

This was published 3 years ago

Watchdog muzzled: How national integrity commission lost its way

By Nick McKenzie and Charlotte Grieve

Australia’s newly appointed Integrity Commissioner Jaala Hinchcliffe was forced this week to defend her own integrity.

“I am an independent statutory officer,” she told a fiery Senate estimates hearing. “I have operated in integrity work for most of my career ... including as the Commonwealth Deputy Ombudsman, and I completely reject any allegation that I am without integrity.”

An Austal Cape class vessel built for Australian Border Force.

An Austal Cape class vessel built for Australian Border Force.Credit:

The scrutiny was prompted by revelations of her decision to change the course of a secret corruption investigation into taxpayer-funded payments from Border Force to an ASX-listed arms manufacturer. But Hinchcliffe defended her approach to leading little-known corruption busting body the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI).

Hinchcliffe’s focus on prosecuting corruption using traditional investigative tools rather than the special corruption-busting powers favoured by state corruption watchdogs is distinct from the approach of her predecessor, Michael Griffin. It is a divergence that goes to the heart of the debate over proposals for a federal corruption body.

Griffin’s final annual public remarks, issued last September, revealed ACLEI was planning to hold the first public hearings in its 15-year history, led by star Sydney SC David McLure, into dealings between Home Affairs and Border Force and gaming company Crown Resorts. The gaming giant faced accusations that, with Home Affairs help, it had facilitated suspected criminals obtaining visas to gamble at its casinos.

But a far more secretive operation was running in the background. Griffin’s investigators were probing dealings between Border Force and another listed Australian company: Austal. Well-placed sources say investigators were “peeling the onion” – working through layers of evidence in search of a possibly rotten core.

Griffin had dispatched investigators across Australia and overseas to line up witnesses and suspects to be quizzed in private coercive hearings – in which people are forced to answer questions honestly or confront a jail term. In these rooms, the rules of evidence do not apply. Records show Griffin had authorised $210,000 to be paid to two barristers, Jonathan Hyde and Diana Tang, to work as counsel assisting.

At the centre of this inquiry was an extraordinary allegation: that Australian Border Force improperly directed almost $40 million of taxpayer funds to Austal, the nation’s leading shipbuilder and a large political donor, in the 2015-16 financial year.

The law under which Griffin's agency operated meant he could only investigate something if it amounted to serious abuse of office, perversion of the course of justice or significant corruption involving a law enforcement official. Sources speaking on condition of anonymity have confirmed that he authorised the probe in the belief it may expose “procurement corruption” involving a senior Border Force official in bed with the defence firm.


These planned coercive hearings into Crown and Austal – and the findings that would presumably result – would prove that ACLEI could tackle “serious and systemic corruption” and demonstrate, as Griffin wrote in his 2019 annual report, how it would “play a key role in the development of a Commonwealth Integrity Commission” – the Coalition’s national anti-corruption framework.

Crown's new Barangaroo development, whose business model is based on the high-roller gambling trade.

Crown's new Barangaroo development, whose business model is based on the high-roller gambling trade.Credit: Wolter Peeters

As it turned out, his plans would never be realised.

‘Useless and underfunded’

For most of Griffin’s five-year stint at the helm of ACLEI, the silver-haired barrister and former judicial officer kept both himself and his agency out of the spotlight.

Former Victorian judge turned national ICAC proponent Stephen Charles, QC, who was asked by then premier Ted Baillieu to design Victoria’s corruption watchdog, says Griffin’s approach of keeping his agency’s work secret has undermined public confidence, as has its small budget, limited jurisdiction – it can only oversee certain law enforcement agencies – and mixed track record.

“It’s been useless, but this hasn’t been helped by underfunding,” Charles says.

Michael Griffin, former head of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity.

Michael Griffin, former head of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity.

Since May 2016, ACLEI has released just over a dozen press releases about its work. Its major investigation reports are slim and bland compared to those released by state anti-corruption agencies such as ICAC in NSW and IBAC in Victoria.

By August 2019, four years into his stint as Integrity Commissioner, Griffin had never held a public hearing into corruption, preferring private hearings or confidential inquiries that occasionally led to prosecutions of allegedly corrupt officials in court.

A drawback in coercive corruption hearings is that the information uncovered cannot be used as evidence in later criminal prosecutions. On the other hand, such hearings unearth hard-to-find corruption that traditional investigative methods, such as interviewing suspects alongside their lawyers, do not. When such hearings are public, they also offer immense public exposure. The mere threat of public hearings could deter corruption from occurring in the first place.

