

This was published 4 years ago

Full bench of the High Court to consider George Pell's fate

By Bianca Hall, Adam Cooper, Tammy Mills and Debbie Cuthbertson

EDITOR'S NOTE: The High Court overturned Cardinal George Pell's conviction for historic child sex offences in a judgment handed down April 7, 2020. In a unanimous decision all seven High Court judges found Victoria's Court of Appeal should not have upheld Pell's conviction. It found the evidence could not support a guilty verdict.

Disgraced Cardinal George Pell will remain isolated in his prison cell for months before learning whether the full bench of the High Court will consider his bid for freedom.

On Wednesday, Pell's application to have his appeal against child sexual abuse convictions heard in the High Court was partly successful, with two judges agreeing to refer his matter to the full bench of the court for consideration.

George Pell leaving Melbourne's Supreme Court building in handcuffs in August.

George Pell leaving Melbourne's Supreme Court building in handcuffs in August.Credit: Jason South

Of the 22 applications for judicial review considered by the High Court on Wednesday all but one – Pell's – were dismissed.

It is expected the court will hear the next stage in Pell's high-stakes legal saga after March 4.

Robert Richter, the prominent QC who represented Pell at trial, said: "I hope the appeal comes on quickly."

Pell was jailed in March for raping one choirboy and sexually assaulting another at St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne more than 20 years ago. He has consistently denied the charges.


Immediately after the High Court's decision was announced, Pell's lawyers held a meeting with him at the Melbourne Assessment Prison. He is isolated from the general prison population for his own safety.

A spokeswoman for the Cardinal said: "generally, his spirits are good".

Pell, 78, was once Australia's most senior Catholic and rose to become the Vatican's treasurer.


The decision to refer the matter to the full bench of the High Court means Pope Francis will likely delay taking any action against Pell, who retains his title of Cardinal.

The High Court's move will also delay the release of any findings against Pell made by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

About 60 pages of the royal commission's report on the activities of clergy in the Ballarat diocese – where Pell lived and worked alongside a number of priests who have since been jailed for molesting children – were redacted so as not to prejudice his criminal proceedings.

Rowville parish priest Father Kevin Dillon, who founded victims' advocacy group Lifeboat, said the law must take its course but this would be of little comfort to victims.

As Father Dillon spoke to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald from his office, a survivor of childhood abuse by a priest was waiting to speak to him.

"The victims I speak to, and I speak to many, do not really see that [High Court judgment] as being a key issue," Father Dillon said.

"What hurts them and damages them is that they are still being treated with hair-splitting legal niceties, whereas what they are looking for is a recognition that as children or teenagers they were treated terribly by a person they thought they could trust."

Pell was unanimously convicted by a Victorian County Court jury last December of sexually abusing two children when he was Archbishop of Melbourne.

In August, his convictions were upheld by a 2-1 majority decision of the Court of Appeal.

Justice Mark Weinberg would have acquitted George Pell.

Justice Mark Weinberg would have acquitted George Pell.

The case against Pell was heavily reliant on the testimony of one of the former choirboys, who described how Pell assaulted the boys after he caught them drinking altar wine in the cathedral sacristy after Sunday mass. The other ex-choirboy died before the case came to court.

At the heart of Pell’s appeal to the High Court is the question of whether the evidence of a complainant in a sexual abuse case, no matter how compelling and believable, can eliminate all reasonable doubt raised by other witnesses.

The High Court can reject Pell's leave to appeal, or it can allow the appeal to proceed. If an appeal is permitted, the court would likely hear the appeal arguments on the same day.

In the past year, the High Court has set aside at least two rulings made by the Victoria's Court of Appeal, though it upheld as many of the court's rulings.


If Pell's bid for an appeal is not successful, he will have to serve at least three years and eight months of his six-year sentence before he is eligible for parole. He has so far spent 260 nights in prison.

Lisa Flynn, who represents the father of Pell’s deceased victim, said her client was "gutted" by the decision, but remained hopeful.

"He was really hopeful that this would be over for him today because as the process goes on, and has gone on for some time, it is extremely retraumatising for him," Ms Flynn said.

Sydney diocese Archbishop Anthony Fisher said the Court of Appeal's split decision reflected community division over Pell's guilt.

"The cardinal has always maintained his innocence and continues to do so, and the divided judgment of the Court of Appeal reflects the divided opinion amongst jurors, legal commentators and within our community."

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Mark Coleridge said Pell was within his rights to appeal to the High Court.

"This will prolong what has been a lengthy and difficult process but we can only hope that the appeal will be heard as soon as reasonably possible and that the High Court’s judgment will bring clarity and a resolution for all."

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, or beyondblue 1300 224 636.

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