

This was published 4 years ago

'Systemic unlawfulness': 88 per cent of NSW Police searches found nothing

By Pallavi Singhal and Angus Thompson

NSW Police found nothing in 88 per cent of the 211,000 personal searches conducted under the force's quota-based system in 2018, prompting concerns it is leading to an abuse of powers to meet targets.

More than 26,300 searches were conducted on children under 18, of which 90 per cent came up empty, data obtained by the Herald from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research shows.

In some areas, up to 37 per cent of all searches involved children and 78 per cent involved Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, with nothing found in more than 90 per cent of these.

In some areas, up to 37 per cent of all searches involved children and 78 per cent involved Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, with nothing found in more than 90 per cent of these.Credit: Paul Harris

In some areas, up to 37 per cent of all searches were done on children and 78 per cent on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Nothing was found in many of these cases.

UNSW Law School lecturer Vicki Sentas said: "There's a likely systemic unlawfulness around stop and search powers, really low rates of something being found are an indicator that police aren't turning their minds to whether there are grounds for reasonable suspicion.

"If searches are being done for a good reason, you would expect the majority to find something."

Last week the Herald revealed that police commands are given targets for the number of personal searches officers must conduct, with a target of 242,000 across NSW in 2018-19.

The NSW Police Association has raised concerns about the effect of "proactive" policing models, in which the execution of personal search and move-on powers is pushed, has on resourcing.

Its president Tony King said there needed to be a workable balance between proactive policing and general duties or reactive policing.


"Officers performing general duties form the frontline for responding to calls from assistance from the community, and the pendulum should not swing so far to proactive strategies that it compromises the ability to meet first response agreements," he said.

A NSW Police spokeswoman said the force was responsible for enforcing drugs and weapons laws and searches were a "vital detection tool and often necessary to find and seize these illegal items".

"Any time a police officer executes their search powers, they must hold a reasonable suspicion as required by [the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act]. A search cannot be conducted if this criteria is not met," she said.

"There are additional safeguards for children and vulnerable people with which police must comply. Officers are trained to deal with the public in a respectful and empathetic manner, and to be aware of potential cultural sensitivities."

A total of 17,535 searches were conducted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in 2018, with nothing found in 88 per cent of these.

Aboriginal Legal Service principal legal officer Nadine Miles said the "excessive and unnecessary use of personal and strip searches is causing significant emotional and psychological harm in Aboriginal communities, particularly for children and young people".


Of the 238,923 actual searches conducted in 2018-19, two per cent, or 5353, were strip searches.

Nothing was found in 66 per cent of these.

Professor in criminology at the University of Sydney Murray Lee said the number of searches that found nothing raised questions about whether the quotas are a "good use of police resources".

"Ultimately you've got to question why they're doing it, I can't see how a quota system fits into that scheme of having reasonable grounds for a search," Professor Lee said.

Professor Lee said there was also little evidence that personal searches are linked to a fall in crime.

"Crime rates have been going down for the last 20 years, with a little blip here and there, and that being the result of stop and searches is just a ridiculous argument," Professor Lee said.

Personal searches include both general searches, which can involve a frisk or requiring someone to remove outer layers of clothing, and strip searches, in which all the person's clothing may be removed.

In the area with the highest proportion of positive findings, the North Shore police area command, something was found in less than 22 per cent of searches.

About 78.5 per cent of all personal searches in the Central North police district, which stretches from west of Dubbo to the Queensland border, were conducted on people identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Nothing was found in 93 per cent of the nearly 1100 searches.

About 37 per cent of searches in Ku-ring-gai, or 550 searches, were conducted on children under 18, of which 91 per cent came up empty.

Professor Lee said a high number of searches involving children and vulnerable groups creates "an expectation of the contact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and particularly young people will have with police".

Police Minister David Elliott declined to comment.

The number of total searches includes cases where something was found, where nothing was found, where people refused to be searched and where they refused to produce an object. A total of 60 people refused to be searched and eight refused to produce an object in 2018.

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