By Nino Bucci
Another Melbourne gun shop appears to have been targeted by thieves in a botched ram-raid on the same day armed crooks stole up to 65 handguns from a Thornbury store.
A flat tray tow truck reversed into the fencing around Gun Emporium on Assembly Drive, Tullamarine, about 3am on Monday.
While police say that damage to the fence could have been accidental, rather than a targeted attack, the manager of the store believes otherwise.
Manager Bruce Wellington said that on CCTV footage the truck appeared to have deliberately driven into the gates.
As many as 65 guns were stolen from this Thornbury store on Monday.Credit: Larissa Ham
However, the driver reversed out of the car park in front of the store after destroying the gates, rather than ramming the steel garage door to gain access to the business.
"It was a bit of a half-hearted ram-raid," Mr Wellington said.
Eight hours later, four masked men armed with weapons, including a gun and sledgehammer, raided O'Reilly's Firearms on High Street, Thornbury.
The thieves threatened a worker before they smashed glass cases with a sledgehammer, taking off with as many as 65 hand guns.
A selection of the handguns on sale at O'Reilly's gun shop in Thornbury.Credit: O'Reillys Firearms
Assistant Police Commissioner Steve Fontana said the guns would regrettably end up on the black market.
The guns can retail for between $700 and $1900 each, but could potentially now be sold for almost $10,000.
"They've obviously targeted this particular store for the hand guns and basically they'll end up on the black market," Mr Fontana told radio station 3AW.
"They knew what they were looking for, so this wasn't just an opportunist type of offence."
Premier Daniel Andrews said the government would consider stronger security measures for gun shops in the wake of the brazen daylight robbery.
"If there are higher standards that are needed, changes that Victoria Police want made to better secure these shops and their stock, we stand ready to do that," Mr Andrews said.
Police Minister Lisa Neville has questioned whether it is necessary to have real guns on display in stores, rather than replica guns.
"I spoke to the Chief Commissioner ... about what we can do to further minimise ... [the] theft of these sorts of hand guns that we know are going to end up on the black market with some of the worst of the worst," she told ABC radio.
"Whether it's organised crime, or whether it's a Middle Eastern group, or motorcycle gangs that are doing this, they want access to these guns.
"It's a very organised group of people who have gone into this gun shop."
Ms Neville said Monday's robbery was highly unusual, albeit serious.
"Most of the firearms stolen in Victoria – I think it was about 700 last financial year – are stolen from rural properties," she said.
- with AAP, Daniella Miletic