

This was published 4 years ago

Human Rights Commission to assess Extinction Rebellion's Brisbane library ban

By Lucy Stone

Queensland's Human Rights Commission has stepped in after Brisbane City Council banned a group of climate activists from using public library meeting rooms, with both sides forced into mediation.

It's understood the council and a representative of Extinction Rebellion subgroup Grey Power must undertake compulsory conciliation in December, after an activist made a formal complaint to the commission.

The Extinction Rebellion subgroup Grey Power meet in a Brisbane library meeting room in October despite a ban on bookings made by the group.

The Extinction Rebellion subgroup Grey Power meet in a Brisbane library meeting room in October despite a ban on bookings made by the group.Credit: Lucy Stone

Lord mayor Adrian Schrinner announced the ban, passed by the council to stop climate activists from pre-booking public library spaces, in October.

Cr Schrinner said at the time it was not appropriate for ratepayer-funded public spaces to be used by activist groups planning or encouraging illegal activities.

Grey Power, an Extinction Rebellion subgroup for seniors, flouted the ban by immediately booking a meeting room at the Brisbane Square Library the day after it came into effect, arguing members were not planning illegal activity but exercising their right to protest.


Extinction Rebellion, which shut down central Brisbane for hours at a time with multiple stunts over an entire week early in October, is expected to protest the library ban on Friday morning outside City Hall.

Cr Schrinner on Thursday night said he would not be meeting with the group when it was protesting and would not overturn the ban.

He said the activists' actions in blocking the city with stunts "infuriated" him and he believed the ban was lawful.


"They were using council facilities. We had to put a stop to it and I think we have the support of Brisbane residents," he said.

"No group that incites violence and lawlessness should be using council facilities, whether it be libraries or halls.

"There is great irony that Extinction Rebellion is using the law to enforce their right to break the law."

The protest follows confirmation a complaint made by a member of Grey Power about the council's ban was recently accepted by the Human Rights Commission for further investigation.

"Libraries should be for everyone, not just those the lord mayor agrees with. The LNP took away our freedom to meet in the Joh Bjelke-Petersen era. We mustn't allow them to do it again," complainant Miree LeRoy said.

"We've been paying our rates for decades and deserve to use council facilities the same as anyone else. Protesting is not illegal.

"The lord mayor stopping our meetings is blatant discrimination, a decision we expect to be reversed."

Grey Power member Kay Miller, a retired librarian, said the council should not be able to stop the group meeting to discuss "how to protect our kids and grandkids".

"Libraries are always popular with older people, especially when it's hot. Global heating is already sending our weather to extremes," she said.

In October, the commission issued a media release detailing concerns about the council's ban.


Queensland Human Rights Commissioner Scott McDougall said at the time the ban could amount to unlawful discrimination.

"Denying access to council services on the basis of someone’s political belief or involvement in protest activity impedes several fundamental human rights that will be protected under the Human Rights Act from 1 January 2020," Mr McDougall said.

"However, existing discrimination laws already prohibit discrimination on the ground of political activity and, on the face of it, the ban would appear to be unlawful."

The commission does not comment on individual complaints due to confidentiality, and conciliation is not open to the public.

Queensland's Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 prohibits discrimination on the basis of political belief.

The Australian Library and Information Association wrote to the lord mayor expressing concern about the ban in October.

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