

This was published 5 years ago

Before Fitzgerald: How the band of brothers gathered as whistleblowers

By Tony Moore

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen at his final press conference as premier.

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen at his final press conference as premier.Credit: Archive

Jim and Christine Slade sit on their back deck sifting through memories of life in the Queensland police.

It is July 2019. It's cold, windy.  The pages of my notebook flap against my wrist as I take notes.

Their back deck has a tent set up in one corner. People had stayed for the weekend to celebrate Christine’s birthday. Family and friends are still making tea and coffee in the kitchen. Their grandkids watch TV.

Their thoughts return to September 16, 1984, in the Sydney suburb of Manly.

Christine and Jim Slade.

Christine and Jim Slade.Credit: Tony Moore

It was the day young undercover Queensland Constable Slade, from Kyogle, met NSW police criminal intelligence analyst Peter Vassallo, from Sydney.

The Queenslander gathered crime intelligence. The NSW crime analyst put the data into a bigger perspective.


The meeting was the real beginning of the torchlight shining on the era of heroin trafficking, crooked cops, bribes and prostitution rackets in Queensland, unearthed by the Fitzgerald Inquiry report in 1989.

Even criminals rated Jim Slade's quiet role in uncovering the system of bribes to police as crucial.

There is a quote from the late Jack Herbert, Queensland’s crooked cop who set up the intricate network of payments from crims for a decade.

“That’s what brought us all undone — Slade accusing Barnes of offering him a bribe," Herbert writes in his book The Bagman: The Life and Lies of Jack Herbert.

"Slade was the basis of the whole thing, the whole bloody thing.

"That’s what brought Four Corners up here, because they’d heard the story. That bastard.”

Slade, Vassallo and another Queensland “outsider”, former English Midlands constable Nigel Powell, uncovered an organised crime network in Queensland from the outside.


Hard times for honest police

“I bet at times Chris wishes she had a different husband,” Slade says as we share coffees looking out from their two-level timber home.

Chris smiles, wraps her fingers around her coffee and brings it close to her chest.

Jim Slade working on drug raids in north Queensland in the 1980s.

Jim Slade working on drug raids in north Queensland in the 1980s.

Slade was an effective cop.

“They reckon I could photograph a drug deal using the light from a match-strike,” he laughs.

That earned him the codename "Kodak".


Only in recent years has Slade opened up about his role in two national drug investigations in north Queensland, where he first identified some members of the Bellino family and others linked to Australia’s drug trade in the '70s and '80s.

“The full story has not been told yet,” Slade says.

“But if you had asked me [to talk] four years ago, I would have said, ‘get f---ed Tony Moore – I am not having anything more to do with this’.”

Lately he has relented and is writing his own book, Call Sign Kodak, with the encouragement of crime writer Matthew Condon.

His 1984 report on his discoveries while on undercover surveillance in north Queensland opened the door to two national crime investigations into the state.

Both Slade and Vassallo were thwarted by Joh Bjelke-Petersen’s government, largely on the advice from now-disgraced then-police commissioner Terry Lewis.

Lewis would in 1991 be sentenced to 14 years' jail, after being found guilty of 16 charges of corruption and accepting $700,000 in bribes.


Slade’s untold story is how he, a plain-speaking police constable, met Vassallo, a crisp, well-spoken former engineer who became a constable at 34 to fight a drug problem at his daughter’s Sydney school.

Corrupt former Queensland police commissioner Terry Lewis leaves St Vincent De Paul's day centre for home detention release after leaving prison.

Corrupt former Queensland police commissioner Terry Lewis leaves St Vincent De Paul's day centre for home detention release after leaving prison.Credit: Greg White

The Queensland intelligence they had gathered was going nowhere, despite being discussed by the top echelon of Queensland police, Slade and Vassallo said.

But it would be two years before the pair contacted ABC investigative reporter Chris Masters in September 1986. Two frustrating years.

$100 from 'Uncle Gerry'

In 1982, Slade worked undercover for the Justice Stewart royal commission and returned to north Queensland in 1984 for Operation Trek, run in Brisbane by Sergeant Alan Barnes.

In November 1984, he handed his undercover report to his Bureau of Criminal Intelligence boss, Inspector Col Thompson. Slade thought crime intelligence units above him would devour it and build a new strategic approach to tackling the drug trade.


However, Lewis at that time chaired Australia's Police Management Committee. The director of the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, Australia's senior crime intelligence unit, reported to Lewis, Vassallo said.

