

This was published 7 years ago

You should be far more scared about your data security

Sure, the government has demonstrated its incompetence in looking after your official data - so why shouldn't it be able to do the same with all your personal communications?

By Andrew P Street

It's been an exciting few days for security theatre in Australia, with performances based upon the dramatic conceit that the only way to keep our nation safe is for the government to have access to all your data which it will keep as hackable as possible.

Security has become the all-purpose justification for a lot of sweeping new controls over your activity, citizens. On Monday Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called a press conference to announce that the military would be given powers to intervene in what have hitherto been police matters.

Malcolm Turnbull is searching for a consistent line.

Malcolm Turnbull is searching for a consistent line.Credit: Ben Rushton

And this would seem like a concerning escalation of the military into civilian policing, were it not that Turnbull had hilariously decided to make the announcement backed by what seemed like an updated version of the S1W dancers that perform with Public Enemy. All he lacked was Peter Dutton interjecting while wearing an oversized novelty clock around his neck while insisting that triple zero is a joke.

Speaking of which, then there was the semi-announcement that Dutton, current Immigration Minister and former Worst Health Minister Of The Last 35 Years would be given unprecedented and sweeping new powers as head of a Homeland Security style department which Australia now definitely needs for reasons that are not remotely clear, and following revelations that merely merging the departments of Immigration and Border Protection has been an ey-wateringly expensive and bureaucratically soul-sapping nightmare.

And then there was Friday's announcement that the Australian government would be demanding encryption codes for secure messaging apps, such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, with the Prime Minister using a line that probably sounded much more clever in his head than it sounded when he said it out loud.

"The laws of Australia prevail in Australia, I can assure you of that," he said when a reporter who understands what modern encryption entails asked if it was mathematically possible to even determine encryption keys, since the entire point of them is to create algorithms that require more computational power to unravel than is physically possible.

"The laws of mathematics are very commendable but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia." Mic drop! Turnbull out!

And that's all very l33t haxxor and all, but there are a few teeny tiny problems with demanding tech companies to create and supply backdoor access to your data, aside from the fact that "Backdoor Access (To Your Data)" sounds like a dance floor smash hit in the making.


One of the huge problems with this is that security agencies have already demonstrated that the problem isn't a lack of information so much as a lack of resources to evaluate and act upon the information they already have. Man Haron Monis wasn't able to carry out the Lindt siege because he cunningly used encrypted messaging apps; he was well known to authorities, he was supposedly being monitored, and yet… well, here we are.

Collecting billions and billions of terabytes of people's personal data is just going to create vast amounts of extra haystack to cover up the existing needles that our authorities clearly have neither the time nor resources to adequately address.

There's also the problem that overseas tech companies such as Facebook and Apple have made clear that nope, they won't be handing over encryption keys for messaging apps and email to a government that can't even keep your private medical records from being sold online. After all, security is not enhanced by designing and building enormous weaknesses into a system.

But there's a bigger problem, which is this: people can't be trusted, and that information will absolutely be leaked.

Sure, some people are fine with selling secrets to criminal organisations for personal gain, but the more frequent situation when we have yet another massive leak of government data is that someone screwed up. They had "password" as their password, or they left their laptop on a train, or they wanted to help out that new staff member with the Russian accent by supplying the administrator log-in details they apparently mislaid.

See, people make mistakes. They do things like, for example, circulate detailed instructions on how the ATO get information out of phones, even with the SIM card removed. They accidentally publish all the personal details of those held in immigration detention online, or easily identifiable medical records.

But also, people with access to data use it for their personal benefit.

Indeed, in the US there was a minor furore in 2013 when it was revealed that staff in the National Security Agency were using their access todata to spy on people they thought were hot, or stalk their exes, or check up on their spouses. It was common enough that it had its own departmental abbreviation: LOVEINT.

And it's not just an American problem: last year the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission investigated "a police officer who had been trawling through crime databases looking for information about people he had met on a dating service. He was convicted of 50 charges of unauthorised access". Fancy giving this fellow access to your private messages?

Our security services have done an excellent job in keeping Australians safe so far, and confusing new departmental mergers and new powers to do things no one understands seems like a great opportunity for things to go horribly wrong.

Then again, maybe the government just fancies you.

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