

This was published 11 months ago

We have no trouble catching youth offenders – but can’t find the key to stop them

By John Silvester

Since Chubby Checker (his name would be changed these days for fat shaming) did The Twist, the crusty and musty have said the younger generation would be the death of them.

Now with a series of violent home invasions involving junior offenders, they may well be right.

A fan leaves The Beatles’ Festival Hall concert in 1964.

A fan leaves The Beatles’ Festival Hall concert in 1964.Credit: John Lamb

When teenagers lost their collective minds while The Beatles sang a handful of tunes at Festival Hall, there were fears that such group hysteria was a sign that civilisation as we knew it was about to fall off a cliff.

And don’t even start me on Elvis, who would need a hip replacement these days from all that swivelling.

The late ’60s musical, Hair, that required actors to briefly disrobe, left politicians in need of smelling salts and a stiff whisky.

When the bodgies strutted around town committing such offences as putting their pointy shoes on the seats in trams, the police set up the bodgie squad to bash some sense into them.

Bodgies lining up for haircuts. Hardly the most threatening sight.

Bodgies lining up for haircuts. Hardly the most threatening sight.Credit: Harry Freeman

Now we have (yet again) confirmation that kids who should still be at primary school learning the times tables are swarming suburbs just waiting for the chance to cut your throats in the middle of the night.

While the overwhelming majority of kids are just that – kids – the latest figures from the Crime Statistics Agency make sobering (if predictable) reading.


Children aged 14 to 17 were responsible for 18,729 offences last year. Most of the offences, police say, were committed by bored youngsters looking for kicks.

They say 94 per cent of cars stolen during aggravated burglaries are recovered, showing they were taken for joyriding, not profit. This doesn’t alter the trauma victims suffer when a gang bursts into their home in the middle of the night.

To the householders, they are not kids but dangerous criminals terrorising families.

We know a small number are chronic offenders, who are arrested and then bailed to offend again. They don’t know or don’t care that they are mortgaging their futures.


Police have no trouble catching them, but we have yet to find the key to stopping them.

If the youths are not committing crimes for profit, then what is the reason?

According to Deputy Commissioner Neil Paterson: “Much of the child and youth offending we’re seeing is mindless and driven by the pursuit of notoriety or social media likes.”

So if the stick isn’t working, we have to get rid of the carrot. Take away the offenders’ chance to win social media fame.

One of the key components in the “broken windows” theory of law enforcement is not to ignore the small stuff. Fix the broken windows and clean up the graffiti, so the offenders get no lasting satisfaction from their destruction.

It is the same with social media. Paterson wants the giant platforms to work with police to take down these posts to reduce the incentive for these kids to commit further crimes and also to reduce copycat crime.

In one case, a crime filmed in Western Australia resulted in a wave of similar offences spreading across the Northern Territory’s Top End. Police alone can’t stop a crime wave. It is always a police, courts, community and business collective that makes change.

Paterson is right, and the big social media platforms know it. They need to accept that they have blood on their hands if they don’t act.

When Richard Pusey posted the 2020 video he took of four dying police officers after a crash on the Eastern Freeway, it took many hours for the online platforms to remove it.


Surely, they can produce a permanent block on this bottom dweller. There is nothing he could possibly say or do that should be of the remotest interest to anyone.

For most of us, the first place – after the family home – where we learned how to behave in a cohesive society is school. I benefited from a rudimentary form of musical therapy during my early development years. While mucking around in class, a primary school teacher hit me in the head with a guitar. It worked.

This masthead’s education editor, Robyn Grace, reports that assaults in schools continue to rise: the number of alleged assaults involving 10- to 16-year-olds jumped 61 per cent from 262 in 2022 to 421 in 2023.

The Australian Catholic University’s annual principals’ survey shows nearly half the respondents reported being assaulted by students. Some headmasters feel the need to wear body cameras to record the incidents to prove to helicopter parents that their little Johnny is not a victim, but a junior psychopath.

The attacks on teachers is a further sign of the devaluation of authority figures.

