

This was published 5 years ago

'Emergency services cannot guarantee your safety': One escape route left for residents


  • More than 130 fires are burning across Queensland
  • Thousands of people have been evacuated to escape the fires
  • Homes have been destroyed but it is too dangerous to determine how many
  • 32 schools and two kindergarten centres have closed
  • In some parts of Queensland, conditions are rated 'catastrophic'

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What we know so far?


Number of fires

There were almost 140 fires burning across Queensland - eight of serious concern, and four of "extreme concern" with evacuations ordered.

The "exceptional" heat and fire event will continue until at least Tuesday from Cooktown to Gladstone.

The worst

A firefighter battles the blaze at Deepwater.

A firefighter battles the blaze at Deepwater.Credit: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

More than 8000 people were ordered to leave Gracemere, just south of Rockhampton, about 3pm as a "catastrophic, fast-moving fire" closed in on the area.

About 1500 residents of Deepwater, Baffle Creek, Rules Beach and Oyster Creek, Eungella and Dalrymple Heights also ordered to evacuate before fires cut roads. Houses could be lost as the intense fire travels south.

A blaze at Ambrose, west of Gladstone, barrelled towards Mount Larcom forcing an unknown number of residents to leave.

Authorities have warned those who stay are risking death.

Biggest threats

Severe fire conditions set to continue with heatwave to grip the state until Tuesday.

 Embers carried on volatile winds sparking new fires.

Extreme temperatures, low humidity and strong winds are creating "firestorms" that could change direction at any time.

Residents in the direct path of the blaze are ignoring evacuation orders.

Reports of traffic gridlock as residents try to escape from path of the fires.

Rubberneckers warned to stay away from affected areas.

Who is fighting the fires?

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services crews are deployed at fires across the state.

More than 100 NSW firefighters are deployed in Agnes Water, with another 100 to arrive in the coming days.

100 SA firefighters are expected to arrive on Wednesday.

220 firefighters requested from other Australian states.

Multiple water-bombing craft, including the NSW-based 737 Large Air Tanker Gaia, are dousing the flames.

Is everyone okay?

No one seriously injured but two people treated on Sunday for smoke inhalation, and two on Tuesday night for heat-stress.

Four homes confirmed destroyed in Deepwater, reports of up to seven destroyed along with sheds and vehicles.

Thousands of people descending on evacuation centres.

Please check the main site for any major updates overnight. Stay safe everyone!

'I threw everything I could find in a bag and got out of there'

By Jocelyn Garcia

Gracemere resident Bec King had just minutes to make a call.

“It’s not something I’d ever experienced,” she said.

“I was asleep post-night shift when one of my colleagues gave me a call to tell me about it.

“It was smokey and scary outside and when I found out there had been an evacuation, I threw everything I could find in a bag and got out of there.”

“It’s not something that has happened here. I was just scared. It’s all quite surreal."

Ms King, who was now in the central Queensland city of Rockhampton with family, said she had only her clothes on her back with some items she had rushed into her bag before driving to Rockhampton.

“I may have gotten out early ... I saw there were cars backed up on the highway later on,” she said.

“It’s only 10 kilometres away but I know a lot of people were stuck for an hour in traffic.

“When I left, I know a lot of people had to pick up children from school. People were still making their way back to check on their pets and farmers going back to check their livestock, even though they ordered everyone not to go back.

“At the end of the day, you’ve got to put your own safety first.

“It would be lovely to have a toothbrush or a bank card but there’s nothing you can’t replace.”

Ms King said smoke was still lingering in Rockhampton.

“There is smoke everywhere, especially along the highway because you couldn’t see much in any direction," she said.

“You could see it rolling over the town, it’s really scary.”

Despite the frightening experience, Ms King said she felt the community was remaining positive.

“I think it’s that incredibly country spirit getting on with it and council has done amazing job rallying everyone together,” she said.

“I have had a lot of people texting me to make sure I had a place to stay and there are a few people at the showgrounds being cared for too.

“Fires affect a lot of people but you’d never think it would happen to you so it just shows you never know when these things will occur and you can’t be too complacent.

“We’re all taking it day-by-day.”

'It's the first time we've had fires like this'

By Sonia Kohlbacher

When a third dangerous fire in central Queensland raced towards Mount Larcom, Rhonda Anderson mounted her horse to ride 30km to Gladstone as a wall of smoke dwarfed the small town.

Rhonda Anderson heads for safety.

Rhonda Anderson heads for safety.Credit: AAP

"I've locked the house up. It's the first time we've had fires like this in Mount Larcom," she said.

"It is a big surprise."

