

This was published 5 years ago

Crucial Adani mine study delayed by federal government, Queensland minister says

By Tony Moore

The federal government has still not provided crucial groundwater data showing the impacts on Australia’s Great Artesian Basin of Adani’s proposed Carmichael coal mine to Queensland, the state’s Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch said.

Queensland is waiting on the latest CSIRO groundwater data given to the federal government in February 2019* to compare it with data gathered by Adani’s groundwater consultants Eco Logical Australia in November 2018.

Doongmabulla Springs to the south west of the proposed Carmichael Mine.

Doongmabulla Springs to the south west of the proposed Carmichael Mine.Credit: Fairfax Media

“Right now, the ones in the way of this project are in Canberra,” Ms Enoch said.

“The Department of Environment and Science can’t progress its assessment of Adani’s groundwater report until the Federal Government gives the CSIRO report to them,” she said.

“It hasn’t. And that’s despite requests to the federal minister and her department.”

The comparison is critical because Adani needs to restrict the impact on the flow of the springs – fed by the Great Artesian Basin groundwater – to 20 centimetres, according to the federal Environment Department's approval process.

Queensland's Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch

Queensland's Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch Credit: Glenn Hunt

"Under Adani’s EPBC Act conditions of approval, groundwater drawdown at the Doongmabulla Springs must not exceed 0.2 metres," a statement from the federal environment department said.

In a groundwater study prepared for Eco Logical seen by Brisbane Times, the impact on the Doongmabulla springs – which feed six endangered species – ranges from five centimetres to 19 centimetres.


The federal government commissioned extra groundwater research from CSIRO and Geoscience Australia late last year.

The Queensland government was last month accused of delaying the project because it commissioned a group of bird experts to evaluate Adani’s plans to protect the threatened black-throated finch.

The federal Environment Department said on Thursday the CSIRO groundwater study would first be given to federal Environment Minister Melissa Price.*

Queensland needs to approve how Adani plans to manage the impact of its proposed coal mine on the Great Artesian Basin, described as the company’s Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan.

“The CSIRO and Geoscience Australia advice was commissioned as part of the Department of the Environment and Energy’s assessment of Adani’s draft groundwater plans,” a spokeswoman said.

“The department’s assessment will first be provided to the Minister for her determination.”

The spokeswoman said the federal government would give the data to Queensland, but did not say when.

Despite a major public relations campaign, Adani Mining still needs approval in three areas before its Carmichael Coal Mine, about160 kilometres north-west of Clermont, can begin.

The proposed mine includes six open-cut mines and five underground mines over 44,700 hectares, producing 60 million tonnes of coal a year.

Firstly, Adani must identify the source of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin coming up to a network of endangered springs eight kilometres to the west of the mine, known as the Doongmabulla Springs.

Eco Logical’s November 2018 study for Adani says: “Studies undertaken during – and post – the environmental impact studies indicate that the source aquifer is discharge from the artesian Clematis sandstone, through the weathered Moolayember formation.”

It says since 2014 it has dug 10 extra bore holes and shallow spear-point wells to determine that: “An alternative groundwater (source) concept for the Doongmabulla springs complex is that the source of the mound springs is a result of the presence of faults, which facilitate groundwater flow from a deeper source aquifer below the Clematis Sandstone and the Rewan formation.”

Hydrogeology and geochemistry expert, Associate Professor Matt Currell from Melbourne’s RMIT University, said Eco Logical’s study was not complete.

“I think that is still inconclusive based on the data they have included in the report,” Dr Currell said.

He said Adani should complete seismic studies near the Doongmabulla Springs to test exactly where the springs begin.

“They haven’t actually done that work anywhere near the springs to see if you do have deep faults that may be causing flow to be coming up from deeper through to the springs,” he said.

Secondly, Adani must also satisfy the state and federal governments that its coal mine will not negatively impact the flow of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin to six endangered species around the Doongmabulla springs.

Their updated November 2018 groundwater study – seen by Brisbane Times – reviews the impact on groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin from the proposed mine in three areas; near the Carmichael Mine, near the Doongmabulla Springs and at the Mellaluka Springs.

Eco Logical finds the Carmichael Mine’s groundwater “draw down” would be:

At the Carmichael River

  • Four metres in an 800-metre section near the mine;
  • About “1000 cubic metres per day” from Year 20 on the eastern boundary; and
  • Less than two metres on the western boundary, but zero flow days would increase from zero per cent to 5 per cent

At the Doongmabulla Springs

  • Eco Logical predicts falls in bore water levels of between five centimetres and 19 centimetres
  • It finds: “The levels of reductions ... are within the range of natural seasonal fluctuations are likely to have negligible adverse impacts at Moses Springs and, at most, negligible adverse impacts to Joshua and Little Moses Springs”
  • “The threatened species found at the Joshua Spring wetland are unlikely to be impacted, as the water supply to the wetland in which they occur is not likely to be reduced to an extent that will affect these species”
  • It also says cattle will have a big impact on the springs

Dr Currell said Adani was relying on data originally gathered in 2014 by consultants GHD.

He said recent research by hydro-geologists (including himself) at RMIT, and colleagues at Flinders University and La Trobe University raised questions about Eco Logical’s estimates.

“I feel it is misleading. It should be saying that this is our best potential guesses, but there is a significant range of uncertainty on that,” he said.

Adani's proposed Carmichael coal mine.

Adani's proposed Carmichael coal mine.Credit: Tony Moore

The mine will also “dry up” the Mellaluka Springs, further south of the proposed Carmichael mine on private land, as has been previously reported.

Eco Logical’s November 2018 study predicts the mine will slowly dry up these springs over 60 years.

“(It) will have significant impacts on the ecological function for all the springs in the Mellaluka springs group, and their capacity to supply domestic and agricultural water, with the springs essentially drying up at the surface.”

Anti-mine lobby group Lock the Gate commissioned Dr Currell in January 2019 to review Eco Logical’s groundwater study.

In that review, he found there were many uncertainties in the relationship between the springs and the underlying hydro-geological system.

“To commence mining while such uncertainty remains unresolved, regarding the source aquifer and effect of water level changes on spring function (and) risks leaving the springs little protection against potentially irreversible impacts.”

Finally, the Queensland Government must approve Adani's black-throated finch management plan.

*Correction: This sentence has been amended to reflect the report would be provided to the federal minister rather than had been provided. 

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