

This was published 3 years ago


Road to a republic needs a minimal approach

What has come over some republicans? Apparently enthused by the current soap opera clouding the House of Windsor, they are planning to release a suggested model for a republic later this year.

To infer a correlation between the problems plaguing the royal family and the chance of us voting for a republic is in my view a mistake. It suggests the popularity or otherwise of the royal family is somehow particularly relevant to that issue.

If it’s possible to be born with political opinions, I was born a republican. If it were about the popularity of officeholders, I might not have been a republican because Queen Elizabeth II took the throne when I was just a year old. She was then, as now, a popular figure. She radiates decency, responsibility and duty.

Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex speaking to Oprah Winfrey.

Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex speaking to Oprah Winfrey.

Running a debate on the future of our constitutional arrangements as though it were an episode of MAFS is embarrassing. I am somewhat despairing at the cheap nature of the current debate. Don’t people realise that to win a referendum on this issue, constitutional monarchists need to be won over? Taking a “they’re a bunch of misfits” line is unlikely to win over a monarchist. I just can’t see a fan of the royal family slapping their face with cold water as they exclaim how stupid they’ve been all these years. “Silly me I had no idea how bad they were” is just not going to cut the ice. People are not that keen to follow you if the precondition you set is a mea culpa to the error of their ways.

Criticising the royal family or playing to the crowd on their current limitations is just dumb. It will not win over any monarchists. Quite the opposite.

Toss in the well-known fact that we are as a nation extremely cautious about voting yes in referenda, and big neon lights are spelling out that if you want to change, go the minimalist route. Less distance to move the monarchists and less drama to scare the public generally.

The reason Australia should become a republic is about us, not the Windsors. Over a few hundred years, we have developed from a group of colonies into a nation that can and should stand alone. We should not share a head of state. Yes, of course, the Queen can act as Queen of wherever she likes at one time and in the next minute perform an act as Queen of Australia. She is acting independently in each role. But is that good enough in this day and age?

Queen Elizabeth remains a popular figure.

Queen Elizabeth remains a popular figure. Credit: Getty Images

I think not. We need a head of state who has our interests, and only ours, at heart. Someone who feels our heat, smells our eucalypts. We want someone who not only delights in a magpie’s warble but yearns for it. As a country in the Indo-Pacific, we should be spelling out to our neighbours that we, like so many of them, have thrown off the last vestiges of colonialism.


Our current constitutional arrangements work fairly well. So why not keep the title governor-general federally and the title governor in the states? The name to me doesn’t matter. It’s making Australia fully independent that matters.

Then comes the question of how to select a governor-general. The current system has the prime minister recommending a person to the Queen. That system has served us remarkably well. What do people say has been so bad about it? Monarchists and “direct elect” republicans say we can’t trust politicians. This is superficial gibberish. We elect them. We can sack them.

The leader of the government effectively chooses the governor-general. In effect, we choose who chooses. It has worked remarkably well; not perfect; but not much is. We can, if we want, put a brake on the prime minister’s power and require a nominee to have the support of a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament. We can also construct a body to make the formal appointment.

Australian Republican Movement leader Malcolm Turnbull on the last day of his campaign before Australians voted against a republic in 1999.

Australian Republican Movement leader Malcolm Turnbull on the last day of his campaign before Australians voted against a republic in 1999.Credit: AP

Let’s not forget that a shocking appointment would blot the record of a prime minister both with the public of the day and in a historical sense. Every prime minister worries about their current popularity and their legacy. We have more power than we perhaps realise.

I’d leave as much as we can the same. Yes, I’d let the prime minister sack a governor-general and vice versa. Political pressure and the cold, hard reality of it will make that an extraordinarily rare event. As it ought be.


If people want to insist on offering a direct-elect model, they must convince us that good and decent people will be prepared to run the gamut of a public election contest. I can’t see people of the calibre of former governors-general such as Ninian Stephen or William Deane being willing to enter that fray.

We rightly love our sporting heroes but I’m not sure we see that career as a suitable precursor to being our head of state. Now that so many earn so much, their altruism shines a little less and maybe we have modified our affection for them.

I hope we become a republic in my lifetime. The only way to get that is to offer a model we can all endorse. That will be minimal change. Only legends in their own lunchtime think otherwise.

Amanda Vanstone is a former Howard government minister and a regular columnist.

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