This was published 3 years ago
Plan to widen key Brisbane overpass that has been closed for days
By Tony Moore
One of Brisbane’s main overpasses in the fast-growing northern suburbs will be widened to four lanes under a plan to remove a long-standing traffic bottleneck.
The two-lane Linkfield Road overpass at Bald Hills, which helps distribute traffic in all directions around Gympie Arterial Road, will be widened to four lanes by 2025.
The federal government is providing $100 million – it is considered part of the national highway network – and the state government will contribute $25 million.
The Linkfield Road overpass on Brisbane’s northside will be widened to four lanes in 2023. Credit: Department of Transport and Main Roads.
On Friday, a truck carrying a forklift struck the overpass bridge causing significant damage and forcing its closure to traffic for several days.
The closure funnelled traffic onto local roads and caused significant delays for motorists returning from the Sunshine Coast on Sunday afternoon.
Emergency repair work continued on Monday, adding to the headaches for parents taking children to schools on Brisbane’s northside.
An accident under the Linkfield Road Overpass, in Brisbane’s north, on Friday night.Credit: Queensland Ambulance Service
While all lanes on Gympie Arterial Road have reopened, Linkfield Road is likely to reopen on Tuesday – but only to cars.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has completed a business case and expects to soon finish the design work on the four-lane Linkfield Road overpass.
The project will then go out to tender, with construction set to start in 2023.
A report released in September 2021 recommended the two-lane overpass of Gympie Arterial Road be widened to four lanes to remove congestion.
“Linkfield Road reduces from four lanes to two lanes at the Linkfield Road overpass bridge at the Gympie Arterial Road interchange, creating a major bottleneck,” the report says.
Changes to the ramps from Gympie Arterial Road are part of the new four-lane Linkfield Road overpass.Credit: Department of Transport and Main Roads.
“Significant congestion occurs on Linkfield Road eastbound, often resulting in queuing that extends past the Gympie Arterial Road intersection and back to Carseldine Road,” it said.
The project will also improve the safety of the ramps up from Gympie Road to the overpass and from the overpass down on to Gympie Road.
Traffic lights will be installed on Linkfield Road to regulate the traffic coming from Gympie Road and returning to Gympie Road.
However, motorists face further delays until the project is complete, with the department anticipating two years of construction work.
Work on a different overpass at Strathpine began last year, while the Gateway Motorway merge had urgent safety upgrades while a longer-term connection is considered.
In June 2019, lord mayor Adrian Schrinner said the Queensland government had “done nothing” to alleviate escalating traffic on Brisbane’s northside.
A week later the Queensland government announced $200 million in new road projects for the northside.
The upcoming federal election campaign is expected to see the major parties promise more road funding.