EDITOR'S NOTE: The High Court overturned Cardinal George Pell's conviction for historic child sex offences in a judgment ruling handed down April 7, 2020. In a unanimous decision all seven High Court judges found Victoria's Court of Appeal should not have upheld Pell's conviction It found the evidence could not support a guilty verdict.
An unprecedented spike in legal action against Victoria’s Catholic Church has prompted calls for the Andrews government to help ease growing court delays faced by abuse victims.
As revealed by The Age this week, the church has been hit with at least 800 new legal actions for child sexual abuse in the wake of state legislation allowing survivors to sue the institution and revisit unfair settlements made under in-house compensation schemes.
Melbourne's St Patrick's Cathedral. Credit: Pat Scala
Among the cases are Supreme Court lawsuits involving historic claims of rape at Corpus Christi seminary, allegations of abuse by defrocked priest Paul David Ryan, and at least one civil matter involving Cardinal George Pell (who is currently seeking to appeal a criminal conviction in the High Court.)
On Thursday, in a landmark case that could open the floodgates even further, the Ballarat diocese also agreed to settle a multimillion-dollar lawsuit to a victim of notorious paedophile Gerald Ridsdale - the first civil matter in which the church admitted liability for the actions of a paedophile cleric.
George Pell.Credit: Nine
The deluge of claims has led to calls for the Andrews government to pump extra money into the legal system, so courts can hire more judges and staff to deal with cases of institutional abuse.
“These traumatising delays need to be addressed at a government level to prevent further premature deaths and more suicides,” said Melbourne lawyer Judy Courtin, whose firm Judy Courtin Legal has already had three survivors die in about four months as they waited for justice.
The government argues that its latest budget already includes $128.9 million to increase capacity in the courts, including a new Supreme Court judge, two new County Court judges and 18 new magistrates.
“Survivors of institutional abuse have already had to endure years of suffering and we’re doing everything we can to support them,” Attorney-General Jill Hennessy said.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Attorney-General Jill HennessyCredit: AAP
But some victims have been warned they may have to wait up to 15 months for a trial date. Others have learnt that long-awaited reforms allowing them to challenge unfair compensation payments they previously accepted will also take time, because they still have to apply to the courts to set aside their deed-of-release. These were agreements that forced victims to sign away their rights to take further legal action. Ultimately, it will now be up to the courts to decide if those deeds should be set aside at all.
“I’m 65 next month and don’t expect this to be dealt with until I’m 67,” said survivor Phil O’Leary, who was abused by a priest as a teenager and signed a deed-of-release in 2008 after receiving $40,000 from the Melbourne Archdiocese. “It’s just another layer of legislation that’s going to enrich lawyers while some of us have to wait even longer.”
The spike in legal action comes as survivors express increasing dissatisfaction with the National Redress Scheme, which has so far made only 512 payments out of 4800 applications, with the average payment around $79,700 - much less than the $150,000 maximum.
The federal government defended the scheme again this week, after its latest figures also showed that 44 Catholic institutions are yet to sign up, including the brothers of the Hospitaller Order of St John of God, which the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse found to have the highest proportion of historic abuse among all the religious orders.
Institutions have until the middle of next year to join the National Redress Scheme, but cannot be forced to take part.
“The government has no constitutional power to compel institutions to sign up and we recognise the frustration survivors feel when institutions have not signed up despite being named in the royal commission. It is completely unacceptable,” a spokeswoman for Social Services Minister Anne Ruston said.
“But we are making progress given that in November 2018, more than 50 per cent of applications were on hold because institutions had not signed up, whereas now fewer than 15 per cent of applications are on hold for that reason.”
In Victoria, the spike in claims being filed or drafted on behalf of church abuse victims is largely due to the Andrews government removing significant legal barriers. This includes a statute of limitation (abolished in July 2015) and a provision known as the Ellis Defence (scrapped in July last year) which effectively prevented people suing the church as an institution.
However, while the changes have made it much easier for victims to take action in the courts, some survivors are likely to miss out on the benefits.
"We have a three-year gap between 1 July 2015 and 1 July 18 (when the Ellis Defence was abolished) where any deeds that were signed for unfair settlements or for ‘top-ups’ cannot be captured by the new legislation," Ms Courtin said. "This is highly problematic."