School assaults posted on social media result in gang paybacks, often in the streets outside schools. Adults joined a school friend chat group to threaten to slash one of the kids outside the playground.

Street gangs watch school fight videos to recruit new members the way AFL scouts check the vision from junior footy games.

In the city, police seized 10 machetes from one gang. They have found stolen knives and other weapons hidden in shopping mall planter boxes to be recovered from pending attacks.

There is a growing trend for underage offenders to use stolen cars as weapons to run over their rivals.

Chief Commissioner Shane Patton says Victoria is the protest capital of the world, with our serial demonstrators flocking to the streets as keenly as social influencers to an opening night.

In less than six months, police have used up nearly 8000 shifts to oversee  protests on the Gaza-Israel war. Meanwhile, police stations are closing at night because of a lack of staff.


No longer is it about expressing an opinion but drowning out the opinion of others. They all support freedom of speech. Theirs, not yours.

Global warming protesters stop traffic on a freeway, causing a build-up in emissions from thousands of idling vehicles. The leaders of the group came from interstate, raising the question: how did they get here?

Surely, not on a fossil fuel-guzzling jet, nor on the back of a donkey (animal cruelty/methane emissions), electric car (rubber tyres made by industrial cartels) or on foot (runners made in a third-world sweatshop).

Perhaps they arrived on an ocean-going gondola made of sustainable balsa wood to avoid injuring migrating whales.

Alternative groups turn up to yell at each other, then post on social media. Do any of these megalomaniacs with megaphones think they manage to change one opinion?

One group has recently changed tactics, turning up wearing goggles and balaclavas and allegedly carrying bottles of urine. So, unless they got lost on the way to deliver a specimen to the pathology office before heading to the ski fields, they clearly want to provoke violence.

Riot police move in to control a violent protest in the Melbourne CBD in September 2021.

Riot police move in to control a violent protest in the Melbourne CBD in September 2021.Credit: Justin McManus

The group with equipment for a confrontation shows that the ensuing violence was not a byproduct, but the purpose. Police believe they have been studying online videos to replicate methods used in international protests turned street brawls.

They used street signs as barricades and hurled chunks of concrete at police. Riot police went to “level two” (trust me, you don’t want to see level three), firing gas rounds, soft projectiles and using flash-bang distraction devices.

Individual frontline cops are targeted and provoked in the hope of filming any reactions and attempts made to humiliate them with online posts. How does that promote your cause?

Compare this with Invasion Day marches. Police say they are well-organised, peaceful and purposeful. Decent people making a powerful point is persuasive. Disguised people throwing insults and rocks are not.

Melbourne Invasion Day demonstrators.

Melbourne Invasion Day demonstrators.Credit: Chris Hopkins

(I once tried to organise a mass rally for the apathetic. No one turned up.) We have to accept some responsibility for the world we have built.

I was on a train the other day and a self-entitled yob was sprawled out – feet on a seat – taking four spaces. When I moved into his space and suggested he sit up, then plonked down opposite, he reacted as if someone had licked his lollipop.

A short – and entirely entertaining – glaring match ensued (I may look 93 years old, but I am surprisingly sprightly) until he saw a gap, retreated to take up the four seats opposite, occasionally vaping for good measure.

People chose to stand and look away rather than call him out.

A walk becomes an obstacle course with people in full stride, staring at their phones as if it is a compass on an expedition, expecting others to detour around them. Hop in a car, and you will miss the lights as the motorist ahead is more interested in a dancing cat video than traffic flow.

Until we as a collective are prepared to set a standard and stick to it, the majority will continue to be intimidated by a minority.

Recently two teenage girls were harassed by a man on a train. When they changed carriages, he followed in a slow-motion but deeply sinister chase. Then strangers on the train blocked his way while others yelled at him to leave the girls alone. It gave the girls the chance to jump onto a platform. He was a serial, mentally disturbed offender responsible for eight attacks, and is now in custody.

Don’t leave it to the cops, the teachers and the politicians to fix it. Take a stand. You might enjoy it.

John Silvester lifts the lid on Australia’s criminal underworld. Subscribers can sign up to receive his Naked City newsletter every Thursday.

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