

This was published 4 years ago

Readers share their tips on how to cope with life under lockdown

By Mex Cooper

We're asking readers to share their best tips for getting through the coronavirus crisis - from keeping boredom at bay to buying a bidet. Baking, cooking, praying, reading, gardening, cleaning and drinking have been among your many suggestions. And looking out for each other to get through.

We want you to keep sharing your thoughts and photos and we'll keep updating this article.

Keep in mind that some older answers may relate to a time when social distancing measures were not as restrictive as they are now.

Some responses have been edited for length.

Coronavirus is hard but you just have to stay fit, healthy and mentally strong. It's a great time to set goals for yourself such as going sugar-free, being more active or even something you've always wanted to do but never have had the time to. What better time than now?! amidst all the troubles and struggles of being inside, you learn more about yourself. Are you someone who can easily stay at home? Or are you someone who can't sit still and is just jumping to go out and get exercise and be outside (me!)?


Renos at home with a new dining table. - Samuel

 Samuel's homemade dining table.

Samuel's homemade dining table.Credit: Reader supplied

I’ve started journaling and drawing and am planning on reducing social media time for the next month. Also making an effort to wear bright colours - Bec

I’m a big believer in taking photos to document special family events and milestones, something I’ve inherited from my parents. Sadly many of our family photos from the 20s right through to the 90s are fading, some quite badly. It’s been on my mind for a long time, I’ve always wanted to scan them and create a digital collection to ensure the memories are preserved. Now that I’m home I’ve bought a scanner and started scanning the thousands of photos in our family photo collection. - Dani

Upgrading technical skills, playing with kids and enjoying a variety of vegetarian cuisines. - Subimal

I'm in multiple hobby groups where photography is an important aspect. Everyone is devoting time to processing and posting backlogs. In the gaps, they look at what everyone else has posted. - Anonymous

Jigsaw puzzles are the go at my house. Gardening has been keeping us busy as well. - Anonymous

I am a 63 stay-at-home mum. My home is large enough so that my semi-retired husband and I don’t trip over each other, and we can basically each do our own thing. Our 19-year-old daughter is coping with 3rd-year uni lectures/tutorials online - she is resigned to staying at home, and is talking extensively to friends remotely. That they are all in the same boat together, makes it easier for her to accept. We all still have our usual little spats, but our large home means they are nothing more than the every day - killing each other isn’t remotely on the agenda! I like my own company, I have many hobbies, from reading to craftwork. I cook terrific nutritious meals every night, the only exciting thing to look forward to every night! - Fiona

Until the visitor bans, Mum loved to dress up and entertain the residents at the local nursing home. Recently she dug through her costume box and delivered the Queen's message directly to all her Facebook friends and family. She has done such a wonderful job of bringing laughter and cheer to everyone with her funny photos each day. - Narissa

Narissa's mother dressed up as the Queen to bring some laughter to her friends and family.

Narissa's mother dressed up as the Queen to bring some laughter to her friends and family.

I’ve found an excellent resource released by Occupational Therapy Australia which is a guide to dealing with the disruption caused by COVID 19. It’s really easy to read and has much helpful and practical advice for people dealing with living at home during this period. Working from home in a small house, we’ve followed the advice in the guide to reimagine our space with two workstations at the end of a table, a clear area at the other end as a dining space...and we bought a cheap pantry from Bunnings to fit our food seeing as we’ve changed our shopping habits to only go to the supermarket once a week. - Mari

The first two weeks, I regularly had a panic attack, being so far from only son, I couldn't sleep and didn't know what to do with my time, I could not concentrate on anything. But you get used to it, I started Wolf Hall, make jigsaw puzzles and watch tv. And I clean, the house will look like never before. Shopping is limited to once a week, and I wear a mask when I go out. I cycle along the river, early in the morning four times a week. And the cockatiel is a great distraction, I taught him to whistle: Rockin' In The Free World, it's so funny when he does.We are in this for longer than we think. Just take day by day, follow the rules and hope for the best." - Janne