Queensland assistant police commissioner Graeme Parker was the liaison officer with the National Crime Authority, the Australian Federal Police, Customs and the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, he said.

Then, according to Slade’s detailed notes - and his evidence to the Fitzgerald Inquiry - Sergeant Barnes from Queensland’s Bureau of Criminal Intelligence offered Slade $100 on February 8, 1985, as they drank at the Queensland Police Club in Brisbane.

On March 8, Barnes picked him up at the Brisbane Airport coming home from north Queensland and gave him a second $100 from “Uncle Gerry”.

Geraldo Bellino (front) and Vittorio Conte leave court after day 1 of the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption.

Geraldo Bellino (front) and Vittorio Conte leave court after day 1 of the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption.Credit: Fairfax Media

Gerry Bellino would later be jailed for seven years after the Fitzgerald Inquiry for paying bribes.

Slade said he always saw the money from Barnes as an attempted bribe.

“I came straight home and just said to Chris, ‘You wouldn’t believe what has just happened',” he said.

“I had been steering clear of it for bloody ages. I knew what was going on, but I never knew the extent of it.”

Their problems, including transfers and open threats, had just begun.

'Broken windows, dead dogs, all the rest of the bloody bullshit'

When Slade met Vassallo at an intelligence analysis training course at Sydney's National Police College in September 1984, they were both constables.

Everyone else was a superintendent or above.

“Because we were shit-kickers, we both gravitated together,” Slade says.

“We were having a few beers one night and Peter is telling me about these Italians and I said, 'You wouldn’t believe what I have just found in north Queensland’.”

“Jesus Christ,” Slade remembers Vassallo saying. “Does anyone know about this?”

The answer was yes.

They knew there “were problems” in Queensland’s Bureau of Criminal Intelligence. That meant leaks.

For two years they watched as the National Crime Authority struggled to get approval from Queensland's premier, its police commissioner or its misled police minister Bill Glasson snr to operate in Queensland, Vassallo said.

By May 1986, Queensland’s assistant commissioner Graeme Parker ordered that all inquiries about the Bellino family to the Queensland police attached to the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, located in Canberra, had to go through him.

By September 1986, two years after Slade met Vassallo, the pair decided to change course.

“Peter knew Chris Masters,” Slade said.

“By this time we had been going through this incredible period of harassment; broken windows, dead dogs, all the rest of the bloody bullshit.

"I said to Christine, 'We have got nowhere else left to turn. We have nowhere to go. Nowhere'.”

Vassallo and Masters had worked on an earlier Four Corners program about organised crime in Australia.

Fitzgerald-era whistleblower Peter Vassallo.

Fitzgerald-era whistleblower Peter Vassallo.

'We were at war. People could die'

Vassallo is now retired.

He rarely speaks about his role.

He too is writing a book on his work. Its working title is We Few, We Band of Brothers, inspired by a line from Shakespeare's Henry V  he said quietly to his wife as he got emotional while a documentary showed part of his work.

The former Canberra-based intelligence officer describes himself as a prolific report writer.

It was his May 1985 Alpha Report on the Australian Mafia to the Australian Police Commissioner's Management Committee in Perth, attended by Lewis and Glasson, that opened eyes in Queensland police.

That report included detailed information from Queensland, from Slade.

“Subsequently they had me running around the countryside for 12 months briefing every homicide squad, every [Bureau of Criminal Investigation], every major crime squad and so forth,” Vassallo said.

It identified the Bellino family as worthy of investigation. Gerry Bellino’s brother, Tony Bellino, was investigated but never charged after the Fitzgerald Inquiry.

Tony Bellino, who once ran Brisbane’s The Roxy nightclub, has always denied being involved in organised crime, telling Brisbane Times in 2009 he was "not Brisbane's Tony Soprano".

Vassallo said his job was to identify national targets for the National Crime Authority's special reference group, "Vigilantes".

"I nominated the Bellino brothers as targets worthy of investigation to determine if they were up to no good,” he said.

When he met Slade, he discovered they had similar targets for crime investigation.

However, the Bjelke-Petersen government’s reluctance to allow the National Crime Authority to investigate meant Vassallo had to plan a new approach.

“We were at war. People could die. Some people did die,” he said.

Vassallo worked for the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence.

He says the bureau did not report to any one government, either state or federal.

