The Greens say they’ll freeze rent for two years if they win next year’s Brisbane City Council elections – by charging landlords significantly higher rates if they hike rents above January 2023 levels.
While the council doesn’t have the power to directly control rents, the Greens say their plan would “make it extremely costly for property investors to raise rents by charging much higher rates if they do”.
They want to create a new rates category of “uncapped rental home”. Under this policy, if landlords were to raise rents, they would have to pay rates at this new, higher level – 750 per cent of the standard rates bill for the property.
In practice, the Greens say, this would be such a disincentive that rents would be effectively frozen at January 2023 levels.
“Our message to landlords is pretty straightforward: If you put up the rent, we’ll put up your rates,” says candidate for mayor Jonathan Sriranganathan.
“The suffering and disruption that unlimited rent increases are causing in our communities must come to an end.”