

This was published 8 years ago

Sunday explainer – should I buy my kids more stuff?

By Marc Moncrief

A young child surrounded in wrapping paper, endorphin-drunk. Boxes abound – some opened, some cast aside. Weeks of anticipation have all come to this wondrous moment. It's Christmas morning, and you're ruining your child.

Every parent wants to give their child their dream Christmas – the one where they get everything they want. They are so cute, we love to see them happy in that moment. We are hardwired this way, but lots of academics think our wiring is wrong.

Generous to a fault? It's possible to give too much.

Generous to a fault? It's possible to give too much.

What's wrong with giving?

Nothing, really. The impulse to give is perfectly natural. In years gone by, it would have been an extravagant thing to do, to give a special something to the ones we love.

But we have a first-world problem: modern Australia's relative wealth, combined with the trend for smaller families than would be normal for previous generations, means parents feel empowered to indulge their child's every wish.

Children, raised in the same environment of relative wellbeing, have developed expectations far beyond their ancestors' wildest fantasies.

"A lot of kids treat as normal what may have been a gift or a treat many years ago," says Michael Grose, parenting educator and director of "Past generations had grown up with scarcity, so if it's Christmas or a birthday and then suddenly they get a treat they (would) think 'oh that's fantastic'."

According to research by US marketing academic Marsha Richins​, parents who snap up every item on their childrens' Christmas list may be raising materialistic adults.

"Our research suggests that children who receive many material rewards from their parents will likely continue rewarding themselves with material goods when they are grown –well into adulthood – and this could be problematic," she said when unveiling the research last year.


The published report of the research says the repercussions are both personal and environmental.

"At the personal level, materialism in adulthood has been linked to reduced wellbeing, marital problems, and financial difficulties," the report says. "The higher consumption levels of materialistic consumers contribute to greenhouse gas production and climate change, depletion of natural resources, and environmental pollution."

The research highlighted three gift-giving habits that could lead to children becoming materialistic adults:

  • Rewarding children with gifts when they have accomplished something;
  • Giving gifts as a way to show affection, and;
  • Punishing children by taking away their possessions.

Most parents reading this will have done one or all of these, probably before lunch, but it's the second which is most relevant to Christmas giving.

Michael Grose, parenting educator and director of, said parents use gifts as a way to affirm their standing.

"We sort of associate gift giving with 'I'm doing a good job as a parent'," he says. "In the Great Depression, if your kid was alive you were doing a good job."

Won't my kid go nuts?

Maybe. You might find that having less is hard to begin with. But you might also find it makes your child more creative.

Kindergartens in Germany have been experimenting with this idea for years, with some interesting results.

It all began with a study in 1992 by German youth advocacy group Aktion Jugendschutz​. Their focus was to discourage addictive behaviour in later life, so they removed all toys from a volunteer kindergarten for three months.

"Childhood in our society more often than not is determined by a lack of time really at the child's discretion and by permanent confrontation with products offered by consumer goods industries," the study's report says.

The study's report says the proliferation of these products teaches children to "quickly get rid of daily problems and frustrations by taking to vicarious forms of satisfaction", and that this can act as "initial 'practicing' of addiction behaviour".

They found things were hard at the outset, but eventually the kids began to improvise toys. Meals became more social. Shy kids who would otherwise lose themselves in a corner playing with a toy would reach out more readily to others.

"The children were found to be more creative, well-balanced, and self-confident with no toys to play with," the report says. "They learnt how to hold one's own and to trust their own capacities. Their conduct showed that they, due to enhanced self-confidence, were able to act independently and to realise their boundaries."

A number of kindergartens in Germany, and even some German kinders in the United States, latched onto the study. In some kinders, the practice is now well entrenched to remove toys for three months of the year. Does it make better people? The jury's out.

So, what? We don't give our kids anything?

It doesn't have to be that dramatic. Mr Grose recognises that it probably isn't necessary and doesn't make sense for parents to get rid of giving toys altogether, and kids will have expectations based on their friends' Christmas hauls.

"From a common sense perspective we can do all these things, but for each family it comes down to what you can afford as parents and what other kids get," he says.

"My thought is always go a little bit less rather than a little bit more."

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