

This was published 1 year ago

For better results getting teachers, go back to the future

Credit: Andrew Dyson

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Premier Daniel Andrews’ announcement of free degrees for government secondary school teaching is a good start (“Andrews pays for teaching degrees”, 13/9). They say that history shapes the future. Victoria is facing a teacher shortage of massive proportions, so perhaps the government should take an even deeper dive into history to see how this could be averted in the future.
Primary teacher training in my generation was managed by the Education Department, through teachers’ colleges, where prospective trainees underwent aptitude interviews with senior educators before acceptance as “student teachers”. As an incentive, student teachers were then rewarded with “studentships”; that is, payment while undergoing training, on the signing of a bond that tied them after graduation to a commitment to teach in government schools, wherever they were sent, for a period of three years. This cohort of graduates were then used by the department to fill vacancies in hard-to-staff schools, often in high-growth metropolitan areas and remote rural communities. The incentive to teach in remote regional communities was the offer of affordable subsidised teacher housing.
Sadly, this successful model of recruiting, training and retaining teachers was dismantled over the years, to the point where there is now very little being offered to entice recruits into – and remaining in – the teaching profession. Student teachers are increasingly difficult to recruit and now struggle to afford their training and their HECS bill. Teachers in schools are so overloaded that they dodge the work involved with mentoring trainees. The Teacher Housing Authority, which for decades provided cheap housing, often for new graduates, was dismantled during the ’90s, making it even more difficult for regional and rural communities to attract teachers into their communities.
Maybe it’s time the Victorian government invested in going
“back to the future”, particularly with respect to teaching studentships and teacher housing, if it genuinely wants to address the disastrous teacher shortage facing schools across the state.
Ian Maddison, Parkdale

Address the reasons teachers are leaving
If you were offered a free flight to a destination that was dreary and undesirable, would you take it? If someone said they’d give you a free house, but it was in an awful town that everyone hated, would you move on in? Of course you wouldn’t! So what about the vulnerable young people who may be enticed to sign up for this free degree, to a career that everyone is leaving in droves? Here’s an idea – address the reasons why teachers are leaving. An influx of new teachers will only exacerbate the problem.
Megan Woolfe, Warragul

Old ideas are often good ones
Paying teachers in training a living allowance and covering their fees is one of those old ideas which the authorities have taken a distressingly long time to rediscover. Graduates in some fields are rewarded with big salaries. Teaching is not one of them.
Tony Haydon, Springvale

Plan risks contributing to the pay gap
Teaching is a profession with a high number of female practitioners, and primary school teaching is dominated by women. As much as Dan Andrews’ new initiative to attract school leavers into the profession is to be lauded, it risks contributing to the financial disparity between men and women. Women, and a few men, studying primary school teaching will graduate with a HECS debt that increases every year. Secondary school teachers, which include a higher proportion of men, will graduate with a far lower or no HECS debt. There is also a need for more male primary school teachers, and this initiative will dissuade men from becoming primary school teachers. This initiative needs to be extended to primary school teaching degrees for equality and equity purposes.
Rohan Wightman, McKenzie Hill


Listen to the majority
According to polls, more than 80 per cent of Indigenous Australians have told us what they believe will make a difference in addressing the disadvantage they face. Sadly, the response of the majority of non-Indigenous Australians is not to respond to what the overwhelming majority have asked for, but instead to point to the less than 20 per cent of First Nations people who are not in favour of the Voice. Indigenous peoples have every right to disagree with the proposal. But why do the wishes of the minority take precedence over the wishes of the majority? Like most non-Indigenous Australians, I will not personally be affected by the existence of the Voice. After the initial hubbub dies down, the vast majority of us will barely be aware of its existence. Since 97 per cent of Australians are being asked to vote on a proposal that doesn’t materially affect our lives, our personal opinions on the merits of the Voice are valid but are not really relevant to our vote. The only relevant question to ask ourselves is: What do the majority of Indigenous Australians want?
Donna Cohen, East Melbourne

