

This was published 2 years ago

Outgoing MP Tim Smith may be incoming

By Stephen Brook and Samantha Hutchinson

How soon is too soon for the return of Tim Smith? The state Liberal MP has announced he will leave his lower house seat at the November state election after he drunkenly crashed his car into the fence of a Hawthorn home last October. The Liberal Party preselected former Josh Frydenberg staffer Jess Wilson to take his place.

So it is a bit of a stretch to imagine that the outgoing Smith might be incoming at the November election, heading for the state’s upper house.

Kew MP Tim Smith.

Kew MP Tim Smith.Credit: Justin McManus

Nevertheless, that option is being discussed. Even Winston Churchill’s wilderness years were of a considerable length – 1929 to 1939 – but the political cycle has sped up considerably since then.

Smith, 38, resigned from the opposition frontbench after he crashed his six-week-old Jaguar into the Hawthorn family home in late October while twice the legal alcohol limit. He lost his licence for 12 months but agreed to serve out his term.

However, party members are mooting a potential position in the upper house. “It’s one of the options, but I am not sure if there is anything available,” a Liberal source said.

Sources close to Smith say he is currently not strongly motivated to seek election. He certainly has been laying low apart from attending a party at the British consulate-general for Moomba.

But that may change if the Liberal Party succeeds in getting rid of trouble-mouth upper house MP Bernie Finn and his seat becomes available in time for November.

But then there is the issue of the harm to the fence of the Hawthorn home.

The damage has not been repaired, according to CBD’s most recent drive-by. We hear insurers and loss adjusters are handling the case in an ongoing dialogue with the property owners, who respectfully declined to speak to the media.


It is expected that the matter will be concluded soon. Well before the election campaign starts up anyway.


Working lunch for one: Adam Bandt at Tora Dumplings in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, last Friday.

Working lunch for one: Adam Bandt at Tora Dumplings in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, last Friday.

SPOTTED: Anyone strolling down Fitzroy’s Brunswick Street can’t fail to see that the joint is plastered with posters of Greens leader Adam Bandt’s smiling face.

But on 2.30pm on Friday there was the man himself, tucking into a solo bowl of wonton noodle soup, sitting on a bench seat at Tora Dumplings that looked out on the progressive thoroughfare.

Bandt had his laptop out next to the dish, looking intently at the screen. Despite being seated in the restaurant’s prime spot, the local member for the seat of Melbourne was able to remain incognito to passers-by. Maybe he has reached saturation point?


Sign of the times.

Sign of the times.Credit: John Shakespeare

Forget former prime ministers tapping party faithful for cashola in the dying days of the federal election campaign. Former Australian ambassador to the US Joe Hockey is going one better. The Liberal veteran-turned-minted-consultant with his Bondi Partners international advisory is supporting local member for North Sydney Trent Zimmerman.

He has strung up a giant tarpaulin inscribed “Trent” on the garage of his home in Sydney’s Hunters Hill. The garage roof is a prime vantage point for the nearby main road.

But for Hockey, the act isn’t just political. “We had a leak in the garage and I had to put a tarp up and it just happened to have Trent’s name on it,” the former treasurer told CBD.

“Trent used to work for me when I was the member for North Sydney so of course I support him, but I got sick of the independents’ signs everywhere around the area.”

Now back in Washington, DC, after a stint in Australia, Hockey said he had been frustrated by allegations of bullying by independent volunteers who have been criticising residents displaying Liberal corflutes.

“It’s just general bullying – [some] people with signs in their front yard are being heavily criticised and it’s p*ssed me off because … it’s just extraordinary. So this is what I’m doing in response. It’s a sign of defiance to send a message that roof leaks are intolerable!”

Hard to miss it: The Trent Zimmerman tarp on Joe Hockey’s property.

Hard to miss it: The Trent Zimmerman tarp on Joe Hockey’s property.

But proving all politics is local, Hockey said he knew the tarp would probably ruffle feathers in the leafy and usually very, very quiet harbourside enclave. “There are probably mixed feelings [about the sign] which you can see from the street … actually it’s like the Great Wall of China, hopefully you can see it from space.”


Move over Waleed Aly and Lisa Wilkinson.The Project hosts are about to share prime time on Network Ten with Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly, an unusual fit for the youth network which prides itself on its leftie political stance.

That is because the United Australia Party has bought a one-hour slot at 9.45pm on Wednesday after Ten screens MasterChef Australia and First Dates for the airing of its National Broadcast of the United Australia Party Launch with Craig Kelly.

The long-form party political broadcast – a highlights package from the UAP launch in Coolum – ran on Nine at 2pm on Saturday and screened on digital channels Sky News and Channel 7 Flix on Tuesday night. Slots were bought based on what was available. Which for Ten turned out to be a Wednesday in prime time.

The show features an election disclaimer: “The following program has been produced and paid for by the United Australia Party. Authorised by Clive Palmer for the United Australia Party, Brisbane.” Good to know.


Data reveals the UAP is still topping the cash splash across platforms Facebook and Instagram. For the three months to mid-May, it sank $535,000 on social media. Meanwhile, at the opposite end of the political spectrum, the Simon Holmes a Court-led Climate 200 spent $322,000 in the 90-day period singing the praises of “teal” independents.

A spokeswoman for Ten, owned by US giant CBS, declined to comment. The UAP is expected to spend more than $80 million on the campaign, including for TV slots and billboards and on social media. Guess money talks.

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