

This was published 7 months ago

Melbourne’s original suburb is trapped in time by a river – with no train

By Josh Gordon

A street scene in Kew this week.

A street scene in Kew this week.Credit: Joe Armao

In a series, The Age profiles Victorian suburbs and towns to reveal how they’ve changed over the decades.See all 38 stories.

It was one of Melbourne’s original “suburbs”. Back in 1875, when Kew had a population of just 2429, the Australian Handbook described it as a “prettily-situated township, suburban to Melbourne, about 4½ miles east”.

Kew is now about 10 times larger, more ethnically diverse, and more densely populated.

Yet in some respects, it remains just as the handbook described it almost 150 years ago: “a very favourite place of residence for the merchants and well-to-do tradesmen of the city … dotted with their elegant houses, cottages, and villas, and trim and well-kept gardens”.

Kew is still prettily situated, and it is still populated by well-educated, affluent families who, for the most part, reside in detached houses on decent-sized blocks on quiet streets away from the bustle of the city.

With the state government now adamant Melbourne must grow “upwards not outwards” through higher density development in existing suburbs, can Kew continue to hold out as Melbourne’s original leafy enclave?

Alexandra Gardens.

Alexandra Gardens.Credit: Joe Armao

The uniquely Australian notion of the “suburb” only gained a happy connotation towards the middle of the 1800s. The dream of the suburb as a place of refuge and freedom away from the chaos of a city was a novel concept, and one that was embraced by Melbourne.


As author and emeritus professor of history at Monash University Graeme Davison pointed out in a lecture to the Kew Historical Society, in the Sydney newspapers of the 1820s and ’30s, the word suburb was used to describe a “kind of lawless borderland frequented by convicts, vagabonds and high-spirited young men who drove or rode furiously across the landscape, firing muskets and terrifying the locals”.

But in the Melbourne of the 1870s, Kew typified the new, civilised notion of the suburb, offering sanctuary for well-to-do families and intellectuals wanting to commune with nature and practice horticulture on larger leafy blocks, removed from the squalor of the city.

Kew was – and still is – defined by its relationship with the Yarra River. It is wrapped by a lazy fold of the waterway, occupying the lofty side on the eastern bank. The name of Kew’s local government area, Boroondara, comes from the Woi-wurrung language, meaning “where the ground is thickly shaded”. Take a stroll along the river and you can see why.

Kew’s geography both defined and distinguished it. The suburb looked out over the grim industry of Abbotsford, Richmond and Collingwood, Davison told The Age.

“If you’re on the low side of the river in Richmond or Collingwood, it was, of course, denoted swampy land and noxious industries, smells and the hazards of disease.”

“If you’re on the high side, on the other hand, you have views … and you’re exposed to all these beautiful breezes. So these suburbs very quickly became eligible places to live.”


By 1903, the population of Kew had swelled by about four times. Yet the description of Kew in the Australian Handbook for that year changed little compared to the 1875 edition – except this time it was described as dotted with “elegant mansions”, rather than “elegant houses”. Clearly, Kew had moved up.

Those mansions are an important feature of the suburb today, the most famous being Raheen, on Studley Park Road. The house, built in the 1870s in the Italianate style, has been owned by the Pratt family since 1981. Before that, it was owned by the Catholic Church, and was most notedly inhabited by Daniel Mannix, the influential Archbishop of Melbourne for 46 years, until 1963.

The 1870 Italianate mansion Raheen is now owned by the Pratt family.

The 1870 Italianate mansion Raheen is now owned by the Pratt family.Credit: Joe Armao

Today, Kew’s population is estimated at 24,772. The suburb is more densely populated than it once was. But it is still fortressed by the river – and to some extent by the lack of a train line.

This has been both a blessing and a curse. At one point, such a train line did exist. Opened in 1887, it ran between Hawthorn and Kew, but it was closed in 1952 because of dwindling patronage and a problematically steep alignment.

The train line was somewhat alarmingly described in The Age on December 20, 1887: “The gradients are distressing and the curves so sharp that the drivers were unable to see the semaphore arms until tell-tale arms were erected close to the ground. It is possible, by the smallest neglect on the part of the signalman, for either a Glenferrie or Kew train to be cut in halves. This contingency has caused the officers of the traffic branch considerable anxiety ... ”

Planning expert Marcus Spiller, a founding partner at SGS Economics and Planning, says Kew was one of Melbourne’s very first “leafy suburbs”, to develop, occupying a prime position across the river from Abbotsford.


“You had all those polluting industries, tanneries, manufacturing. Kew was really a refuge from all of that.”

State Liberal MP for Kew Jess Wilson says the Yarra River provides a natural break from the city. This, Wilson says, along with the lack of a train, has partly insulated Kew from development pressures faced by other suburbs nearby.

State Liberal MP for Kew, Jess Wilson.

State Liberal MP for Kew, Jess Wilson.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

“As you cross over the river, you suddenly notice a difference,” Wilson says. “You are coming into a much more suburban area whose unique geography has allowed it to preserve that classic suburban streetscape.”


While there’s a tram line, this doesn’t provide the same opportunities for development as other suburbs such as Hawthorn, Wilson says.

