

This was published 6 years ago

Streets paved with gold: Ipswich and its $12 million income-producing footpaths

By Mark Solomons

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe’s predecessor in the Bligh government was warned 10 years ago about “irregular” accounting by Ipswich City Council after the city’s footpaths were revalued upwards by $12 million, an amount claimed as “income” in its annual financial statement.

But according to the senior judicial official who raised the issue with then-local government minister Warren Pitt, “nothing came of it”.

Then-premier Anna Bligh and Warren Pitt, who served as local government minister in her cabinet, pictured in 2007.

Then-premier Anna Bligh and Warren Pitt, who served as local government minister in her cabinet, pictured in 2007.Credit: Glenn Hunt

Adrian Bloomfield, a vice president of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and founding chairman of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal, told Fairfax Media he had found the “questionable accounting practice” in 2008 and raised it with Mr Pitt at a formal meeting in December of that year.

Mr Bloomfield said he had stumbled upon it while considering an application by another similar-sized council to be promoted to a higher category, which allows higher pay for councillors.

The tribunal has set councillors’ pay since 2007 and later took on responsibility for dealing with serious misconduct by councillors. Mr Bloomfield continued to sit on the tribunal panel until last month.

“I found that the income was not as high as they’d claimed [in Ipswich] because they’d put in the revaluation of the footpaths as, inverted commas, ‘income’,” Mr Bloomfield, who has a background as a chartered accountant, told Fairfax Media.

“I thought it was irregular. I’d not seen anything like that before, not heard anything like that happening before and it just struck me as very unusual.

“If it’s an asset revaluation I’ve never seen it come through as income, treated as income, in terms of your profit and loss.”

The discovery prompted Mr Bloomfield to call on the minister to standardise local government accounting practices but, according to Mr Bloomfield, nothing came of that either.


“When I found out about the Ipswich City Council arrangement I started to have a further look at some other statements that I could get access to from each council’s website and I started to say to myself, ‘this is all a bit strange’ because everybody reports their affairs differently,” he said.

“You really have to search through each set of accounts to almost do a forensic accounting exercise just to find out what’s happening.”

A spokesman said Ipswich City Council rejected the assertions and the process was undertaken in line with requirements of the Queensland Audit Office.

"KPMG, as delegate for the QAO, in 2007 specifically noted that all assets not previously recognised were to be accounted for in the income statement,'' the spokesman said in a statement.

"Footpath assets are not viewed by council as income producing.

"The fact that the change in estimate for the recognition of footpaths was correctly recorded in the income statement does not make footpath assets income producing.''

In a briefing note handed to Mr Pitt, Mr Bloomfield told him the tribunal had “found a lot of inconsistency in the way councils record and report their data … this makes comparison between councils difficult.”

“The tribunal recommends a six-way meeting between (the Local Government Department), Queensland Treasury Corporation, Grants Commission, Queensland Audit Office, Local Government Association of Queensland and itself to discuss development of a standardised reporting protocol.”

No such meeting ever took place.

“Nothing came of it," Mr Bloomfield said.

"...Everyone kept on saying that there are steps in place to get some standardisation and we’d better let those steps take their course.”

A copy of the 2007 annual financial statement by Ipswich City Council, obtained by Fairfax Media, signed off by then-mayor Paul Pisasale and chief executive Carl Wulff, includes $12.39 million in “other revenue” attributed to “revisions to infrastructure assets”.

A note in the accounts describes a “special project” carried out in 2006-07 because there was “insufficient information … to recognise footpaths as individual records - the changes in estimates arising from this project have been quantified and have been reflected in 2006-07”. There is no explanation of why this figure was considered to be “revenue”.

Mr Hinchliffe did not address questions regarding the concerns Mr Bloomfield raised with the Bligh government.

“Queensland councils are required to prepare annual general purpose financial statements that comply with Australian accounting standards,” he said in a statement.

“The department regularly facilitates workshops to assist councils to comply with these requirements and the annual general purpose financial statements are audited by the Queensland Audit Office.

“The department’s capacity building program for 2018-19 will have a greater focus on financial sustainability, including financial forecasting, asset management and community engagement.”

Most Queensland councils have been obliged to conform with Australian accounting standards since 1993.

Mr Bloomfield also revealed that prior to the establishment of the tribunal in 2007, when councillors still set their own pay, Ipswich councillors were the highest or second-highest paid after Brisbane City Council.

“They were streets ahead of everybody else,” he said.

The council had since been the most frequent applicant to the tribunal for pay rises, Mr Bloomfield said, describing such applications as “pretty much an annual event.”

Seven of the 10 Ipswich councillors who ran the council in 2008 are still in office, but facing imminent dismissal by Mr Hinchliffe, who has described an “unprecedented integrity crisis” at the council.

Fifteen people connected with the council including two mayors and two chief executives have been charged by the Crime and Corruption Commission with a total of 79 offences.

They include Mr Pisasale and Mr Wulff, both of whom have been charged with official corruption and other offences. They are contesting the charges.

Bundamba Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller* has accused successive state governments of turning a blind eye to wrongdoing and allegations of corruption at the council.

Former Member for Ipswich Rachel Nolan has claimed the council “forced out or marginalised” people who raised concerns about Ipswich City Council and that Mr Pisasale, who was in the role from 2004 until June last year, “used his membership (of the ALP) to neutralise the party as a potential source of opposition and his popularity to co-opt key state MPs to his team”.

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe and long-serving Ipswich councillor Paul Tully.

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe and long-serving Ipswich councillor Paul Tully.Credit: AAP

Mr Hinchliffe this week tabled in Parliament three damning reports on Ipswich City Council-owned entities detailing evidence of potential fraud and breaches of the Corporations Act.

At a press conference in the Ipswich Mall on Tuesday, he said taxpayers had been dudded by dodgy deals under a council culture of secrecy, entitlement and a lack of accountability.

Councillors have been fighting a rearguard action to keep their jobs, appealing to Queensland Governor Paul de Jersey this month to intervene as part of an orchestrated public relations campaign fronted by long-serving councillor Paul Tully.

Mr Bloomfield said the public was “entitled to be concerned about what they are reading” regarding the behaviour of elected officials and others in local government across Queensland.

*Correction: An earlier version of this article said former Member for Ipswich Rachel Nolan had accused successive state governments of not acting on corruption allegations involving Ipswich City Council. Only Bundamba Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller had done so. Ms Nolan had claimed the council - not the ALP - forced out or marginalised people who raised concerns about Ipswich City Council. 

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