

This was published 13 years ago

LNP must look at its feminine side

By Georgia Waters

The representation of female MPs in Queensland's opposition needs to be addressed, one of the Liberal National Party's most senior women says.

Maroochydore MP Fiona Simpson said the party had a ‘‘very strong’’ presence of women at the local government and grassroots level, but that presence hadn’t translated to parliamentary seats.

Fifteen per cent of LNP candidates are currently women, compared to nearly 50 per cent in the Labor Party.

Shadow minister for women Fiona Simpson, of the LNP.

Shadow minister for women Fiona Simpson, of the LNP.Credit: Glen Hunt

Ms Simpson, who has recently been appointed shadow minister for women, admitted the LNP needed to make better use of its female membership.

She said of the LNP’s 40,000 members across Queensland, about half were women.

‘‘There is a tremendous resource there and we need to tap that resource,’’ she said. "We have so many female members but it’s not translating [to women standing for office].

‘‘A lot of conservative women don’t believe in a tokenistic approach to women in politics but they probably need to be encouraged, for someone to say ‘why don’t you run?’.

‘‘The issue isn’t about quotas but we need to encourage women to get in there and have a go.’’

The federal Labor party introduced a policy of quotas for women representatives in 1994. Federally, 36 per cent of Labor MPs are currently women, compared to 24 per cent in the Liberal party.

President of the LNP Women association Helen McAllister believes the quota system is why the LNP has considerably less female representation.


''The LNP doesn't believe in quotas ... it's on merit women are going to be elected,'' she said. ''Not all women want to run for politics. It depends at what stage and balance in their life.

''Not all women who run or think they want to run are going to be great candidates. Some may be better in the area of the organisation, maybe developing policy ... so it’s just where women are at that time and do they have that interest.''

However Ms McAllister said women did need to be encouraged to participate in politics.

''Maybe they need to be supported and encouraged more. It’s a big process to stand as a candidate and it’s also quite expensive," she said.

With Campbell Newman leading the party more women may be encouraged to be involved, she said.

Out of the 15 Brisbane City Council ward seats held by the LNP under Mr Newman, six were held by women, putting female representation at 40 per cent.

''Campbell had a very strong team which included a lot of women in the Brisbane City Council,'' Ms McAllister said.

''I think Campbell’s a great leader. I have no doubt that together with his wife Lisa, who’s a really great role model for women, and we have asked [her] to become [LNP Women's] new patron ... that will encourage younger women [to become active].

''There’s a real momentum out there in the community and you can feel it. It’s not about not having women interested [it’s about] women making decisions about where they want to put their time and to be encouraged if they want to run and make sure that they are supported and encouraged.

''It’s a decision that women have to make, they can’t be forced into it, and I think whether it be Campbell or whether the momentum is growing.''

Federal shadow treasurer Joe Hockey recently became one of conservative politics’ most passionate supporters of equal opportunity for women, at times putting himself at times with opposition leader Tony Abbott.

While a spokesman for Mr Hockey said he wouldn’t be able to comment directly on the LNP in Queensland, he said Mr Hockey had ‘‘spoken about the issue on several occasions’’ and had outlined his beliefs most recently in a speech early last month.

Addressing the Sydney Institute last month on the eve of International Women’s Day, Mr Hockey called for a quota of women on company boards ‘‘as a last resort’’.

He also said sexism remained ‘‘a threat to opportunity in modern society’’.

‘‘[It] remains the case for so many women around the world, the opportunities that women have the right to expect remain elusive, and the boys' club, exclusive,’’ he said. ‘‘[In] the workplace, women continue to lag in terms of equal pay and opportunity.’’

He said there were ‘‘compelling economic arguments’’ as to why gender imbalance in the workforce must end.

‘‘Some people argue that we should have only merit-based appointments. I agree in principle but the prevailing corporate culture in Australia is blinding people to merit,’’ he said.

Mr Hockey said he wanted to see 30 per cent female representation on boards by 2015 - a figure which, if applied to the LNP, would need to see the party double its representation in four years.

More women might be encouraged to run for political office if the job were more family-friendly, Ms Simpson said, but said the issue of work-life balance was an issue for MPs of either gender.

She said the LNP was better represented within local government, where people were able to run their businesses or families at the same time without having to constantly travel around the state as they would have to do as an MP.

‘‘Parliament does need to be more family-friendly because at the end of the day your family does have to come first. That’s not just an issue for women; it’s an issue for men,'' she said.

''I think it’s time for a bipartisan debate about how to make [public office] more family-friendly. Making sure family isn’t sacrificed on the altar of public service because public service is so important but it can be a pretty rugged arena.’’

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