Former judge and famed corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald, QC, says public hearings are a necessary feature of democracy, even if they embarrass people who never go on to face any charges.

“In a truly open society citizens are entitled to full knowledge of government affairs,” he says.

Others, including the federal Coalition, senior barrister and prosecutor Margaret Cunneen – who was subject to a NSW ICAC probe that collapsed – and Arthur Moses, the silk now representing NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, oppose such a body at the federal level.

ICAC, they argue, chases scalps and is overly eager to hold public hearings, which can unfairly destroy reputations.

Marca, Zeus and Dureau

Griffin avoided multiple opportunities to let the public in on ACLEI’s work. A former Director of Military Prosecutions and secret hearing interrogator at the nation’s peak criminal intelligence organisation, the Australian Crime Commission, he said his first challenge after being appointed in 2014 was dealing with the washup of the most important corruption inquiry in the agency’s 15-year history, Operation Marca.

The investigation had led to the charging of eight Customs officers with corruption-related offences in 2012-13 and major reforms to Border Force (then known as Customs). It had opened a window on serious corruption at the border that facilitated international drug trafficking and involved federal officials.

Federal police and border force officers who worked with ACLEI on Marca were angry that, despite its success, the operation was wrapped up prematurely. It had likely left suspected corrupt officers in the field, they said.

After Marca, ACLEI’s successes were few. In 2017, backed by Australian Federal Police resources, ACLEI’s Operation Zeus led to guilty pleas by a serving Border Force official, Craig Eakin, and a former official accused of helping an international drug syndicate beat Australia’s border controls.

Other investigations floundered. According to officials with knowledge of ACLEI’s operations, an investigation codenamed Dureau – into allegations a corrupt ex-Border Force official had facilitated drug trafficking for at least five years – led to only minor charges. Former investigators say this was partly because NSW Police failed to add resources to boost ACLEI’s inadequate surveillance capability.

“Most of what we found was never aired,” either in court or a public hearing, says one former ACLEI insider.

Griffin’s highest-profile operations were those that involved catching big scalps out in what many senior law enforcement officials viewed as relatively minor offending. In 2017, Griffin launched investigations into Border Force commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg (who was later sacked and who Griffin ultimately found had acted corruptly) over allegations he’d tried to get his girlfriend, a junior officer, a job.

In June 2018, Griffin approved a secret inquiry into former AFP deputy commissioner Ramzi Jabbour, who was later charged over allegations he misused his service weapon. The genesis of the Jabbour inquiry was far more serious – allegations that he may have leaked sensitive information about a covert war crimes inquiry to former AFP commissioner Mick Keelty, who relayed them to the target of that inquiry, Ben Roberts-Smith. But that alleged conduct was not charged.

Ben Roberts-Smith and Mick Keelty (inset).

Ben Roberts-Smith and Mick Keelty (inset).Credit: Getty Images, Alex Ellinghausen

Confronting power

While the merit of these investigations still divides senior police, the investigations into Jabbour and Quaedvlieg made it clear that, as he neared the end of his five years as Integrity Commissioner, Griffin was prepared to confront the upper echelons of law enforcement.


Even so, Griffin's decision to launch a secret probe into Border Force’s dealings with defence giant Austal in early 2019 was bold. Home Affairs was already under intense fire over the way it had paid millions in taxpayer funds to security firm Paladin for securing offshore detention centres, and Austal was a $1.8 billion company with impeccable contacts in Canberra via its dealings with Defence and Border Force.

It was also a political donor, having given $60,000 in the 2016 financial year to the Liberal Party (the same year it gave $1500 to the ALP). In 2017-18, it donated more than $70,000 to Labor. Independent senator Rex Patrick used parliamentary privilege on Thursday evening to declare Austal had recently changed its lobbying tactics, taking high-profile federal politicians – including Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton – out to lavish dinner parties.

Among the catalysts for ACLEI’s investigation into Austal was a December 2018 inquiry by Australia’s auditor-general, Grant Hehir, into Border Force’s handling of the bungled Cape class patrol boat program.


Hehir’s report criticised Border Force for its handling of the $520 million contract with Austal to deliver a new fleet of steel ships to prowl Australia’s naval borders. The patrol boats were defective and their delivery plagued by problems. Even so, Hehir found Border Force had paid the firm almost $39 million as a “milestone” payment tied to successful delivery.