“There has been some densification, particularly along those main roads along the tram routes; once you step behind that it’s still very much a place where families want to live and send their kids to school.”


Kew has one of the highest rates homeownership rates in the state. According to the most recent census, about 44 per cent of homes were owned outright in 2021, while 30.7 per cent were owned with a mortgage. Just 25 per were rentals. Almost two-thirds of dwellings – 65.2 per cent – are detached houses.

Kew, to state the obvious, is not an egalitarian suburb.

In the more affluent statistical division of Kew south, for example, the average taxable income in 2020-21 was $125,100, according to the Bureau of Statistics. Here, the top 1 per cent of earners controlled 16.1 per cent of total earnings, compared to an average of about 10.3 per cent for the top 1 per cent for Melbourne as a whole.

The area is also more tightly packed with fancy private schools – including Xavier, Trinity, MLC, Carey, Ruyton and Genazzano – than just about any part of Australia.

Wilson says private and public schools have played an important part in forming the character of the area.


“We have more than 30 schools in a 15-square-kilometre boundary. You only have to try to move around the area between 8 and 9 [in the morning] or between 2 and 3.30 [in the afternoon] and it’s gridlock compared to the rest of the day.”

President of the Kew Historical Society and former Boroondara mayor Judith Voce stresses that Kew should not be dismissed as a homogenised, wealthy area.

The suburb has always had a progressive voice and a social conscience, Voce says. For example, the first women’s refuge in Melbourne – the Women’s Liberation Halfway House Collective – was opened in Kew in 1974, offering short-term crisis accommodation to women and their children.

Judith Voce is president of the Kew Historical Society and a former mayor of Boroondara.

Judith Voce is president of the Kew Historical Society and a former mayor of Boroondara.Credit: Joe Armao

There was also the Kew Lunatic Asylum (later known as Willsmere), which operated from 1871 to 1988. The asylum, a grand building constructed in the Italianate style to accommodate the “lunatics” and “inebriates” in the colony of Victoria, had a troubled history over its 117 years of operation, facing several inquiries, including a royal commission.

But the original intention was a noble one. Perched above the Yarra on a prominent and airy spur, it was to be “a magnificent asylum for the insane”, designed to showcase Melbourne, flush with money from the gold rush, as a benevolent and civilised place.

“Yes, there is a gentrified side to Kew, but there are people with a great deal of social conscience,” Voce says. “The women always stepped up – they didn’t hold positions of power … but they absolutely drove the social cohesion of the area.”

Cycling past a mural in Brougham Street.

Cycling past a mural in Brougham Street.Credit: Joe Armao

“I think we’ve been very fortunate to have a very cohesive way of living in Kew. There’s a real history of people who … very quietly contribute.”

Voce says the area has already faced pressure to densify, although over-development has been fiercely resisted. She says while many people acknowledge the need for extra density – particularly for those wanting to downsize and stay in the area – there are limits.

“People are still hanging onto their big blocks. And we still resist over development.”

Kew remains hard to pin down politically. The median age is 41, which is much older than, for example, neighbouring Hawthorn, where the median age is just 34. It is also relatively well-educated. More than half (52 per cent) of the population aged over 15 years has a bachelor’s degree or higher, well above the Victorian average of 29 per cent.

The overlaying federal seat of Kooyong, which also covers Hawthorn, Balwyn and Camberwell, voted 60 per cent in favour of an Indigenous voice to parliament during last year’s referendum. Some booths in Kew recorded votes as high as 67 per cent.

At the 2022 state election, Wilson won the seat of Kew for the Liberal Party, albeit by a reduced two-party-preferred margin of about 4 per cent. That was down from about 5 per cent in 2018 and almost 11 per cent in 2014.

At the 2022 federal election, the once blue-ribbon Liberal seat of Kooyong was lost to progressive teal candidate Monique Ryan. The loss of the seat, previously held by former treasurer Josh Frydenberg, sent shockwaves through the party.

For many Liberals, Kew was seen to represent a focal point in the battle for the heart and soul of the party, typifying the more progressive brand of liberalism that is now under threat from the hard-right flank of the party.

The seat had been held by Sir Robert Menzies for more than three decades, and then by former Liberal leader Andrew Peacock for almost three decades.

Well-known RedBridge pollster and former senior Labor Party official Kos Samaras says the demography of Kew has been very slowly changing, pointing out that parts of the suburb are now more affordable than traditionally more working-class areas like Northcote.

This, Samaras says, has placed the Liberal Party in a delicate position.

“You’ve got some migration from people further in going out to Kew,” Samaras says. “Either they are renting or they own a separated home on a mortgage. So it’s an electorate where there is change. It’s not drastic, but it’s been enough to push the Liberal Party into a difficult position, but not impossible.”


Ethnic diversity has also complicated the political equation. According to the most recent census, 16.2 per cent of the population of Kew now has Chinese ancestry, up from just 10 per cent recorded in the 2016 census.

Spiller says Kew remains a “strategically located” suburb, with good access to jobs and economic opportunity, as well as plenty of open space.

This, he says, has created a housing and labour market rationale for more densification. But exactly how this would work in a suburb of long, leafy streets, and long narrow blocks remains a vexed question.

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