By Bill O'Chee
With the state election having been held on the 26th November, and the result as yet known, there have been calls for the introduction of electronic voting to speed up the result. Would this be good for democracy, or is it a matter of technology in search of a problem to fix?
In the United States, electronic voting has been used for some time. However, US Homeland Security recently revealed the 2016 presidential election saw voting systems in 21 states attacked by Russian hackers. It doesn't give one much reason to want to change.
Electronic voting in the United States.Credit: Ty Wright
Most of the calls for electronic voting come from either media commentators, or people involved in the technology sector. For the media, the time taken to get a result has no doubt been an anti-climax. It doesn't fit neatly into the media cycle, which has increasingly been built around instant gratification.
Given government generally gives so little gratification anyway, I am puzzled why anyone would feel that instant results would be more gratifying than enjoying the wait. In fact, government still functions while we wait, thanks to the rules around transitional government.
Voting is currently based on ballot papers which must be marked and counted at polling booths, before individual results are declared by returning officers in each electorate. I acknowledge that having a voting system built around pencil and paper seems a little anachronistic in the electronic era. However, old fashioned isn't always a bad thing.
The delay in declaring the results of the election isn't really a consequence of using paper ballots. I have been involved in election campaigns for 37 years. Even on the biggest polling booths, scrutineers usually return the count in two hours or less.
Most of the results have already been declared. The real reason for the delay in declaring a handful of the seats is the wait for postal ballots to be received. Under the Electoral Act, a postal vote is valid if it is returned within 10 days of the date of the poll. Leaving aside the fact postal voting is increasingly popular amongst Queensland voters, there are good reasons for not replacing postal votes with electronic voting on the day.
First, there remain places in Queensland where electronic voting would be difficult to do with absolute certainty due to internet coverage. Moreover, many of the people who use postal ballots are out of the state or out fo the country on polling day. Queenslanders working on mining projects in Africa or Papua New Guinea, or trekking in South America or Mongolia, should not be denied the opportunity to vote simply because they cannot access electronic voting.
However, the real objection to electronic voting is that it puts the integrity of the election itself at risk.
Voting with paper ballots is entirely safe from hacking, and largely safe from electoral fraud. The security around ballot boxes at polling booths puts the validity of the count beyond question.
No electronic system is entirely safe from hackers, and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. So electronic voting would mean trading away the security and integrity of the election for no real gain.
Moreover, a hacker doesn't even have to alter the count to achieve their goal. A denial of service attack could be even more devastating. Crashing the Electoral Commission's computer systems could easily deny hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders the chance to vote, and savagely damage confidence in the result.
The recent fiasco surrounding the 2016 census should be a warning to us all about the fragility of electronic systems. While we may not always have confidence in our politicians, we must have confidence in the system by which they are elected. Any change which undermines that confidence would be a bad thing.
Bill O'Chee is a former National Party senator for Queensland.