ACLEI’s investigation was told that Border Force's internal advice said the funds should not be remitted because the milestones had not been met.

ACLEI’s Integrity Commissioner can only start an inquiry if they believe it relates to a serious corruption issue involving a serving law enforcement official. Exactly how Griffin reached this threshold is unknown – he couldn’t be contacted for this story – but by early 2019 an investigation was underway.

In May 2019, records filed by ACLEI show Griffin hired the two Sydney barristers who, according to ACLEI insiders, were intending to grill suspects in Perth, where Austal has its headquarters. Griffin also dispatched members of ACLEI’s investigative team to the United States, where Department of Justice and Securities Exchange Commission investigators had also begun investigating Austal. Soon ASIC was also sharing information and had launched court action to force Austal to hand over information relating to its “dispute with Border Force”.

The US investigation overlapped with ACLEI’s interest on the question of how Austal had reported to investors about the true state of its financial affairs in the 2015-16 financial year. Corporate law in Australia and the US mandates accurate disclosure of impending financial news, good or bad.


One theory being probed is that, at around the same time that Austal was seeking to hide bad financial news from its investors, a senior Border Force official agreed to help by giving it $39 million dollars in milestone payments in two instalments: $31 million two days before Christmas in 2015 and a further $8 million in June 2016, the day before Austal went into a trading halt and later revealed it was in the red.

According to a former Border Force senior official, those payments may have involved a high-ranking officer who left the agency in 2017 under a cloud. Griffin directed his investigators to find out if this senior officer, or any other Border Force official, had acted corruptly.

But then his plans began to unravel.

The mark of success

In February 2020, federal Attorney-General Christian Porter replaced Griffin as Integrity Commissioner with a little-known public servant, deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman and former prosecutor Jaala Hinchcliffe. Her mandate? Reform.

Government sources say Griffin fell out of favour because of ACLEI’s limited success. Porter didn't confirm this but told The Age and Herald he believes the true mark of ACLEI’s success is not its ability to hold hearings that might uncover corruption but to successfully prosecute wrongdoers in the courts.

After her appointment, Hinchcliffe immediately indicated a shift: she would use hearings as a last resort and improve the strike rate of prosecutions. She ended 16 investigations, 13 of which were into Home Affairs. She started winding back the backlog of investigations to focus only on those that showed signs of "serious and systemic" corruption. She enforced scheduled reviews to ensure these investigations were wrapped up in a timely fashion.

In April, she scrapped the planned public hearings into Crown’s dealings with Home Affairs and removed counsel assisting and his junior. Only three former or serving Border Force officials and not a single Crown staff member were interviewed.

The inquiry found no corruption, although Hinchcliffe impressed upon a parliamentary committee in September that she had still “called out” corruption risks in a report published online.

Australian Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Jaala Hinchcliffe at Senate estimates on Thursday night.

Australian Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Jaala Hinchcliffe at Senate estimates on Thursday night.

The Austal investigation also changed course. Official sources say plans approved by Griffin – including for private coercive hearings – were ditched and the two barristers, Hyde and Tang, removed. Hyde didn’t go quietly. Sources have confirmed he sent Hinchcliffe a memo outlining why the Austal allegations were so serious, what the probe had found and why the planned coercive hearings were needed.

Hinchcliffe said there was a divergence of opinions and the barristers returned the brief.


In a short statement, Hyde said: “While I wish I could comment ... I am unfortunately constrained in what I can say, save that I was retained by the former commissioner Michael Griffin, AM, and terminated by the incoming commissioner, following a significant difference of opinion.”

Senator Patrick accused the new Integrity Commissioner of being influenced by political forces, an allegation Hinchcliffe strongly rejected.

Ultimately, the dispute over the handling of the Austal probe and the cancelling of the Crown public hearings goes to the heart of the debate about how corruption is confronted in Australia.

Hinchcliffe declined to comment for this story, though she confirmed the Austal investigation was serious, active and ongoing.

She stressed there are “many investigative tools” outside of coercive hearings that can be used to combat corruption and which do not impact “on a person’s rights, particularly the right to not incriminate oneself”.

“I have moved to institute a range of changes within ACLEI," she said. "They [hearings] are an important power within our toolkit, but one of the many powers or tools we have."

In the absence of public hearings and until ACLEI's track record improves, the public will have to trust her on that.

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