

This was published 7 years ago

Queensland remains Australia's biggest greenhouse gas emitter

By Tony Moore

Queensland is still Australia's biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, according to the latest research released by the federal government.

Those emissions come mainly from coal and gas burned for electricity generation, transport and from land clearing, according to the annual National Greenhouse Accounts.

Coal-fired power remained the biggest source of Queensland's greenhouse gas emissions.

Coal-fired power remained the biggest source of Queensland's greenhouse gas emissions.Credit: Robert Rough

The information, released in May, shows Queensland contributes 28.3 per cent of Australia's national greenhouse emissions.

Queensland's carbon emissions increased 0.8 per cent between 2014 and 2015 to 152.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions.

On Tuesday, the Queensland government announced two plans to reduce carbon emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 and to a "net zero" by 2050 compared with 2005 levels.

Queensland Conservation Council co-ordinator Tim Seelig said there was still "a million-dollar question" as to whether Queensland's carbon emissions could be reduced quickly.

"They can more strongly regulate clearing, which will make the difference of a few hundred thousands hectares if I'm really optimistic – maybe 250,000 hectares – and that might mean a reduction of 4 million tonnes of carbon," he said.

"Or, they can revegetate and that is going to take quite a long period of time.

"I just don't think you would see massive amounts of carbon being sequestered by 2030.


"Broadly the intent is a good one, but it's still not real."

Dr Seelig said Queenslanders should realise the policy meant "net zero" emissions, not zero emissions.

"It means on the calculus of what you are storing, what you are offsetting and what you are emitting, it is net zero emissions," he said.

The reports came six months after the Queensland government released a more detailed study which showed three "pathways" to reach a target of providing a massive jump of providing 50 per cent of Queensland's energy from renewable energy by 2030.

Today, only about 5 per cent of Queensland's energy comes from large scale renewable energy. Rooftop solar provides about 11 per cent.

Australia's carbon emitters

  1. Queensland – 28.3 per cent of the nation's emissions (up 0.8 per cent).
  2. New South Wales – 24.8 per cent (down 11.6 per cent).
  3. Victoria – 22.3 per cent (up 2 two per cent).
  4. Western Australia – 16.1 per cent (up 30.5 per cent).
  5. South Australia – 5.6 per cent (down 2 per cent).
  6. Northern Territory – 2.4 per cent (down 24.7 per cent).
  7. Australian Capital Territory – 0.3 per cent (up 11.2 per cent).
  8. Tasmania – 0.2 per cent (down 95.4 per cent).
  9. External territories – 0.01 per cent (up by 151 per cent). Australia's external territories include Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Heard and McDonald Islands and the Coral Sea Islands.

Queensland's top five carbon emission sectors

  1. Electricity generation
  2. Transport
  3. Agriculture
  4. 'Fugitive' emissions – mainly methane from Queensland gas fields
  5. Land clearing

The statistics show the biggest contributor to Queensland's 152 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 came from stationary energy sources, including electricity generation and manufacturing. Land use changes came a far third.

Overall in Queensland, the greenhouse gas figures showed 55 million tones of greenhouse gas emissions (26.1 per cent) came from energy industries.

Transport produces 22.2 per cent of the state's greenhouse gas emissions (21.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide).

Queensland contributed most of Australia's greenhouse emissions from land clearing in 2015, because other states had a combination of vigorous regrowth in their state forests – which were sequestering carbon – and because other states have comparatively low rates of land clearing.

Dr Seelig said about 90 per cent of Australia's land clearing happened in Queensland and he called on the Labor government to toughen its tree-clearing legislation as it approached the next state election.

Queensland produced 19 million tonnes of carbon emissions from land use, land change and forestry, easily the biggest figure in any state or territory.

NSW, Victoria, West Australia and Tasmania show negative net carbon emissions from land clearing.

Queensland's 19 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from land clearing, easily tops the Northern Territory (4 million tonnes) and South Australia (0.4 million tonnes.)

The Queensland government aimed to reduce emissions by:

  • de-carbonising the energy sector by progressively increasing solar energy;
  • developing Queensland's capacity as a carbon sink; and
  • developing an electric vehicle strategy to prepare Queensland for the technology.

Queensland energy sources (2015)

  • Coal – 57 per cent
  • Natural gas – 19 per cent
  • Other fossil fuels – 5 per cent
  • Small scale solar rooftop power – 11 per cent
  • Large scale solar energy – 5 per cent

(Source: Queensland's Renewable Energy Expert Panel: November 2016)

Renewable energy in other states

  • Victoria and Western Australia – about 12 per cent
  • South Australia – about 41 per cent
  • Tasmania – close to fully renewable, due to hydro-electric plants
  • West Australia – about 7 per cent

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