I try to walk once a day at least around the park nearby, sing with my Choir "With One Voice" who are Australia-wide. Conductors from all the choirs are connecting several times a week and you can sing along with their current music. I have a bicycle that I haven't had the intestinal fortitude to get on and learn to ride, being 72 now and not wanting to break bones, but have resolved to find somewhere quiet and practice carefully. Reading my books (retired librarian), is a joy, and Netflix is a saviour. Trying to avoid watching too many newscasts about the virus as I'm told this isn't good for a person and can make them feel more 'down' than they would usually. I liked the idea to keep bananas fresh (see further below), and will try that so thanks everyone for your tips and keep well - Julie

Every day: 1) pull up the blinds, open the windows, let the lights in, let the breeze blow — it does wonder for any atrophying soul! 2) look into the window — of your spouse and children's heart and soul and mind --- listen to what is said, but more importantly, what’s not being said — crisis helps you realise it’s not what you don’t have that matters, but what you still have and the people you can still love that make all the difference 3) whistle away — while wiping off crumbs and cleaning the mess...this craze of constant chaos? it keeps the mind busy, the body moving — besides, it shows signs of life…signs to show that even when everything seems stripped away, it’s the fundamentals that matter: people and not possession, legacy and not looks - Liza

We organise a social get together with family via Facetime or similar. We all have a glass of wine and chat about the week. Have created a pretty good task list for around the home - some tasks not so exciting :). Family games night every week. I'm going to write the book I've always talked about. My major concern is being fit and able to ensure my elderly parents have everything they need and are safe. The important things in life are family and friends and living! - Jodie

I retired a year ago and my wife presented me with the LIST (home maintenance jobs, repairs, decluttering, etc) I have been busy working on the LIST since then but now I have no respite (trips to the shops, cafes, my local club). I am busy but it is now even more intense working through the LIST. This CANNOT be the new normal! No No No Let's hope we can get BACK to normal as soon as we can. Stay at home everyone so we get beyond this soon and I can get out again for my respite asap. Take care. - Brian

One reader came up with this solution to keep in touch with their neighbours.

One reader came up with this solution to keep in touch with their neighbours.

We have found a way to hang out without breaching social distancing measures - my wife, Laura, came up with a great idea of removing some colourbond panels from our shared fence, and replacing them with transparent poly-carbonate so we could enjoy a drink or dinner together with our neighbours. - Andrew

Taking the time to learn a new language, join in active exercises to replace aqua aerobics, beginning cryptic crosswords, sending my children’s books to my granddaughters by post, writing simple books for them and creating new laminated games for something new to do. - Gail

No work at all. So I’ve fallen in a heap. I’d love to be productive and clean the house - learn a new skill, or get fitter than I am. The garden looks like s**t. The dishwasher hasn’t been emptied in days, and there are weird balls of fluff in my bedroom that I haven’t seen for ages. But instead, I’m just taking the opportunity to watch classic old movies: The Godfather, Scarface, The Conversation. And so many more. I could get used to this - Ingie

I wake up go to work, come home in the evening, spend time with my family. sleep, wake up and do it all over again. nothings changed except we now own a bidet! - Aaron

I keep adding new learning items to my list. This week I started learning to cut my hair, using some YouTube videos that my hairdresser recommended (at my paid request). I started with the sides (HAD to happen), and now I'm awaiting the new barber shears coming in a couple of weeks to get to the top (and watching the videos again). I'm also learning to teach by distance, another new (and important) skill. AND I'm stepping up my gardening knowledge and helping with more veggie planting. Gardening may be an important skill for folks. - Jan

Our Belrose Probus club has utilised Zoom to have Management committee meetings and virtual meeting drinks at 6 pm on some days. The club has birthday list wishes each month, started additional club Newsletters with news on members, cartoons off Facebook and general news. We have also started up our own Facebook group with more information and tips for members. - Terry

We tend to walk less to the nearby parks these days due to restrictions as we feel that some freedom has been taken away. Essentially working from home, exercising in the house, watch TV/news, play games with our children, chat more with family members and do more indoor things together as a family like baking. Certainly helps to improve our relationship but each of us should have our quiet time for ourselves. Reading is one way - Jac


