

This was published 4 years ago

Readers share the pain of this pandemic

By Mex Cooper

Australian families are losing loved ones as the coronavirus pandemic infects our communities.

Businesses have closed, workers have lost jobs and people are often cut off from their support networks, families and friends.

When we asked our readers how they were coping with the coronavirus crisis, many responded that they were struggling. These are some of their experiences.

We want you to keep sharing your thoughts. Keep in mind that some older answers may relate to a time when socially distancing measures were not as restrictive as they are now.

My mum is dying at home. Every day there are new restrictions and changes. As if finding my way through palliative care isn’t hard enough; throw in COVID! She has decided to die at home because of visitor restrictions at the hospital. She’s re-done her funeral ‘guest list’ to accommodate the numbers of attendees and who can come now the borders are shut. The wake has been cancelled. Chemists and doctors have been amazing as has my workplace fitting in with my caring responsibilities so I can care for her. What a ride. For those losing or have lost loved ones during this time it is the most unique, maddening, sad and devastating time for us all. - Marianne

Struggling as I am single and live alone. Back on medication for mental health issues. Video calling is not the same as having a friend to chat to over a cup of tea. - Anonymous


My 91-year-old mother is in Adelaide, all the kids live in the eastern states. Our roster of visits has been banned, have to accept the fact we may never see her again. - Marcus

My son is doing the HSC and he’s dyslexic so that’s made an already hard situation extra hard with the floods of written information from his (well-meaning and lovely) teachers - Anne

I’ve lost my job and I’m so lonely. I don’t have family in Melbourne so my friends were my family and now I feel so alone under stage 3. Every day I wake up and dread the endless hours ahead of me. My suburb is empty everyone is respecting the rules. - Anonymous

My partner and I are living in a tiny apartment. She works in healthcare often doing nights and very much frontline with COVID-19 cases, and I’m working from home suddenly so it feels like we are living on top of each other a bit. Like others, we miss friends, family and the freedom to go out but we are mostly anxious about her getting sick from work. She is now showering at work, and we meticulously wipe down all of her things with Dettol wipes and santiser when she returns home. It’s stressful and scary knowing our ‘bubble’ of the two of us could be easily pierced by the virus getting in through her exposure at work and that we could both become severely ill. - Anonymous

We are desperately trying to ensure our business stays afloat, keep our staff employed, and manage homeschooling and now school holidays with no more grandparent support. Zoom workshops with clients, neighbours complaining our kids are too noisy in our backyard. The word hibernate does not resonate, but the stimulus will help, and we are so so grateful for the health care, supermarket, and other front line workers who are risking infection daily. - Anonymous

I am the youngest of 9 children and my partner and I live together. I would see a family every other day. But now that cannot happen. My parents are both elderly and I can't see them in case I am sick and pass on the infection. My partner lost his job and he rattles along in the backyard, he wants to be at work, but he can't. I feel overly sad at couples where two people have lost their job. I also feel sad for people that live alone. - Anonymous

I'm the mother of a 2-year-old and 5-month-old and overnight I lost access to my entire support system. I suffer from postnatal depression and while there is always the telephone it isn't quite the same as someone making you a cuppa and holding your baby so you can just breathe. - Anonymous

Well as a sole trader in a single income family my work has ended due to the commercial businesses I do work for closing, so some adjustments and cuts will be needed - Jovay

I work in anaesthesia nursing in the operating suite of a major public hospital in Melbourne. Staff are anxious, but we generally feel that we’re supported and well trained for the onslaught. It’s likely we’ll be redeployed and better utilised to provide assistance to ICU patients. Recovery units may well be transformed into additional ICU units, with surgery reduced to only ‘life or limb’. I think what I’ll find difficult to cope with is the triaging of patients ie; having to prioritise one patient over another for the greater good. This is war time. This is a call-to-arms. Stay safe everyone, and avoid hospitals if you can! - Anonymous

I'm working from home finishing up what work I have, I anticipate not having work for the next five months as the industry I provide contract work to has slowed significantly. The subcontractors which I employ I've had to lay off and they and I don't appear eligible for the Job Keeper package. Looks like for the first time ever in my 40 years of work I'll be seeking a Centrelink Benefit. The NBN installation did not work and I'm waiting for the Telco and NBN to sort themselves out; looks like taking a long time. I've had to buy an expensive alternative. Nonetheless, the weather has been nice, I've had the time to walk while avoiding others, I now have toilet paper and I'm enjoying listening to free audiobooks. I miss my children, however, now is not the time to be travelling and with expensive internet replacement for the NBN I can video call them. - Anonymous


