

This was published 1 year ago

‘Groundhog Day’: New-look Nedlands triple-tower approved despite dividing panel

By Jesinta Burton

After several design iterations, a public row with the City of Nedlands and private peace talks, property developer Gurner’s Stirling Highway new-look megaproject has narrowly secured approval.

The metro inner-north joint development assessment panel voted to approve an amended version of the developer’s Chellingworth Towers plan during a four-hour meeting on Thursday, despite the decision dividing its members.

An artist’s impression of the latest iteration of the Stirling Highway project.

An artist’s impression of the latest iteration of the Stirling Highway project.Credit: Gurner.

The half-a-billion dollar development, earmarked for a 6000-square-metre lot at 97-105 Stirling Highway, wound up back before the panel after a swathe of design changes, the most significant of which saw the number of apartments climb from 231 to 332.

Gurner requested the new-look design, which comprised one, two, and three-bedroom apartments, three restaurants, four shops and a motor vehicle sales premises, be considered an amendment to an approved proposal.

But the city argued the changes were so extensive it should be treated as an entirely new development.

Panel member and Nedlands councillor Fergus Bennett lashed Gurner for attempting to push through what he described as an entirely new development stripped of the community benefit concessions that got it over the line in the first place.

“This is very much Groundhog Day or déjà vu because the problems still haven’t been solved,” he said.

“This proposal seeks to wind back the benefits that were implemented for the community and there’s a significant reduction in amenity here. This is actually, predominantly, a one-bedroom dormitory – a Trojan horse development.

“You propose the world to secure an approval, then take away the public open space ... these changes seem to be more about economic viability than anything else, making it cheaper to build or more profitable.”


Fellow panel member Rebecca Coghlan echoed Bennett’s sentiments, branding the proposal grossly out of context with the surrounding area.


However, panel members Francesca Lefante, Lee O’Donohue and John Syme argued the functionality remained the same, there was still plenty of open space, and that the changes didn’t warrant a deferral, but rather could be approved with fresh conditions.

But Gurner may not be in the clear yet, with the city already engaging lawyers and floating the possibility of pursuing a judicial review.

It was the fourth time plans for the city’s new “beating heart” had come across the panel’s desk in almost three years – and the 12th design iteration.

An application for four towers comprising 301 apartments was first refused back in July 2020, before a review by the State Administrative Tribunal and several revisions saw the decision set aside and a three-tower project with 231 dwellings approved.

In June 2022, Gurner pushed for amendments to that approval, which included slashing office space in favour of adding four extra storeys and more than 130 apartments.

But the bid was refused after the panel concluded the design had morphed into something different.

Again, Gurner demanded SAT review the decision, prompting the parties to embark on mediation and further design changes, which led the tribunal to ask the panel to reconsider.

The city pleaded with the panel to double down and refuse the plan, claiming it had changed substantially, did not provide a sufficient level of residential amenity, and would increase traffic congestion.

Constituents backed its stance, with 75 of the 78 submissions received during the community consultation period opposing the plan on the basis that it was too big and posed a traffic risk.

Stakeholders spent much of the meeting lobbying the panel’s members, with the city, its lawyers and a resident arguing against the proposal and the developer, its lawyer and architect touting its merits.

Lead architect, Elenberg Fraser’s Lucas Menegazzo, told the panel the city’s concerns were unfounded and each of the apartments either met or exceeded the requirements.

He said the new mix of apartment types was designed to create greater diversity and the building’s height and footprint was consistent with the previous approval.

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