My job lately largely involves setting up offices around the country to be able to receive work calls at home. The days have been long and intense, but worth it to help slow the spread. I'm coping with the stress by riding my bike to work every day, 1/2 hour yoga when I get home, and meditating right before bed. Been finding lots of laughs and support online from complete strangers who have found an astounding amount of compassion to share - Kath

Adopt the neighbour principle. Four households making contact. Addressing two - four weeks worth of household necessities in the light of city-wide hoarding. Exchange safety tips and your contact details for a sense of Cummings. Isolation has its own negative effects. - Anonymous

Read lots of books! - Anonymous

Have phone calls with loved ones. Be creative - make music, make art. Set routines for working from home. Stick to healthy work hours. Get out of your PJs in the morning to feel productive. Give time and space to your fears and worries so that they don't boil over, but also be intentional about quieting your mind from the news for stretches of the day. Limit time on social media. Look for beauty where you haven't before - the nooks and crannies of your house and backyard. Get your neighbours' phone numbers so you can check-in, especially if they are elderly or alone. Research breathing exercises and meditation techniques for anxiety. Limit alcohol intake. Drink lots of water. Be patient with others - everyone is scared and on edge. Spare thoughts and prayers for those suffering more. Keep perspective. Practice thankfulness. Love, deeply and sacrificially and creatively. Don't heap abuse on your leaders - they are doing their best. This situation is unprecedented, which means we have an unprecedented chance to be good and kind and get through it, together. - Anonymous

Making up great stories about how I'm getting more fit and mentally stable by exercising and helping my neighbours, while watching the entire Netflix catalogue..... - Anonymous

I'm designing a native garden, planting seeds and watching them grow. Even in an apartment if you can find a sunny(ish) window sill you can grow mixed lettuces and greens. There are plenty of places to buy seeds online and to read about garden design. Plant the idea in your head and reflect on the importance of soil, flowers, trees and vegetables to our environment. - Anonymous

Am reading a biography of Napoleon and listening to all the Haydn String Quartets. And keeping a very tidy house! Going out occasionally for shopping, but it is so crazy. We have a surfeit of oats, fortunately, that food which according to Dr Johnson in England feeds the horses, but in Scotland feeds the people! Hopefully no weevils in the flour ... - Anonymous


Bunkering down at home definitely. - Anonymous

Care for others. Remind elderly neighbours to ensure their prescriptions are filled and see if they need any assistance with that, shopping or other matters. Make sure they have your phone number if they need help. And for those of us on the coast, time in the surf or walking at the beach is always grounding to help keep things in perspective. Coronavirus can and should be about community and caring and support for those in need. - Kate

Tip to avoid supermarket anxiety: Make a meal plan and freeze your meals in a container. This way you can ensure you are still eating healthy and not overbuying for the sake of buying and helps you stay on target at the supermarket! - Anonymous

Studying. Computer games. Keep a diary. Exercise. - Anonymous

Laugh...just for the sake of it. And stay away from Facebook! - Kristen

Eat healthy food prepared from fresh ingredients. Bake biscuits, and Soda Bread. Walk the dog on streets, beaches, and parks. Breathe deeply, calm down. Meditate. Do exercises to maintain muscle strength. Listen to music; mainly classical. Keep talking with neighbours and friends at a safe distance, 2 meters. Phone family and friends living far away. Tidy cupboards, drawers and clean the house. Wash the windows and the car. Look after the garden, growing herbs, rhubarb and lemons. Watch the Honeyeaters in the Grevillias and the birds in the streets, and your garden skinks and lizards. Do or learn new crafts, sewing, crochet, knitting. This too will pass, be kind and helpful. - Veronica

Kindness, calm and patience. - Patrick

My housemates and I are creating daily routines, doing something productive, something fun and something intellectually stimulating each day to get through it. There are a lot of things that we all need to do but usually don't have time to do, like clean out the linen closet, unsubscribe to emails, clear out the camera roll on my phone. Things like that which usually get pushed aside! But mainly doing lighthearted activities to keep our minds off it all and trying to balance out the scary and the fun. Also, a lot of screen time with family and friends, checking in with as many people as we can and making sure no one is alone. - Steph

If working from home, make sure to have a proper setup to prevent injuries. Take this time to also start reading some good books! - Anonymous

A reader suggests wrapping the stems of bananas in plastic to keep them from ripening too fast.