Labor’s poor success rate
As Tony Wright says, the Albanese government is pushing history uphill (“What No campaign has learnt from Trump, Brexit”, 13/9). Labor has presented 25 referendum proposals since 1901 and passed just one. That’s a success rate of just4 per cent. Referendums put forward by non-Labor governments have a much better success rate. It is quite possible that a future Coalition government will present a fresh referendum proposal including constitutional recognition of First Australians and a more clearly defined Voice. Such a proposal is likely to receive bipartisan support and pass easily. History shows that if you want constitutional change in Australia, get the Coalition to do it.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills

Big target
Leading up to the last federal election, the Labor strategy was to be as small a target as possible, frustrating Liberal-National party fear tactics. The LNP must be rubbing their hands with glee at Anthony Albanese presenting them with a target the size of a barn door, in the shape of the referendum. Sure enough, the LNP has taken full advantage, eschewing nuanced debate and going into full “the sky will fall” mode.
Michael Langford, Ivanhoe


Clarke’s wisdom
Given the current imbroglio, I am reminded that the late John Clarke wrote in his book, Tinkering, in reference to 2014 in review: “Correct. There is to be a referendum on whether or not the Constitution should recognise Indigenous Australians. Further referenda are expected to determine the religious denomination of the Pope and to ascertain whether or not the toilet arrangements of bears have any impact on wooded areas.”
Andrew Neeson, West Launceston, Tas

Sends wrong message
When players attempt to smother a kick, they come at it side on, not head on like Brayden Maynard chose to do. Umpires don’t allow a player standing on the mark to charge at the player taking his/her kick. They are ordered to “stand” for that reason. By charging at Angus Brayshaw front on and off the ground, Maynard’s action was always going to end badly for Brayshaw. It is outrageous that Maynard has suffered no penalty at all for his reckless, dangerous and damaging action. The AFL has failed in their duty of care to protect players. Maynard’s absolution sends the wrong message all the way down to junior ranks of the AFL/AFLW.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris

Football in US changed
In 1905, the American college football competition was put on notice by the American president, after 19 deaths, and innumerable injuries in that year’s competition. Although not banned, the game was altered irrevocably in order to prioritise player safety. If the AFL refuses to change its rules, then perhaps WorkSafe needs to intervene.
Mike Pantzopoulos, Ashburton

Profits at our expense
Ross Gittins highlights yet another case of “big business behaving badly” (“Business should serve, not enslave”, 13/9). Donning my grey suit every day, I worked in big business at the “top end of town” for three decades. Like others in the office, I was concerned about social and environment issues, but my daily work was focused solely on maximising company profit while operating within the law. Yes, the company provided a community service with paid employment and worthwhile products. But to expect it to care about non-economic issues or to have a conscience was unrealistic and remains so. That’s why we need strong government to “get the suits under control” as Gittins argues. And that’s why we need to rid politics of corporate donations and influence. The health of our society and the environment demands no less.
Ian Penrose, Kew

Mad as hell
Ross Gittins’ article should be compulsory reading. How well he articulates so much of what is wrong with the way big business operates and how we, the mugs, bear the brunt of the ceaseless drive for ever-increasing profits. From self-serve check-in at airports, to self check-out at supermarkets, and waiting on the phone for hours on end because employing enough to people to actually service the customers might just make a tiny dint in said profits. That is the world we live in. It’s time to take a stand, people, and let these companies know, in those famous words uttered by Peter Finch in the film, Network, we’re as mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more.
Ann Maginness, Beaumaris

Art not neglected
It is wonderful that Indigenous art is being returned to the ground floor at NGV Australia (12/9). But a correction: When NGV Australia opened at Federation Square in 2002, the entire ground floor was dedicated to Indigenous art. Indigenous art from numerous communities around the country was presented there for the next 12 years. Indigenous art was relocated upstairs in 2015, with much less space, a fact that was regretted by many. The ground-floor spaces were used instead for pay and large-scale shows. For the new display to be promoted as though this vital area of Australian art history has been previously neglected is incorrect. The care and work of past NGV staff should be both recognised and appreciated.
Alisa Bunbury, Coburg

Cheers for the ducks
Dan Andrews’ government take note: “Fear and tears as group escorts lucky ducks on perilous 3km waddle across city, via KFC” (13/9). This is what people want to happen to ducks and other wildlife: Rescued, not shot. These people, the rescuers and carers, are our laudable Victorians, not the killers and harmers. Our culture has changed from catching and killing to caring and conserving. Could it be any clearer?
Lawrence Pope, North Carlton

