

This was published 11 months ago

‘Content to wait’: Erin Patterson philosophical about time stretching in custody

By Tony Wright

The wheels of justice grind slowly, as Chinese and Greek philosophers long ago asserted.

For Erin Patterson – charged with three counts of murder by mushroom-infused beef Wellington and five counts of attempted murder – that’s just fine, apparently.

A court sketch of Erin Patterson on Monday.

A court sketch of Erin Patterson on Monday.Credit: Nine News

She is content to wait – in jail, where she has already spent months on remand – for another 14 or 16 months before she faces a hearing to decide whether she must face trial, according to her barrister, Colin Mandy, SC.

Patterson sat alone and silent in one of those tiny, lonesome rooms reserved for the accused when they appear by video before a court in Victoria, the paintwork a tone you might describe as government drab, her only companion a chair askew behind her, as lawyers and a magistrate discussed her fate on Monday.

She was perfectly expressionless, her hair gathered tightly and her glasses upon her nose just so. Her gaze was fixed on the video camera on the wall above her as the court’s actors went to and fro on their disembodied video links about the prospects of a date for a committal hearing, none of them reaching a conclusion.

No hint of impatience crossed Patterson’s face as the opening minutes dissolved into confusion, the barrister and prosecutor missing from the video feed, the magistrate standing down while their absence was righted.

Erin Patterson is accused of poisoning family members with mushrooms in a beef Wellington at her Leongatha home.

Erin Patterson is accused of poisoning family members with mushrooms in a beef Wellington at her Leongatha home.Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola, supplied

When the technology was rectified, magistrate Tim Walsh said he was on leave next week, and wanted to discuss how and when a committal hearing might occur.

The court in which he sat in Morwell, in the Latrobe Valley, serviced six courts, which was clearly quite a load, he pointed out.


Could the matter be moved to Melbourne, or fast-tracked to the Supreme Court? Had any thought been given to such possibilities?

No, said Mandy. “We’re content to wait,” he said.

Walsh protested that such a prospect did not appear fair to Patterson, for it was unlikely a date could be found until next year.

“If it has to be next year, Ms Patterson is happy to wait for that,” Mandy replied.

“Which puts her in custody for 14 to 16 months,” said Walsh.

He didn’t need to say it, and didn’t, but this was a prisoner, innocent until proven guilty, who was being discussed.

Prosecutor Sarah Lenthall told the court the Crown’s position was that “a committal should proceed as soon as possible”.

But Mandy argued that the matter should be heard in the Latrobe Valley, within the community in which Patterson’s alleged offences were said to have occurred and close to her home.

Walsh said he understood Mandy’s client being “content” to wait for long months, but such a delay “seems to be getting a bit out there”.


With the matter of a place and time for justice grinding on unresolved, Walsh adjourned the case for further mention on May 7, when Patterson would once again appear by video from the drab little room at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre, where she will remain in custody for a period no one can predict.

Both the ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu and the third-century Greek philosopher Sextus Empricus are credited with quotes approximating that “the wheels of justice grind slowly, but grind fine”.

Erin Patterson, then, appears content to test how fine Victoria’s justice system might grind. Given time. Lots of it.

John Silvester lifts the lid on Australia’s criminal underworld. Subscribers can sign up to receive his Naked City newsletter every Thursday.

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