police patrons’ vaccination status, it acknowledged that it was now a reality for businesses to operate.

    AHA WA chief executive Bradley Woods said he was aware of reports of argumentative patrons, venues turning away customers who refused to produce evidence of vaccination and misguided allegations that venues have independently imposed these new requirements.

    “You can’t mandate dickheads,” he said.

    “It is an unfortunate reality that a very small minority of patrons cause problems when asked to comply with a lawful direction, but licensed venues have powers under the Liquor Control Act which allows them to remove people who are being disorderly.

    “Hospitality staff are also protected through the [state government’s] ‘mask wearing directions’ from patrons acting in a threatening, intimidating or offensive manner.”

    Mr Woods implored people not to be disruptive and understand the rules set by the government.

    “Venues and their staff do not make the rules, but they must abide by them, so we encourage all Western Australians to head to their local and raise their glass, not their voice, to the people serving them,” he said.

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