I work in a supermarket, I wear a mask and gloves and clean and sanitise. Yet, probably half the people still don't get it. They walk right up to me as I back away, they pay with cash and touch everything, sneeze and wipe their nose on their hands and touch things. I have to keep reminding people to space out at the register, when I'm out on the floor I see people grouped together like nothings changed. I have dropped one unit at Uni so I can handle it all, I am working more hours and it is stressful. I pickup extra work because I figure I might need the money for my family if things get really bad. So I work, for me, my family and for you and remember the sacrifice I have put in when all of this blows over. - Mark

My toddler son was diagnosed with a very rare disorder (Ring Chromosome 14 Syndrome) a few weeks before this all started. It causes seizures and intellectual/motor disability. But the current issue with this syndrome is that he is much more likely to have difficult battling a respiratory infection like the Coronavirus due to decreased immunoglobulin levels. In the early days we cut out indoor playgrounds and contact with children we didn't know, this was extended to outdoor playgrounds and finally everything except walks in the pram and playing while supervised in the backyard or our street...As the local transmission rates go up we become increasingly nervous...It's hard for us to see people not taking the Coronavirus seriously as the reality of it possibly taking our son away from us is front of mind a lot of the time. - Anthony

My daughter is 7 months pregnant with my first grandchild We all said goodbye to each other today and I won’t be seeing her again until all this is over My grandchild will be 4 months old when I get to first meet and touch him I am still to find out if I lose my job next week and possibly my car & home as I have a mortgage. - Lorraine

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and own a licensed venue. We ceased trading on the 23rd of March and had to stand down our employees. My days are spent navigating new announcements and communicating with business partners and my accountant, to try and keep the business afloat. It’s a huge stress. Not quite the maternity leave I imagined! I’m excited about the $1500 job keeper payment. I miss my staff, miss the momentum we had going at the venue. They are all so passionate about the business, they would constantly go above and beyond for us. This is an opportunity to keep them engaged and let them try their hand at alternative projects to set us up for when we’re allowed to trade again. I’m looking forward to the day when we can reopen entirely and get our casuals back too, and see our wonderful customers again. When I’m not working to save the business, time at home at least is peaceful - lunches in the backyard with hubby and Miss 3, housework, simple living. It’s so surreal, to be honest. I could never have imagined life being like this one month ago - Anonymous

I'm a manager of a retail store that has been classed as an essential service. It's been the hardest week of my working life. I've had to let go a couple of staff, it's been such an awful week. - Ratta

My partner lost her job and now I have to pick up as many hours as possible until she can get Centrelink. - Anonymous

As a theatre performer and technician, the coronavirus has affected several plays/musicals that I was apart of. I’ve had seven shows that I was due to act or be backstage for get postponed or cancelled while every single one of my upcoming auditions has been cancelled indefinitely. Theatre is what makes me whole, it’s what makes me the person that I am and I haven’t gone this long without either being apart of a show or seeing a show in years. I feel so lost, like the best part of myself is missing. - Astrid


My wife and I run our own business. I have spent my entire working life after graduation building it up and developing a great team of staff. We are trying to keep everyone on as the team are like family but not sure how long we can keep it up. Sales have come to a halt and it is a very challenging time. Hoping we can all pull through together to the other side. - Douglas

In a span of 2 days our whole business crashed. We run a local cleaning company relying on pub tenders an everyday regular cleans. Once it was Monday, we lost all our tenders. On Tuesday, all our regular clients called to cancel their cleans due to fear of this virus. We have had to lay off 2 full time & 3 part time employees and looking to potentially lay off our last two part time employees. Terrible week for employers and employees. - Zac

My partner was made redundant a week or so ago. Her company decided to not wait for any announcements and let a bunch of people go straight away and then drop everyone who stayed payments by 40 or 60%. Now we don't really know where she stands with job keeper and if the company has to take people back or if they're using it as an opportunity. - Leigh

Just in case you thought that it might be ok to just defy the stay at home restrictions, I will give you my perspective. My daughter has brain cancer. She has just started her chemotherapy yesterday (26 March 2020) as of that date her immune system will gradually be destroyed. In the context of physical (social) separation and hand cleanliness, if I come close to a person with COVID 19 who is asymptomatic ( showing no symptoms.) and it gets passed to me. I can kill her. - Gary

Just stood down myself and staff, seemed safer than being close to the public I run some Optometrist practices on the Mornington Peninsula. - Anonymous

Have lost my income and won’t get anything from government because my husband is still working. I was making more than my husband. So now we have to try pay for rent, bills , childcare (though child not there) etc on one income, which is impossible. So unfair and so stressful. They need to remove income test for partners. - Anonymous

I work in the events industry. Almost all of the event industry has lost their jobs, we have zero income. I just had to cancel my wedding. How does the government plan to help us? The only people who have been kind enough to help us in this situation is our landlord who selflessly cut our rent by 50% for the next 3 months. Why is the government not doing more for these types of companies? offering interest-free small business loans? COVID 19 will end, but how are we supposed to live right now and plan for the future? - Anonymous

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