

This was published 4 years ago

Boatie beats authorities to free whale trapped in Gold Coast nets

By Matt Dennien

A boatie who cut a baby humpback whale free from Gold Coast shark nets could face a fine in the tens of thousands of dollars if authorities decide to push ahead with an investigation.

The man took to the water off Burleigh Heads on Tuesday morning after a drone operator reportedly spotted the whale about 7am.

The Department of Fisheries had deployed staff for the rescue mission but had not arrived before the man took matters into his own hands.

Michael Mikitis, the department's shark control program manager, said he first received a call at 7.20am on the program hotline.

The incident was confirmed via remote cameras and lifeguards about 8am, when rescue crews - some members of which were off-duty - were called to action.

"They were on the water by just after 9 o'clock, and they were on scene by 9.45am," he said.

Sea World rescuers had also prepared to deploy a team and were en route when the whale, between five and eight metres in length, was released.

Mr Mikitis said could not confirm the status of the whale as it had swum away before the crews arrived.

Fisheries Minister Mark Furner said it was "unusual" to see an entangled whale at this time of year.


"I'm very pleased that the whale has been released," he told reporters on Tuesday afternoon.

"Our marine animal rescue team was on its way to untangle the baby whale and I understand a person was involved in untangling the whale."

Under Queensland laws, shark control equipment is protected by a 20-metre exclusion zone. Those failing to adhere can be fined $26,900.

"I encourage people to allow the professionals to do their job and make sure they release any marine life that may be unfortunately caught up in this equipment," Mr Furner said.

"It is dangerous equipment, we have obviously seen loss of life of people themselves being entangled."

The man involved in Tuesday's incident had not been fined, Mr Furner said.

If an investigation were to occur it would open to the department to consider such a penalty.

Sea Shepherd lead shark campaigner Jonathan Clark said the government needed to remove shark nets before the whale migration season began in late autumn - something NSW authorities had committed to do.

"They are already too late as the entirely predictable event of whale entanglements in these useless shark nets has commenced," Mr Clark said.

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