

This was published 2 years ago

‘WA sitting on a knife’s edge’: Experts call for more public health measures

By Lauren Pilat

Infectious disease experts have labelled Western Australia’s approach to contact tracing and self-isolation outdated, urging the state government to learn from the mistakes of the east and install increased public health safety measures now.

They agree the state’s border is now irrelevant, with outbreaks within the state already, and warn the number of people being tested each day must dramatically increase to get a handle on the situation.

 Premier Mark McGowan is set to reveal his new guidance on close contacts.

Premier Mark McGowan is set to reveal his new guidance on close contacts.Credit: iStock

Premier Mark McGowan is expected to overhaul WA’s definition of close contacts on Friday, with the state the last to reveal how people who come into contact with positive cases will be treated into the future.

Most other states have adopted a seven-day isolation rule and consider anyone who shares a home with a COVID-positive case, who can’t separate from the positive person, a close contact.

What is a close contact in WA?

Currently, close contacts are considered anyone who has had face-to-face contact or shared a close space, for any amount of time, with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (while they were considered infectious).

It also includes a person who has been in an area where there is a high prevalence of COVID-19 infection or has been in a venue when COVID-19 transmission was occurring.

WA Health directs close contacts to self isolate for 14 days and return two negative PCR tests, the second being on day 12.

If a close contact returns a negative test on day 12, they’re still directed to remain in isolation for the additional two days.

These directives were based on the less transmissible Delta variant.

Mr McGowan has continued to tell the community that he is watching what happens in other states, repeatedly pointing to how many deaths and hospitalisations there have been in New South Wales and Victoria. Leading infection control experts say now is the time for him to act.

Deakin University epidemiology chair Catherine Bennett said WA’s approach needed to change to meet the new demands of the Omicron variant.

“In that transition from Delta to Omicron [other states] said we’re just going to call close contacts those who are in the household because they are the ones really likely to have the virus if they’re not testing positive yet, and we ask them to quarantine with the case,” she said.

“So we’re not trying to link cases, we no longer care how they spread in the community in a way, unless there’s a really big spreader event,” she said.


Professor Bennett said WA needed to focus its resources and efforts on close household contacts and get more people tested daily.

“At the end of the day you’ll be finding all the contacts after they’re infectious so then there’ll be the next round of cases and it escalates really quickly,” she said.

“You just can’t beat it – it’s a virus – and the things we used to do are less relevant, and are less effective.

“Like if you make isolation 14 days for people who are close contacts then people are less likely to get tested in the first place.”

While WA’s case numbers continue to climb in WA, Professor Bennett said the state’s border was irrelevant.

“At the moment it’s stopping WA seeding more cases, which is helping, but that won’t make a material difference to what’s going on in the state because WA’s got enough community transmission,” she said.

“The virus is determining that the border is no longer helping so it’s now redundant and it might be the virus that calls the date [of opening] rather than WA.”

While University of South Australia professor of biostatistics and epidemiology Adrian Esterman agrees about the closed border, he said the state must ramp up its contact tracing teams and immediately introduce public health measures on top of its face mask mandate.

“The situation in WA is sitting on a knife’s edge and what the government decides to do next is integral to how it plays out,” he said.

“WA now has community cases and unless something changes those numbers are going to go up exponentially.

“When you get numbers into the hundreds, contact tracing becomes very difficult.”

He said measures which should be introduced included limiting the number of people in restaurants and nightclubs and putting in place social distancing requirements. Public education campaigns about the importance of checking in with QR codes, hand hygiene and wearing masks correctly were also needed.

Mr McGowan said the state had enjoyed “a very good run for the last two years” but authorities were not going to be able to get this outbreak under control.

“It’s the Omicron outbreak, it’s highly transmissible. We’ve managed to keep the spread down very significantly compared to other places, but it’s out there,” he said.

Mr McGowan said while PCR testing wasn’t common now in the eastern states, it remained the best way to ascertain whether or not people were positive.

“We just need as many people to get tested as possible,” he said. “It’s a more accurate system than the rapid antigen test, it’s free and it’s available.

“So please go and use the PCR system if you’re unwell or you’ve been at an exposure site.”

But ramping up testing numbers wouldn’t be enough for WA to contain community spread, said Professor Esterman.

“Unless WA wants to end up in the same position as some eastern states with tens of thousands of cases a day, it’s got to put public health measures in place now – it cannot wait,” he said.

“Other states and territories have put on public health measures too late and now is the time for WA to watch and act.

“If WA put more public health measures in place you’re still going to get a bucket-load of cases but not so much that it will cripple your [already pressured] health system.”

Mr McGowan on Thursday broadened the face mask mandate to include the Wheatbelt and Great Southern as COVID continues to spread across the state.

“The secret to protecting WA is to have multi-layers of public health measures in place like the face mask mandate, QR codes, improved ventilation – to do all the things in public health that we know work – and put those in place now, not next week,” Professor Esterman urged.

“Forget about the border, you can keep it closed, it doesn’t matter because the horse has bolted and you’re not going to get many more cases coming in the state, it’s irrelevant because you’ve got them now.”

Changing the definition of what a close contact is wouldn’t help the situation either, Professor Esterman said.

“The virus doesn’t understand what a close contact means, it doesn’t care if you’ve been in contact with someone for four hours or three seconds, it will still infect you,” he said.

“It’s really nonsensical to worry too much about these definitions … it’s totally irrelevant.

“We know with Omicron that you can be infected and have symptoms very quickly and become infectious but you also recover quickly, especially if you’ve been vaccinated, so that’s why [other states have] been reducing the time in isolation from 14 days to 10 days to seven days, and some even down to five.”

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