Other residents were evacuated by bus or left by car.



Dire conditions for the next two hours

By Jocelyn Garcia

Dire conditions are expected to continue for at least the next two hours after 300 firefighters worked to fight more than 130 fires across the state.

Firefighters face heavy smoke and blistering heat.

Firefighters face heavy smoke and blistering heat.Credit: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Firefighters have been flown from South Australia, Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services commissioner Katarina Carroll said she continued to urge residents in Ambrose, Carmila and Gracemere to listen to local authorities and check their radios and media.

“We still have dire conditions for at least the next two hours and obviously, whilst it might ease, we have grave concerns throughout the night so we are not through this yet,” she said.

“The fire at Gracemere, we’ve had the advantage of using the aerial tankers to give us good suppression in that area so that has assisted us greatly however that cannot operate through the night.

“Please listen to authorities and we will get through this together.”

Ms Carroll said crews were also being sent to Oxenford, Wamuran and Stradbroke after fires broke out today.

Prime Minister promises help


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has pledged federal help for the Queensland bushfire emergency.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Question Time today.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Question Time today.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

The Commonwealth disaster assistance plan has been activated, allowing the Queensland state government to seek federal help, as well as financial assistance.

The Australian Defence Force has been providing refuelling capacity in Amberley, southwest of Brisbane and is also helping in New South Wales.

"The entire country is coming to your aid. The entire country is there to help in this time of great need," Mr Morrison told reporters in Canberra tonight.

"I have no immediate plans, nor does the deputy prime minister [Michael McCormack] to visit the area.

"The advice to us is that we need people to focus on the firefighting effort and the firefighting response."

Fire not expected to hit Rockhampton

By Jocelyn Garcia

The Rockhampton community are urged not to be alarmed about the amount of smoke because the city will not be affected by fires based on the "best available information" at this point.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services predictive services inspector Andrew Sturgess said despite catastrophic fire danger, it had been a safe operation.

He said this applied to the Stanwell fire that had impacted Gracemere.

“The firefighters are working really hard to repress that fire and if we look further ahead, the township of Rockhampton, on the best available information ... the communities of Rockhampton won’t be impacted by this fire,” he said.

“Not by the flames of the fire.

“They may see debris from the fire, they will definitely see smoke in the area.

“It will feel like it’s getting worse, visibility will be bad, but we are not expecting the fire to get near to Rockhampton and our firefighters are starting to get on top of this fire at Gracemere.”


'There is a big fire risk still across our state'

By Jocelyn Garcia

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said evacuations had also taken place in Mount Larcom in the Gladstone region.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Katarina Carroll, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and State Disaster Coordinator Bob Gee review the latest reports on the bushfires.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Katarina Carroll, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and State Disaster Coordinator Bob Gee review the latest reports on the bushfires.

She thanked everyone for listening to authorities as well as the firefighters from Queensland and those who had arrived from interstate to help.

“I’ve also spoken with the prime minister and of course any defence personnel are also being sent for assistance as well,” she said.

“We are all working together that’s what Australia do and that’s what Queenslanders do but we still are not out of the woods.

“There is a big fire risk still across our state.”

Ms Palaszczuk said schools in red zones would remain closed.

'We are still not out of the woods'

By Jocelyn Garcia

“We are still not out of the woods.” These are the words Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said as she told media the heatwave would continue until next Tuesday.

Rhonda Anderson moves herself and her horse to safety near Mount Larcom.

Rhonda Anderson moves herself and her horse to safety near Mount Larcom.Credit: AAP/Dan Peled

“It’s going to be very serious conditions until then,” she said.

Ms Palaszczuk said she thanked Gracemere residents for swiftly moving to Rockhampton following multiple warnings to evacuate.

“From all reports, we are hearing things are going very smoothly on the ground,” she said.

“There are over 130 fires around Queensland at the moment, we may see some easing in conditions later this evening but we expect to be in this heat wave for at least next Tuesday so it is going to be very serious conditions from now until then.”

Reinforcements arrive

As Queensland firefighters battle almost 140 fires across the state, reinforcements have arrived.


Residents hit roadblock as they flee fires

By Jocelyn Garcia

About 8000 people trying to leave Gracemere have hit a bottleneck, with traffic backed up from the town towards Rockhampton in central Queensland.

Australian Traffic Network spokesman Dave Andrews said the main highways, Capricorn Highway and Bruce Highway, were blocked because people were trying to leave Gracemere.

"I would expect delays to go well into the night right through the main street of Allenstown, which is the town they would have to drive through to get to the Rockhampton Showgrounds," he said.

"Cars aren't moving at all from what I can see."

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