

This was published 1 year ago

Grand gesture: How bank made it up to man on mission for missing money

By Zach Hope

On Thursday evening Brisbane Times introduced readers to Michael, the “man on a mission for money gone missing”.

By Friday, his story had taken unexpected turns.

Michael, before and after.

Michael, before and after.Credit: Michael

Michael had tried to transfer $4000 from his National Australia Bank account at the beginning of the month into a Suncorp account, a process (usually) more or less instantaneous. But as the minutes, hours and then days rolled on, the deposit refused to land.

He contacted the bank, whose efforts to track the money through cyberspace came up empty. Ten days went by and determined Michael, without satisfactory answers or a timeframe, printed a placard at Officeworks and took his plight to the street.

His “silent but purposeful stand” outside a Queen Street NAB branch lasted about 90 minutes until the police respectfully asked him to move on in accordance with Brisbane City Council laws.

A day later, there was good news.

Not 24 hours since his one-man stand made headlines, NAB restored the missing $4000 and topped it up with a $1000 apology. It gets better.

“Within 10 minutes of that, the transfer that I put through arrived in the Suncorp account,” he said. “I’ve actually got both of the amounts now. I’ve got both.”

What will he do with the extra $4000?


“Well, this is the thing, I’m just going to park it and just be like, ‘I’m going to let you guys reach out to me when you work out what’s happening here’.”

Of course, he understands he will not be able to keep it, and, despite the drama, is grateful to the bank for making good.

The happy ending disproves a supposition from one particular Facebooker, who quipped on Friday about betting “$4k that Michael never had $4k”.

Not only did he have said “k”, Michael now has nine.

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