This was published 2 years ago
Perth is already the world’s longest city, and we’ve dropped the ball on sprawl
Brad Pettitt
Greens MLC for WA's South Metropolitan RegionWhat do WA’s housing grants, Metronet, and the 2022 public transport fare cap have in common?
All of these are contributing to Perth retaining its dubious honour as the longest city in the world. Perth’s sprawl now stretches almost 150 kilometres from Two Rocks to Dawesville.
The latest figures suggest that the rate of inner urban infill housing is declining. The latest Urban Growth Monitor showed that infill in the central sub-region fell to only 2820 dwellings, its lowest level since 2013. Apartments have also declined and currently sit at just 2 per cent of all dwelling approvals, down from historic levels of 13 percent.
It is estimated that more than two-thirds of the new housing currently being built is on greater Perth’s expansive urban fringe. Housing a long way from anywhere. Bunbury will be a contender to be Perth’s most southern suburb at the rate we’re going.
We all know sprawl is not healthy for the future of our city. It creates car dependency and congestion, undermines liveability and community, and destroys our region’s unique biodiversity as we bulldoze our way through it. Consecutive state governments of both political persuasions talk about the need to contain this sprawl but neither has achieved the modest bipartisan infill target of 47 per cent.
Despite failure to meet even this modest target, state government policies continue to prioritise sprawl. In 2020 the government devised COVID-19 recovery incentives to stimulate housing construction that according to Infrastructure WA, “fuelled a spike in single house construction in greenfield residential development”.
Metronet projects were already heavily weighted towards pushing public transport to the urban fringe – rail lines out to Ellenbrook, Byford, and Yanchep – despite the business cases rarely adding up. To put it bluntly, Metronet has predominately funded projects enabling, if not encouraging, more sprawl.
This has been at the expense of any investment in, or even planning for, inner urban transit. Light rail or trackless trams through inner suburbs would encourage targeted infill developments, but there’s been no state government action on this for the past five years despite early promises. This is not for a lack of advocacy effort by local governments in the central sub-region.
The announcement earlier this year of the two-zone price cap for public transport creates the impression that Perth is giving up on density. It now costs the same to travel from Butler or Mandurah to the Perth CBD as it does to travel from Cannington or Stirling Station. It is one more little thing to incentivise and justify sprawl. One more little thing that undermines infill and density.
Metronet and reducing public transport fares are excellent initiatives at face value, but they are undermined by a lopsided focus on outer-metro areas.
When the state government fails to simultaneously incentivise inner-city transit and public transport and instead proudly announces its spending of 100 million dollars on a northern highway extension to unlock 10,000 new housing blocks, we have a major public policy failure on our hands. This failure will encourage more people to live on the urban fringe rather than live close to existing centres and public transport.
Curtin University’s Sustainability Policy Institute estimated that every new dwelling built on the urban fringe requires about $90,000 in taxpayer subsidies compared to a similar infill dwelling in Perth.
But we are not only creating a burden for generations to come but also a city that is less liveable, sustainable, and vibrant now.