Heart-warming yarn
What lucky ducks! I loved that gripping yarn about the perilous journey of mother duck and her ducklings back to Merri Creek. I know that Thornbury area well, so my heart was in my mouth every inch of the way. Thanks for a heart-warming story.
Susan Mahar, Fitzroy North

Blame it on COVID
Several readers have recently stated the MCG won’t take their cash, “due to COVID-19”, and will only accept card payments. Meanwhile, the V/Line bus on the surf coast has, for the past few years, refused to take card payments, and will only accept cash, apparently for exactly the same reason!
It seems that one under-reported long-term side effect of COVID-19 is the propensity for businesses to make arbitrary rules for their own benefit, and pass the blame onto a virus.
Geoffrey McNaughton, Glen Huntly

Dogs not the problem
To be fair, dogs aren’t the problem; lax owners are. How about the council bans these types of dog owners from pubs instead? Let the dogs in but if the canine customers start running amok then ask them to leave.
Anna den Hartog, Coburg

We’re not all dog lovers
I for one would like to thank the City of Yarra (my local council) for reminding hoteliers and publicans what the relevant law is about dogs on premises where food is served. I have been in one of the famous dog-friendly venues to find an uncontrolled dog brushing against my legs while I was eating dinner, only to see it scuttle off into the kitchen when pushed away. We are not all dog lovers. I’m sure they’re fine in their place, but they are often uncontrolled and have no place in enclosed social spaces intended for everyone’s enjoyment.
Steve Halliwell, North Fitzroy

Tenants lose out
Stringent Victorian legislation for property owners and mooted rental caps have caused a significant increase in the number of investment property sales over the past two years, further diminishing supply for needy tenants.
Iain Carmichael, Richmond

Price is priceless
Thank goodness for Jenna Price (“Oh baby, who’d be named by Musk”, 13/9). While many articles in The Age have me incandescent with rage or in resigned agreement, Jenna makes me laugh. Her witty comments and pragmatic advice with my breakfast starts
my day with a smile.
Cheryl Day, Beaumaris

Behaviour must stop
Liberal MP Karen Andrews’ revelation on the ABC’s Kitchen Cabinet that a fellow MP harassed her in parliament must be addressed because there must be a seriously dumb male member of parliament strolling the corridors of Parliament House.
Ian Hetherington, Moama, NSW


There are plenty of Yes placards around, but where are the No ones?

There are plenty of Yes placards around, but where are the No ones?Credit: AP

The Voice
I have noticed many placards and banners on front fences advocating the Yes vote. However, I have not seen one single illustration for the No vote. Why are the naysayers hiding their light under a bushel?
Mark Hulls, Sandringham

The failure of the Voice referendum will, in fact, be a celebration of the triumph of the true spirit of Eureka. Where the Aussie battler rejects the hectoring and bullying of the elite and demands a fair go for all.
Wayne Alexander, Eltham

If the No side is using fear, doubt and misinformation, then it has learnt from the masters. Labor’s “Mediscare” tactics during the 2016 federal election remains a textbook example of scare campaigning.
Greg Hardy, Upper Ferntree Gully

While I can see Randall Bradshaw’s point about not answering the phone, might it not be better to engage and waste the time of the Advance caller?
Graeme Gardner, Reservoir

No, William Cook (Letters 13/09), “Try to understand it” is not a criticism of the Voice, rather an appeal to educate oneself about it.
Vicki Jordan, Lower Plenty

AFL tribunal
I barrack for Carlton. By law, I cannot support Collingwood. However, the Brayden Maynard decision was, on balance, right.
Peter Randles, Pascoe Vale South

Brayden Maynard’s action in launching himself as a projectile was the issue. That act was reckless. Once airborne, he had no control of the outcome.
David Brophy, Beaumaris

Assuming the name is available, the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services should quickly become Australia Air.
Tony Haydon, Springvale

I am contemplating buying a carpet python and taking it with me whenever I go out to a restaurant or pub.
Phil Labrum, Trentham

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