A reader suggests wrapping the stems of bananas in plastic to keep them from ripening too fast.Credit:

I'm stressed, I funnel my anxiety into the kitchen; cooking (including competitively, for the Royal Melbourne Show) is a big part of my mental health 'program'. I'm also trying to self-isolate where possible, mostly to protect more vulnerable friends and family with existing health issues. So, I've been sharing cooking tips via Instagram (@clembastow) and tagging it #ShelfIsolation; simple stuff like how to freeze fresh produce so that it doesn't turn into one big mushy ice cube, or how to keep bananas from ripening too fast (wrap the stems in plastic to slow the ethylene leakage!), and easy recipes for using up the remains of the vegetable crisper or basic dry goods. They're little, practical things that seem to be helping people feel like they've regained a bit of control over their situation, which is so helpful for anxiety. As to whether or not I'll share my Royal Show blue-ribbon-winning recipes, well, watch this space ... - Clem

I collected a mini stockpile of quality proteins, took to exercising at home and have joined a nationwide fight for universal basic income. As Americans are doing under the leadership of Andrew Yang. - Anonymous

Trying to stick to as normal of a routine as possible is paramount. Try getting up at a similar time each morning, shower, get dressed, do a YouTube work out, eat breakfast and then get started for the day. Take regular breaks and touch base with colleagues, family and friends. We are going to get through this! 🙂 - Bianca


My wife is concerned about the lockdown. In particular about whether we have enough alcohol at home. As she said, I am definitely going to need more wine if I have to spend 24-7 with you for a month. - Anonymous

Been getting takeaway meals from my local Chinese restaurant to feed myself. It's quiet and peaceful compared to Coles and Woolies right now. - Anonymous

By bringing 'wine-o-clock' forward by about 5 hours. - Anonymous

It’s week 3 for my girlfriend and I working from home. We feel fortunate to be in employment and to be able to work remotely...Our makeshift desk (round dining table) has been working okay but meals are now relegated to the couch. Telecon’s, Skype and Zoom calls are taken in the bedroom to avoid disruptions to each other, this doesn’t stop the crazy cat intruding most of the time. A normal routine and exercise are probably what has helped us the most. Although no longer having to commute is a bonus, we’ve realised the importance of that regular work shut down ritual where you can turn off your brain just for a little bit. At home, it’s a little different as you instantly go onto your next part of the day in preparing dinner, cleaning etc - RT

For a deeper perspective, I'm re-reading The Plague by Albert Camus. - Michael

Praying to God to stop the spread of coronavirus. - Anonymous

After working form home for two weeks it is very boring, time drags on, there is nothing to look forward too. You used to go to work and say ok after work I am going to go swimming or going to poker, and traveling to and from work was a separation, now its I will walk around the block again and go to the couch Changes I have noticed are more people out walking at all times, and a big drop in traffic. - David

Today's mission is to learn how to light a fire by rubbing two sticks together! Choosing some simple "how to" videos off YouTube and having a bash! - Paul

Prue is baking more with pleasing results.

Prue is baking more with pleasing results.

I have always been a baker at home but the coronavirus has galvanised some instinct to become closer to the fundamentals of life. So I’ve been experimenting with different ways to bake sourdough and methods. I have a community that I’ve started named Community Sourdough Project. It’s my quest to show people that they too can bake healthy, gut-friendly prebiotic sourdough in their own homes. Just with water, salt and organic flour. I baked this loaf this morning. - Prue


When I am not working from home, I am practising mandarin Chinese on an app, reading and playing online games. ... It's funny how about 90% of my life has remained exactly the same, yet it just feels different.Catch up on things around the house - breaking it up into sections so it's not too overwhelming. - Anonymous

After breakfast, I shower and put on comfy clothes (that aren't pyjamas), then "leave for work", walk around the block and then come home, having "arrived" to start my workday. Lunch outside for a full 30 minutes, no technology allowed. At the end of the workday another walk around the block, and then I've arrived "home". I'm also wearing my Fitbit all day and I'm not allowed to go to bed until I've hit 10,000 steps. - Ava

