A colourful spider newly discovered in the sand dunes on Perth’s northern coastal fringe is facing certain death after it was revealed in state parliament that there is nothing to stop a housing estate knocking through its habitat.
The species of peacock jumping spider (maratus Yanchep), was described in 2022. Now, Peet’s Elavale housing estate in Eglinton is just 20 metres from the species’ only known refuge, putting it high risk of extinction.
Michael Lun where he found a new Peacock Spider witth the Elavale Eglinton Peet housing development behind him.Credit: Ross Swanborough
Greens MP Brad Pettitt asked questions in parliament last week with the parliamentary secretary representing Environment Minister Reece Whitby stating that, because the ministerial approvals for the housing estate were published before the spider was discovered, there were no environmental conditions or restrictions in place to specifically protect the species.
The parliamentary secretary added that nominations to list a native species as threatened were assessed by the Threatened Species Advisory Committee however the data currently available for the peacock spider would preclude it being assessed.
Greens MP Brad Pettitt said it was another example of how species and biodiversity protection in WA was “broken and dysfunctional”.
“This answer represents a chilling indifference to species protection and a disturbing willingness to see species - that occur nowhere else on the planet - made extinct,” he said.
“In summary, what the answer says is that because this species has only recently been discovered, it’s not protected.
“If you want to protect it then it needs to be nominated for protection, but the criteria we use means that we won’t even assess it - so we’re not going to consider protecting it.”
Pettitt said it was deeply concerning that WA’s Biodiversity Conservation Act would even preclude assessment of newly discovered species like the truly amazing Yanchep peacock jumping spider.
“Despite the South West of WA being a biodiversity hotspot, there are no protections for newly discovered species, let alone the many hundreds, potentially thousands, of unique species that remain undiscovered and unnamed,” he said.
“Allowing the only known population of this species to be wiped out for more treeless urban sprawl is an appalling and bizarre dereliction of duty by the state government.”
The maratus yanchep.Credit: Michael Lun Photography
A Peet spokesman did not respond when WAtoday asked if it would take measures to protect the spider as the 80-hectare, 1000-lot Elavale housing estate moved closer to the ocean.
On Wednesday, the company posted a revenue of $314 million, with 2418 lots settled in the past financial year.
The unusual spider was discovered by wildlife photographers Nick Volpe and his partner Lucyna Kania, and their friend Reef Coakley.
“The fact we cannot protect our native short-range endemic species from potential extinction due to its discovery after ministerial approval, proves we have truly failed our fragile and unique wildlife,” said Coakley.
Volpe said there was a lack of funding Australia wide for the study of invertebrates.
“It is often very difficult to even describe new species let alone learn about their habitat requirements and how vulnerable they are,” he said.
“One only has to look at a map of Perth and see all the coastal habitat has already been cleared for development.
“We have definitely already lost species of invertebrates to extinction and the beautiful and charismatic maratus Yanchep will face a similar fate.”
Year 12 student and photographer Michael Lun took incredible first-of-their kind images of the male spider performing its courtship dance, and collected specimens for the species to be described by scientists.
He said it was concerning the minister was not willing to even consider protecting the newly discovered species.
“The lack of consideration for protecting this species could have significant ecological consequences,” he said.
“It’s essential to advocate for the conservation of such rare and vulnerable species to maintain the balance of our ecosystems.”