

This was published 3 years ago

Queensland’s corruption watchdog should be put on a leash, inquiry hears

By Toby Crockford

Queensland’s corruption watchdog should be put on a leash, a parliamentary inquiry into the charging of seven Logan councillors and the city’s mayor with fraud offences, has heard.

In the final public hearing before the committee delivers its findings, the Crime and Corruption Commission was accused of “overstepping the mark” and “not always acting impartially and fairly”.

Crime and Corruption Commission chairman Alan MacSporran.

Crime and Corruption Commission chairman Alan MacSporran.Credit: Felicity Caldwell

The Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee announced in May that it would investigate the CCC’s 2018 investigation that led to Logan councillors being charged with fraud.

The fraud charges against the seven councillors and mayor Luke Smith were dropped in May due to insufficient evidence, but by then, the damage had been done.

Because eight sitting councillors were charged at the time, they were all automatically suspended, meaning Logan City Council had to be disbanded and an administrator appointed.

The PCCC inquiry was triggered by a complaint lodged by the Local Government Association of Queensland chief executive Greg Hallam.


On Thursday, counsel assisting the inquiry, Dr Jonathan Horton QC, delivered a scathing summary of his findings after interviewing witnesses and reviewing relevant documents.

“What you have seen unfold in the evidence is a culture of institutional defensiveness, a resistance to correction and unwillingness to recognise when errors have occurred,” Dr Horton said.


“In oral evidence, there was a recognition by the CCC chair of administrative shortcomings and the written submissions have a limited recognition of certain conduct falling short of best practice.

“The CCC did not at all times act impartially, independently and fairly. In short, we have submitted that the CCC over-stepped the mark in these respects.”

Dr Horton also alleged the CCC had a vested interest in supporting recently sacked Logan City Council chief executive Sharon Kelsey in her industrial action, and getting her reinstated.

“The discretion to charge the mayor and councillors with fraud miscarried because it was affected by an improper purpose, to assist Ms Kelsey in her QIRC action and for her to be reinstated,” he said.

“The CCC acted upon [this shared interest] by involving itself in her [Ms Kelsey’s] proceedings and seeking to make documents it had obtained under compulsion available to her.


“Confidential documents were delivered to the council on October 3, 2018, by the CCC for a weighty and substantial purpose of making them available for Ms Kelsey’s use in the QIRC proceeding.”

The inquiry also uncovered a “pack mentality” of police officers attached to the CCC, according to Dr Horton, with allegations officers made unfounded allegations against Logan City Council interim administrator Tamara O’Shea, who took over after the mayor and councillors were suspended.

Specifically, Detective Sergeant Andrew Francis, who charged the mayor and councillors, was accused of “dereliction of his duty”, which “reflects poorly on his fitness to serve as a police officer”.

CCC chair Alan MacSporran was also accused of “serious failures”.

The four key recommendations to come from Dr Horton’s investigation were that the CCC be required to obtain the recommendation of the Director of Public Prosecutions or another senior independent legal advisor before laying serious criminal offences in anti-corruption investigations.


There was also the suggested review of the CCC’s ability to appoint the chair, commissioners or other senior officers for fixed seven-year terms; limit the duration or repetition of police officers being seconded to the CCC; and introduce greater limits on the information the CCC can release.

In response, Peter Dunning QC, legal counsel for the CCC, said some criticisms were “wrong” and he defended Detective Sergeant Francis and the prosecutor who recommended the charges be laid.

Mr Dunning also said the accusation the CCC had an interest Ms Kelsey being reinstated as council chief executive was “irrational”. He argued if that had been the CCC’s intention, they would have left a four-councillor majority at Logan and therefore made Ms Kelsey’s return more possible, rather than forcing an administrator to be appointed, which made it more difficult for Ms Kelsey to return.

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