

This was published 6 months ago

Shocked? Spy revelation no surprise to those paying attention

The ASIO boss’ intervention has kickstarted the debate about how Australia handles China’s intensifying covert activities.

By Nick McKenzie

The only thing shocking about the political firestorm that erupted after ASIO boss Mike Burgess described a years-old case of an unnamed politician turned traitor is that anyone in Canberra was actually shocked.

A more sensible debate may have focused on why Burgess didn’t use last month’s annual national security threat assessment to describe more recent cases of attempted political infiltration or identify the agency most often responsible, China’s Ministry of State Security.

ASIO director-general of security Mike Burgess said he had exposed the foreign spy unit as part of “a real-world, real-time disruption” operation.

ASIO director-general of security Mike Burgess said he had exposed the foreign spy unit as part of “a real-world, real-time disruption” operation.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Burgess was restricted by the need to keep his agency’s more recent secrets secret and, quite possibly, the standing government policy of avoiding public spats with Beijing by calling out its malign covert activities.

This policy, spoken and unspoken, is either craven and misguided or reasoned and sensible, depending on who you ask. Whatever you think, not calling out China undermines the quality of debate we can have about whether our political system and laws are working to deal with the source of our most serious security threat.

But stoking a debate about the MSS and China wasn’t Burgess’ direct aim. He wanted to promote awareness about the growing threat of foreign interference and espionage and why it matters more than ever given the battle between a still rising China and a US many view in retreat (especially if Trump is re-elected), not to mention Russia’s aggression and other perilous world events.

Whatever you think of his speech and the fallout, Burgess achieved his aim. Suddenly, everyone was talking about spying.

But should have we been surprised that there was a traitor within the country’s political ranks?

Seasoned politicians and journalists, or indeed anyone who can use Google, should be well aware of the plethora of open-source cases involving former Australian political figures being openly cultivated by Chinese government agents of influence.


This includes those tempted by the lure of donations and post-political careers, or who have taken tasty pay cheques from companies owned by figures linked closely to the Chinese state for seemingly piddly tasks.


Indeed, there were so many suspects that many journalists didn’t know who to start calling when trying to get an ex-politician to identify themselves as the unnamed traitor that Joe Hockey and Peter Dutton believed should have been outed.

Burgess’ unnamed politician isn’t a shocking aberration needing to be named and shamed. It is merely a historical case study to illustrate just how close the MSS has at times got to reshaping parts of our democracy thanks to the greed, ego, stupidity or naivety of a small but still troubling number of ex-political figures.

Alex Turnbull, the son of former PM Malcolm, made this point perfectly (although perhaps without realising it) when he proffered that he may have been targeted by this unnamed politician’s plotting. Sorry Alex. It wasn’t you.

But the fact that, for a few days, many thought it could have been (Turnbull claimed he was approached by possible Chinese spies), highlights the way in which agents of the MSS and its sister entity, the United Front Work Department, work. They have previously entrenched themselves in pockets of Australian society and, in the case of the latter, acted brazenly.

The number of Labor and Coalition figures who interacted with accused UFWD agent of influence and prolific political donor Huang Xiangmo is breathtaking.

Our system has toughened up since Huang was expelled from Australia. Previous public debate, media exposés, ASIO’s work, and the Turnbull government’s decision to introduce new foreign interference and espionage laws in 2018 have all played a part.

But the MSS hasn’t given up. It’s grown exponentially, getting more tech and surveillance savvy, adapting to ASIO’s every move, confident that self-interest always leaves cracks in any political system.

It’s why we need to keep debating and talking about Beijing and the MSS, while also pointing out all the problems facing our closest security ally, the US.

We also need to keep asking if our security system is fit for purpose.


While Burgess is right to say that prosecutions of foreign interference plotters and spies are not the only measure of success, the fact there has only been one conviction since 2018 suggests either the federal police or Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions needs help.

Before the 2018 legal changes, some of the conduct the average Australian would have considered treasonous wasn’t actually illegal. That only changed because politicians, the media and others were prepared to carefully call out Beijing when the evidence permitted it, paving the way for new laws.

Now that Beijing’s spying apparatus is challenging the CIA in terms of scale, scope and power, and given our own system appears to sometimes struggle to hold wrongdoers to account, the debate must continue.

Let’s not call out one local traitor. Let’s call out a foreign spying and influence regime seeking to cultivate many of them.

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