

This was published 4 years ago

Victorian farmer leads class action against Roundup manufacturer

By Cameron Houston

A former Victorian farmer will lead a major class action against German pharmaceutical giant Bayer over claims that long-term exposure to the popular weedkiller Roundup can cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Nando Maisano, 77, also accuses Bayer, and the original manufacturer Monsanto, of repeatedly ignoring and concealing evidence of the carcinogenic impact of glyphosate - the active component in its top-selling herbicide, in a Supreme Court of Victoria writ lodged on December 10.

Nando Maisano in Melbourne on Friday.

Nando Maisano in Melbourne on Friday.Credit: Simon Schluter

"Monsanto and Bayer are in possession of a substantial body of internal and external studies, laboratory test results, documents, reports, surveys and correspondence evidencing its knowledge of the inherent dangers of the use and exposure to its Roundup products," the writ claims.

Mr Maisano owned farms in Lower Crawford, Carngham and Clarkefield, where he used Roundup since 1976 to rid his properties of thistle, build fire-breaks and remove weeds from his vegetable garden.

"One day, a stock and land agent was driving past and asked why I was removing thistle with a mattock. He said there's this magic spray that will get rid of them straight away," Mr Maisano told The Age.

He would occasionally wear gloves or a paper mask, but recalls being drenched in the herbicide that was once promoted by Monsanto as "safer than table salt".



He says he was never told to take any precautions because everyone thought it was safe.

The father-of-four was forced to sell his Clarkefield farm when diagnosed with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in 1997, but continued to use Roundup around his Melbourne home until 2018.


Mr Maisano will be lead plaintiff in the class action, which already includes about 100 other litigants all diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Carbone Lawyer partner John Karantzis said his client suffered permanent medical and psychological conditions.

"We have strong medical and scientific evidence to support claims this is a deadly product," Mr Karantzis said.

"This class action has been issued to protect the rights and interests of all of those affected. We say this is a dangerous and illicit product, and we look forward to our day in court."

However, Bayer spokesman Lachlan Bird said the company stood behind the safety of its products and would vigorously defend the claim in court.

"Bayer is a company devoted to life sciences. The health and well-being of our consumers and the environment are critically important to us," Mr Bird said.

"We are aware that a statement of claim against Monsanto Australia Pty Ltd, a Bayer-owned entity, has been filed in the Supreme Court of Victoria, but we have not received a writ at this time."

Glyphosate was developed in the early 1970s by US Agribusiness Monsanto, which was purchased last year by Bayer for $US63 billion ($91 billion).

While some local councils have banned the use of glyphosate products, a recent review by the Victorian environment department approved their use on public land providing proper safety protocols were followed.

Australian farmers and the peak bodies that represent them have also defended the use of glyphosate-based herbicides, which they claim have dramatically reduced diesel use on farms.

A recent media release by the National Farmers' Federation rejected any link to cancer.

"The United States' National Institute of Agriculture followed 57,000 farmers and registered applicators of glyphosate for more than 20 years. The study found no connection between cancer and glyphosate".

However, Bayer faces a tsunami of litigation in the United States, where more than 42,000 plaintiffs have joined  proceedings across several jurisdictions.

US courts have already ordered Bayer to pay damages to three plaintiffs, including $US289 million ($420 million) to a former school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson, after a Californian jury found that Roundup caused his cancer.

A separate lawsuit in the US Federal Court saw $US80 million awarded to a residential user of the herbicide in early 2019.

And in May, a Californian couple was awarded $US2 billion after a jury found their non-Hodgkin Lymphoma was caused by years of exposure to Roundup.

Bayer has appealed the decision involving Mr Johnson and has indicated it will challenge the other two.

But the trials have uncovered internal communications that appear to show Monsanto staff attempting to influence scientific papers or interfere with research that raised concerns about the safety of its products.

Australian regulators have not responded to successive court victories in the US.


"The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) considered the evidence presented in the Californian case and found no grounds to take regulatory action in Australia,'' the regulator announced in October 2018, following publicity surrounding the landmark Dewayne Johnson decision.

"There is a lot of information out there, and discussion in the media does not always get the facts or the science right."

The regulator had already rejected a 2015 finding by the World Health Organisation that glyphosate was "probably carcinogenic to humans."

However, countries including Germany, Austria, France and Thailand are all set to ban, or dramatically curb the use of the herbicide.

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