

This was published 4 years ago

Readers share their tips on coping with kids at home

By Mex Cooper

It's likely parents will hear the common catchcry of children everywhere - "I'm bored" - even more in the coming days, weeks and months.


Our readers are sharing their tips on how to cope with children at home.

We want you to keep sharing your thoughts and photos and we'll keep updating this article.

Keep in mind that some older answers may relate to a time when social distancing measures were not as restrictive as they are now.

My kids have joined “jigsaw with friends” and are competing against each other. My daughter is songwriting and choreographing (10-year-old style) and my two boys are working through “100 movies to see before you die”. - Anonymous

It turns out my son learns better at home than school. He finds without the time spent moving between classes and time taken up by other students, he is able to focus and understand more and is much happier overall. We are considering our options for next year to see if there is another form of education which will allow him to complete VCE with the majority of the time at home. - Sandra


Inspired by a craft idea from the creators of Bluey, my daughter and I made a creek from the same episode. We collected leaves, twigs and seed pods on our walk, coloured in a piece of paper for the river and made playdoh coloured with cocoa for the river bank! She loved decorating and playing with it, and we packed it up at the end of the day ready for another scene tomorrow... perhaps a farm! - Diandra

As an IT professional, I have taught my 10-year-old daughter all computer peripherals, did disassemble one old computer and gone through all component with her from that computer/desktop. Now she is able to troubleshoot all sort of display issues as I have taught her about all display interfaces...She is also expert now on how to run Zoom as her online classes are going on in Zoom. I hope she will teach all these tips & tricks to her peers once she goes back to school. - Atul

What's it like after a week of not being able to take our kids out and about as much? Not great. We aren't homebodies, preferring to be out and about, shopping, playing in parks, going to friend's houses etc. So it's tough, but we're just going for walks/runs/scooters/rides more often and keeping our distance from others, who are also keeping their distance from us...What will it be like after 3 months of not being able to take our kids out and about as much, and 3 months of going from virtually zero screen-time to 30 - 60min a day of prescribed at-home learning? I predict, pretty awful. But ... better than the alternative - Brett


We are faced with a difficult set of decisions regarding caring for our kids - we have jobs in the essential services (mental health) that meanwhile we can work from home, we require care for our toddlers. Our choices are a grandparent who is nearing 70 or daycare - and toddlers don't really do social distancing well - Sarah

Nothing has changed much in our household. Kids only have 1hr screen time which they put timer by themselves. We Have not watched TV for maybe about a year now. We still have not touched TV yet...We don't have Netflix. No Foxtel. - Anonymous

We are taking kids for bike rides each day and encouraging them to climb trees and build huts in some local bushy parklands to get out while socially distancing. My dad who lives alone meets us while walking his dog but stays 3m away. If he didn’t see us safely, he wouldn’t see anyone. We are FaceTiming our other grandparents and kids friends to break up the day. We also just finished a renovation so are spending a few hours a day painting outside while weather is good and it is school holidays. If we are still isolated in cooler months, we can keep painting inside. - Anonymous

Readers aren't just turning to screens to keep themselves entertained.

Readers aren't just turning to screens to keep themselves entertained.Credit:

Building a playing-card house. - Murray

Covid-19 has affected many peoples lives in many different ways. School closing has been one of the big things for many people who have children. Luckily my parents can work from home and, have given me lots of work, since my school has not provided any work to do. Another thing is that I can't see all my friends, so I have been calling them and face timing them so we can keep in touch. We have been self-isolating and since we can't go near people to get exercise our, family have been going for runs, in the back streets were there are not many people. We have been making the best of what we have. - Evie, aged 10

Homeschooling families around Australia are more than willing to share their resources with families who are needing ideas. I would suggest contacting HEN (Home Education Network) as they are the main organising body for us homeschoolers. My husband and I were homeschooled in America all the way to uni and now we are homeschooling our children. Homeschoolers are more than happy to help! - Megan