“It was a national bureau where the director reported to a management committee. The management committee was made up of all the police commissioners and every July they played musical chairs so you never had one commissioner in the seat for more than one in seven years,” he says.

“Therefore they could not influence what we did or didn’t do in terms of targets or operational things.”

Still, Queensland's police leadership resisted federal pressure for the National Crime Authority to  investigate widely in Queensland.

“The decision was to run a counter-intelligence operation and use the media,” Vassallo said.

"The idea was to attack corrupt police that protected the professional crooks.

“I had used Chris Masters once before in a program which he called the Family Business years before."

The show was based around a dramatisation of the 1977 murder of anti-drugs campaigner Donald Mackay in the NSW town of Griffith.

"I provided technical advice," Vassallo said.

"The resulting Four Corners program was very successful and put the Mafia back on the front pages.

"So in September 1986 I recommended Chris Masters meet Jim Slade. The Moonlight State program was the result of his efforts."

Help from a lawyer he hated

In Brisbane, English copper Nigel Powell was always most comfortable working as a “street cop”.

“I loved it,” he said.

Within his first two months, he earned the ire of local police for arresting and charging a drunk railway squad detective sergeant, who had smashed a shopfront window.

Former licensing branch policeman and Fitzgerald Inquiry whistleblower Nigel Powell.

Former licensing branch policeman and Fitzgerald Inquiry whistleblower Nigel Powell.

He was even less comfortable with what he witnessed while working plainclothes in Brisbane’s licensing branch.

He tells how one raid on brothels run by jailed prostitution and drug figures Hector Hapeta and Anne-Marie Tilley was suddenly cancelled.

“It was turning into a massive organisation to raid all of Hapeta and Tilley’s massage parlours and escort agencies,” Powell said.

“I was about to go into a motel and book a girl when there is a phone call and she announces she knows there is going to be a raid and she is closing all the premises and having a party.

“I had probably spent a month or two undercover following cars, monitoring it all and hiding under cars and doing all these late-night observations to build the case.”

After nearly three years in the licensing branch, he was suddenly transferred back to uniform at Woolloongabba.

“There followed a campaign to discredit me and have me kicked out of the force,” he said.

He managed to transfer to police prosecutions. Nearly two years later, he found himself prosecuting protesters during the SEQEB strikes.

“I prosecuted [Senator] George Georges. It is one of my claims to fame,” he says with a laugh.

It was also where his hackles against the misuse of police were raised further.

“We had ample power to deal with people who were protesting, we didn’t need a special piece of legislation,” he says.

“It was a political move and that was my objection, basically. You, as a politician, cannot instruct me, as a police officer, to go and do anything.”

But the campaign against him continued. He resigned in early 1986.

Over Christmas 1986 at Byron Bay he considered approaching the media.

“I had tried two or three times to get what I knew to someone who could do something about it,” he says.

He mentions several other reporters who did not, or could not, do anything with the information.

“I was pretty frustrated, but I was a prosecutor. I knew I didn’t have any direct evidence,” he says.

“I only had things that didn’t add up and bear in mind I was only a constable, not a sergeant or an inspector.”

He spoke with senior defence lawyer Terry O’Gorman, who he had come up against in court when he was a prosecutor.

“I hated him, but I thought who better to be looking after me than someone who doesn’t mind having a go at the cops,” he says.

That meeting between O’Gorman and Powell cemented the trio of whistleblowers to open the door that led to the Fitzgerald Inquiry.

O’Gorman told him he had been approached by Four Corners and offered to connect Powell with Masters. Powell accepted.

Powell also contacted The Courier-Mail after an article, without a byline, appeared in January 1987. It questioned the lack of police action in the vice area.

Eventually, he found his way to the author, reporter Phil Dickie.

He discovered Dickie had done “a lot of good legwork”.

"Dickie had a lot of names by working out who owned the properties and who paid the power bills at the properties," he says.

“But he didn’t know how they were connected, how they fitted in and how they were related and he had no pictures.”

That was Powell’s piece of the puzzle. He explained some of the structure and many of the relationships.

He suggested they use the cover of a sports photographer to go to a Brian Janssen boxing fight at the now-demolished Festival Hall to put names to faces in the audience.

There they got photos of Gerry Bellino and Hector Hapeta among others, enough for the next two 1987 articles in the newspaper.

“And, in the meantime, I was talking to Chris Masters.”

And Masters had for months been speaking to Slade and Vassallo.

The noose of the Fitzgerald whistleblowers began tightening.

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