

This was published 4 years ago


Security concerns over reciprocal data exchange deal

It is well known that China can order Chinese communications companies to hand over their customers' data. This is why Australia is contemplating banning the Chinese-owned video-sharing platform TikTok, which is popular with teenagers around the globe – except in China, where it's not available.

What is often overlooked is that the Australian government can do the same thing to companies operating here, including ones owned overseas. Now the Morrison government wants to go much further. It has a bill before Parliament to give it the right to force companies in other countries to hand over data. If passed, which is almost certain, this will be the first significant example of Australia applying its criminal laws extra-territorially.

ASIO will have the right to demand communications providers to supply electronic data from other countries.

ASIO will have the right to demand communications providers to supply electronic data from other countries.Credit: Fairfax

After reciprocal agreements with the US, Britain and other "like-minded" countries are reached, the bill gives ASIO and Australian law-enforcement bodies the right to make communications providers in these countries produce any electronic data they request and remove encryption.

Although the full list is not yet available, few Australians realise that the FBI and a wide range of American law-enforcement and security bodies will have reciprocal rights to access private data held by Australian people and corporations.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton is negotiating an agreement with US Attorney-General William Barr to finalise the details. A big stumbling block is that a US law, called the CLOUD Act, prohibits other countries accessing American data if they have weaker privacy and civil liberties protections than the US. Australia falls into that category.

The protection in European countries is even stronger than the US. Moreover, Britain is promising to retain strong laws after Brexit. Unlike the Australian bill, Britain protects communications between journalists and sources.


There are suggestions the US might exempt Australia's weaker protection for its citizens' rights from the agreement. In a joint announcement with Mr Dutton last October, Mr Barr said Australia had "robust protections of privacy and civil liberties".

This is not the case. The Law Council of Australia accepts that many requests will be innocuous, but argues that aspects of the bill "gnaw away at privacy [and] offer very few of the safeguards that exist in comparable nations".


If the Dutton-Barr agreement ignores the weaknesses in Australia's protections, it will run into stiff opposition from Americans, whose data could be accessed by Australia in the US. Even if an American service provider had only one customer in Australia, the government's bill will let Australian intelligence and law enforcement agencies access the electronic data of numerous US communications providers.

It is unclear if the Dutton-Barr agreement will even be released in full. Yet the equivalent US-British agreement publicly set out the full protections that apply.


The Morrison government's bill says that an Administrative Appeals Tribunal lawyer of only five years standing can issue an International Production Order (IPO) to authorise a request from Australian intelligence services and law enforcement bodies to force US firms to hand over electronic data. In the US and Britain, only a judge can issue such an order, not a body such as the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, which is widely considered to have less independence than a court.

A new body called the Australian Designated Authority will also be involved in issuing IPOs and advising the attorney-general, as well as being responsible for considering objections. Not surprisingly, the Law Council of Australia and major law firms such as Gilbert +Tobin question whether this body will be independent.

The Law Council is also concerned about the lack of parliamentary scrutiny of the agreements reached between Australia and "like-minded" countries. Even if Parliament approved an initial agreement with relatively strong human rights clauses, these can later be deleted without further reference to Parliament.

Several international law firms, such as Norton Rose Fulbright, have already drawn attention to the deficiencies in Australia's protections. So has the global software alliance, BSA.

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Margaret Stone during a Senate estimates hearing at Parliament House in Canberra, 2019.

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Margaret Stone during a Senate estimates hearing at Parliament House in Canberra, 2019. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

At a minimum, Australian citizens should not accept any agreement with less protection of their privacy and human rights than Americans, let alone Europeans. ASIO will not even be required to publicly reveal how many IPOs it requests and how many it receives.

Protecting human rights could assume greater importance if more agreements for reciprocal IPOs are reached. The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Margaret Stone, told a parliamentary committee in May that any agreement should include the right not to be subjected to cruel or inhuman punishment. This is not as far-fetched as it might seem. The US tortured detainees in its war on terrorism.

It is not implausible that an agreement will be reached with India. The PM and senior ministers repeatedly stress how India shares common values with Australia. In fact, it has a dreadful human rights record that includes torture.


Against this backdrop, it's not clear that banning TikTok should be an urgent priority. Like other social media platforms, account holders have to provide basic identification. In any event, Chinese intelligence analysts are unlikely to be swamped with high-value intelligence by viewing millions of short videos uploaded by talented teenagers.

Brian Toohey is the author of Secret: the Making of Australia's Security State.

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