I am cooking new dishes. Calling my parents and friends and sharing information. Watching Netflix alas no sports...Lot of friends sending jokes or videos on the situation so good to feel a bit light after reading or listening to the news. - Ranjeet

No use complaining as there is nothing we can do but ride it out. Use this time to spend with family and less time on the screens. - Edwina

Fairly simple and straightforward - don't try to live your normal life and get done everything you would normally get done; get done what you can without stress until a new normal emerges and you can work within those new boundaries. - Thos

I'm a workplace strategist & economist for a global corporate property services firm...My personal advice to people is 'Use DOWNtime to UPskill', there are a lot of free education platforms out there (LinkedIn Learning and Kahn Academy). With a looming recession, it's never been more important to upskill yourself with the latest tech and business processes and set yourself ahead of the pack. - Bryan

One reader suggests trying out the Italian recipes of Silvia Colloca.

One reader suggests trying out the Italian recipes of Silvia Colloca.

Tip #1: Take the opportunity to "Cook Like an Italian with Silvia Colloca". Delicious. Tip #2: Change it up, and refresh your house. Move the pictures, cushions and furniture around. Tip #3: Update your podcast library and listen/learn from some transformative stories and pre-eminent broadcasters. Tip #4: Detox! Now's the time to think about giving the booze a break. Tip #5: Reconnect with those books you bought, but never quite found time to read. Tip #6: Live consciously. Think about it. Half the world doesn't have access to toilet paper. So calm the ---- down. - Anonymous

My partner and I have changed our lives a lot... He's a owns a florist in South Melbourne Market, and is now doing all the orders and deliveries himself as the shop has had to close. I'm a family violence worker and having client contact via phone and video chat. The isolation is hard for people and for me personally. Gardening has been a huge help and a good source of therapy. Animal therapy is also a big one! - Anonymous

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Just before all this panic started, I read an article on people using cloth wipes instead of toilet paper. So when it was difficult to buy the paper, I tried it and it works fine. I bought small face washers in the baby section of a major store, in packs of ten. The article had suggested having a handy bucket to collect for used wipes, with disinfectant, and put through the wash when necessary. However, we have a washlet (toilet seat bidet) and I wash the used wipe as I wash my hands. I love it. - Anonymous

My partner & I are both working from home at our employer instructions. We have separate office areas set up and working well. Main issue is internet bandwidth when we both need to use video conference. First world problem I know but that's the way it is. - David

Keep a diary and record your interactions with others. If you do become infected with COVID 19, it might make the task of tracing contacts easier for the medical folk. - Anonymous

A reader's homemade bidet.

A reader's homemade bidet.

I have a small backyard and now pick wild greens which I used to shun. I get on the android tv box for entertainment and have devised an alternative to toilet paper use as I've given up looking for them at the supermarket. And I go out once or twice a week to top up food groceries. (Pictured) is my makeshift bidet system which delivers warm water servicing two toilets, each has its own plastic switch off tap. - Jes

Under normal circumstances, I work from home about 2 or 3 days a week. The biggest tips I can give to those who might not do it often, or for the first time are: put on some real pants - you might be tempted to get away with track pants or pyjamas but actually “getting ready” for work helps to put you in the right mode, mentally; take a walk - the incidental exercise you get from your commute, or going to the printer, etc has a big impact. I find that more than 2 or 3 days at home leads to aches and pains if I don’t get at least around the block, or into the backyard; separate your workspace - where you can avoid working in the kitchen or lounge room as I often find my fridge or Netflix calling to me if I don’t use my desk or a study area... and it’s hard to avoid distractions because they’re ALL RIGHT THERE! - Scott

I’ve been working from home since about two weeks now. I can’t complain: NBN is holding up, Zoom and Skype calls seem far more efficient than in-person meetings, and productivity in general is high. Happy! On the other hand, I had a close relative pass away overseas - in a European country that’s currently in lockdown. Unable to travel back to pay my respects and support my parents is hard. Really hard. I really hope everyone gets through this, in great physical and mental condition - Anonymous

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