My two boys - 8 and 6 - are at home with me, my wife has to still go to work and she does the drop-off and pick up of the seven-month-old bub. I used to be concerned with the kids playing in the house while I was on business calls - but you know I have now accepted the fact that the kids will be kids, they will not know what is happening outside in the world, they are active and need to burn out energy. I don't get embarrassed or feel ashamed whilst I am on the calls and if they are a bit noisy, guess what? Life goes on and the businesses around the world need to adapt to this - Sufian

We have purchased an Xbox One as well as increasing our streaming service subscriptions to fight boredom. My stepdaughter has been taken out of school and we are awaiting the high school to provide work for her but we proactively signed up to the free Khan Academy learning site where she is completing a full day of lessons across maths, science, English and other core subjects. My younger daughter is still in school ... At work, I’ve isolated myself to a quiet room as our workplace prepares for work from home provisions. Our world has changed so much but we fight on and adapt to whatever it throws at us. - Luke


For Prep-2 students, look at for amazing reading and writing lessons. Ask your School to sign up for a free institution account so that you can access it for free. - Anonymous

Every room is a cubby house courtesy of our three-year-old. - Anonymous

We are trying to stick to the schedule as much as possible. Working from home while the three kids do some studying like maths and science from 9-2ish. 1 hour of family games. Exercising together which is actually fun. - Anonymous


Jigsaw puzzles are the go at my house. Gardening has been keeping us busy as well. - Anonymous

Jigsaw puzzles. - Anonymous

No childcare and no playdates. Scooter and running races with my toddler and the baby in the pram. We live in a cottage with no yard so this is the only way to get a bit of exercise and outdoor activity in the day. Otherwise, we’ve been baking, craft and playing hide and seek. The rest of the time is TV (too much to admit). - Anonymous

I'm taking my children to the park for an hour of power between 8am-9am before work-from-home starts, then park again for a run around outside between 12-1pm. - Chris

We are still going outside and keeping social distance with our two years old. I think kids are more prone to infections in childcare rather than being outside with social distancing. - Anonymous

Set timetable to keep things in routine, or at least the list of activities. If can work from home then try to get kids out to parks or somewhere they could exercise to burn out a bit without interactions with other people. - Roy

Implementing sleep training and routine for my 6-month-old. - Anonymous

Just ordered a trampoline for our kids, stocked up on arts and crafts, and will soon write up a list of 'rules' and schedule for being at home to give some structure to our kids. - Anonymous

I have made the choice to keep our son at home. My husband is an emergency service worker, who attends work in the Hills District. I have made the choice to self-isolate so that we simply do not pass on the virus to another person if my husband does become infected. I have set up a google classroom for my son, and I task him with English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Music, art and P.E. Each day he works for the same times he would at school. Finishing his day at 3pm and then he has time to himself as he would on any normal school day. I am working from home, keeping my routine as regular as possible to maintain a routine. - Mel

I’m keeping my 3 kids at home so I do a schedule of activities including maths (school books or online source), English & comprehension, they play musical instruments, we take the dogs for a walk, ride bikes, read, watch a documentary on Netflix (Educational for kids). I go to the supermarket late night so it’s less busy. Park and beach is also a good option. - Anonymous


As a youth leader, it’s been pretty rough having to tell kids that youth group isn’t happening! But on Friday night we did Instagram Live and it was a huge success! We’re making the most of platforms like the Bible app and playlists on music streaming services so we can still connect & encourage one another in these uncertain times. - Anonymous

Lots of arts and craft (and Paw Patrol!) - Anonymous

It's going to be a rollercoaster. The elephant in the room is how (women) are managing simultaneous childcare and work. All this talk of work from home - that's the easy part. What are primary school-aged children supposed to do? Or even pre-schoolers which would be impossible almost. No childcare, no school and no grandparents. My kids were great and I managed to set some school work with them and they worked independently or did art or craft etc. I cannot, however, see this going on for months. One of us is going to crack. - Anonymous

We bought quail and a worm farm to entertain the kids. We are making sure we get two hours sunlight (at least) a day. We are getting the PlayStation fixed, and reorganising the garden beds. The kids are on a strict schoolwork routine. I just wish we could get the results.. 6 days and waiting - Anonymous

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