

This was published 4 years ago


The tyranny that strikes a friendless Clive Palmer could hurt any of us

By Tom Switzer and Robert Carling

We don’t know Clive Palmer and we have no time for his antics. However, not even the eccentric billionaire should be treated as disgracefully as he has been by the West Australian government.

A week ago, the Labor government of Premier Mark McGowan, shamefully backed by the Liberal opposition, passed legislation that extinguishes the legal rights of Palmer’s Mineralogy.

If it can happen Clive Palmer, it can hapen to any of us.

If it can happen Clive Palmer, it can hapen to any of us. Credit: Nine

In 2002, the flamboyant businessman’s flagship company made an agreement with the WA government for the exploration and development of an iron ore deposit. Subsequently, disputes arose and, under the provisions of the 2002 agreement, were referred to independent arbitration before a retired High Court judge.

That judge has twice found in favour of Mineralogy and damages are to be assessed at hearings later this year. The government fears it will lose the case and pay a large compensation bill up to about $30 billion, though other sources claim any award to Palmer could be a small fraction of that.

Simply put, the WA government does not want to honour the terms of a contract. By using its legislative powers to annul a contract it entered into in 2002, it seeks to prevent the other party from exercising its legal rights to enforce it.


According to McGowan, if Palmer successfully “steals” from the people, “that would mean mass closures of hospitals, of schools, of police stations, mass sackings”. This is tripe.

If anything, it’s the WA government that is doing the stealing by effectively rendering a valuable asset worthless to its owner. The result is that West Australians will suffer thanks to the flight of investment capital from their state.

To reiterate: the WA government has rushed through legislation to tear up the contract, deny Palmer natural justice, exempt the matter from freedom-of-information rules and grant criminal immunity to the state and its agents. The government is saying it can do as it wishes, rewrite the rules to its advantage and thumb its nose at the rule of law.


All this should be a warning light to anyone contemplating investment in WA. Indeed, the government’s action is a perfect example of sovereign risk, which drives away capital.


Meanwhile, reinforcing Palmer's persona non grata status in the state is his High Court challenge to WA’s border restrictions. But those restrictions are extreme, and Palmer is doing the whole nation a favour by testing their constitutional validity.

If the government’s action against Mineralogy is payback for Palmer’s temerity in challenging border controls, it just puts the action in an even worse light.

In any case, the state government’s legislative gambit to shield itself from Palmer’s legal action is an outrageous abuse of power that should deeply concern all Australians. If states can abolish a company’s right to natural justice, they can threaten the legitimate legal rights of anyone. This is what we expect of a banana republic or an authoritarian state.

As the anti-Nazi Protestant pastor Martin Niemoller recognised in his famous poem – First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – those who want to remove freedoms will remove them first from people with no friends. However, if the broader community does not oppose this illiberalism from the outset, forcefully and clearly, our free and open society is seriously threatened.


Retrospective rewriting of the rules is not new, but is generally repugnant. Past examples are rare and do not provide legitimacy to WA’s actions.

In 1980 the Fraser government shut down the bottom-of-the-harbour tax avoidance scheme. The legislation cast the net back almost nine years. At the time, Senator Don Chipp, then leader of the Australian Democrats, said that, although he supported the policy objective, he opposed retrospectivity as a matter of principle. “One of the few protections that the ordinary citizen has,” he warned, “is that he knows the law.”

In NSW, one of the early actions of the newly elected O’Farrell government in 2011 was to propose legislation to rewrite contracts that had promised households a feed-in tariff of 60 cents per kilowatt-hour for surplus electricity generated by their rooftop solar panels.

The scheme was ridiculously generous and in fact had already been modified by the previous government to reduce the feed-in tariff for new participants from October 2010. Nobody could complain about that, as it only affected new entrants. However, the O’Farrell government’s move to tear up the old contracts and slash the feed-in tariff for them rightly created a political storm.


As a result, the attempt was abandoned. The fact the scheme was put in place by the previous Labor government was neither here nor there: it was an obligation of the NSW government.

If there was an outcry then, there should be an outcry now against the WA government. But there isn’t. Not from the Commonwealth, the state opposition or the people of Western Australia.

The cold hard reality is that the government campaign against the mining magnate represents a serious threat to the rule of law. It’s Clive Palmer today, but who is next?

Tom Switzer is executive director and Robert Carling is a senior fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies.

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