This was published 5 years ago
Lime can stay in Brisbane with a twist: $570 fee for each scooter
By Toby Crockford and Lucy Stone
Brisbane City Council wants to charge electronic scooter company Lime a flat $5000 three-month permit fee and an annual $570 fee for each scooter, if approved by the council next week.
On Monday the scooter company was given an 11-day extension to stay in Brisbane after the council put the company on notice two weeks ago, following multiple reports of serious injuries from a wheel-locking issue.
Lime was given two weeks to remedy a dangerous glitch or risk losing their permit.Credit: Albert Perez/AAP
Deputy mayor Adrian Schrinner said on Monday the council was satisfied the safety glitch was corrected and had extended the electronic scooter's permit for Brisbane until March 29.
"Cabinet has just today approved a submission that will come through to council next week for a vote, this is all about opening up the competitive tender process for other operators," Cr Schrinner said.
"We've previously announced that we'd like to see some competition in the market, two operators, a thousand scooters between them operating from the middle of this year.
"Next week in council there will be a vote on that matter."
Lime's permit had been due to expire midyear but was cut back to Monday, March 18 when Brisbane City Council put the company on notice to fix the problem or be kicked out.
The council will also debate whether to give Lime back its full three-month permit until mid-year after the 11-day extension ends.
For that three-month permit, council also wants to charge Lime a flat $5000 permit fee and $570 for each scooter every year , after the council has born the costs of regulation and management since the scooters arrived on the streets in November.
The projected revenue from those charges for three months would be $111,875.
The 11-day permit issued to Lime includes "some strict reporting conditions", Cr Schrinner said, requiring the company to immediately notify the council of any further problems.
Cr Schrinner said there had been no further complaints about scooter wheels locking up since Lime upgraded its firmware in response to the issue.
Lime community affairs manager for Queensland Nelson Savanh welcomed the news.
"Brisbane City Council’s decision to keep Lime on the streets is great news for over 150,000 locals who have ridden a Lime scooter over the last three months," he said.
"With over 600,000 rides since our launch, we’re moving people around the city like never before and getting more cars off our congested roads."
Cr Schrinner said at least 12 companies had approached council to express interest in submitting an application to the tender process when it opens.
He said council had wanted to see Queensland Police were proactively monitoring Lime scooter users including helmet use and safe operation of the popular scooters.
"Police have issued more than 200 fines, these fines are $130 each so that's more than $28,000 worth of fines that have been issued for unsafe use of these scooters," Cr Schrinner said.
"There's definitely been a step-up in police enforcement in the past couple of weeks, we've seen them out and about and they're really taking an active and proactive approach when it comes to enforcement."
In January, Brisbane rider Viktor Vukovic needed three plates and fourteen screws to hold his shattered arm together and fellow user Jordan Madigan required stitches after his heel was ripped open when their Lime scooters stopped suddenly due to a glitch.